Another year done. Another year lost(ish) to the plague that never ends. But at least we had books.
Ordinarily, I do a whole breakdown of stats for what I read this year, but all I could muster this time was fiction vs. nonfiction (69 vs. 16) and men vs. women authors (32 vs. 53). I know I read from a diverse population of authors, including a good amount of BIPOC, so that’s exciting. There were also three DNFs (Sophomores, The Promise, Dream Girl). The rest though? Doesn’t matter. Just like the fact that I will have finished 86 books by the end of this year doesn’t matter (I’m still working through one as I’m writing this, but will finish by the end of the year).
Of note: I decided I’m not participating in the Goodreads challenge next year. I think I’m going to still track my books using the app (paper and pen was my next choice but let’s face it, I’m forgetful and I’d lose track) but on a shelf I create rather than the challenge itself. I don’t think I like what that challenge has done.
People seem to feel more focused on hitting an arbitrary target or goal than focusing on the act of reading itself. Which, honestly, is the point. Reading to read. Not to have another metric by which to compare yourself to others. I’ve said it a dozen times – reading is not a competitive sport and I partly blame the Goodreads challenge for turning it into one. So I’m opting out.
I think there are a few other aspects of reading I’m a little disenchanted with, particularly around social media and I’m also considering muting or unfollowing a good amount of bookish IG and Twitter accounts. I miss when reading was just about the books. It’s so focused on pretty pictures and reviews and book hauls and it’s overwhelming at this point. I don’t mind some of the posts; I think I just follow too many accounts and it’s starting to make me unhappy. So it needs to go.
All of that said, here are my lists of yearly favorites. There were a lot of great books I read, but for one reason or another, these resonated with me more than others. Are they the best books I read? Maybe not. But they were my favorites.

OK. Now let’s see what your favorite books of the year were. Bloggers, link up below. Nonbloggers, leave a comment with a couple of your favorites. It’s also important that you visit my co-host Steph and some others joining us. And don’t forget that the Show Us Your Books fun will continue into 2022, with the first one on January 11.