Month three of publicly declaring my goals. In April, I kicked the living shit out of my goals and accomplished 4 of 5. I think I got prematurely arrogant, set 5 more goals for May, and accomplished exactly zero of them. That’s right. Zero. None. I did nothing.
Actually, that’s a lie. I kept up with one goal, my 5k training. I am finishing week 5 (today, in fact) and I am thrilled with how it’s progressing. Now I just need to incorporate more strength training because my fat ass needs to lose some weight. So for this month, goal #1 is to lose a few pounds. Let’s say 5. That’s probably the most realistic number I can come up with. And, along with that, goal #2 is to continue the couch 2 5k program I started and be able to run the full 30ish minutes without stopping by the end of the month.
So that takes care of the health stuff. Now onto pioneer things.

And I am confident that not all pioneers crocheted well so if I can’t get it done, at least I know I tried my best. So goal #3 is to crochet that damn potholder. And then we’ll see.
Goal #4 is sewing a pillowcase. I talked about the million pillowcase challenge last month and I love the idea and I will get this one done. I have less than no reason why I didn’t do this in May except for utter laziness. With my daughter ending school this week, I’m thinking of ways to incorporate her into this challenge. Maybe have her help pick the fabric and patterns. That could work. Let’s do that.
And that brings us to the beer. Brewing beer is a pretty expensive endeavor, y’all. I think this one might have to wait until the end of the summer so we can buy the proper ingredients and do it correctly. Plus, we need to research a little more and all that good nerdy, overachiever stuff. But I like lists like this in groups of 5 which means I need to add another goal. I think, for this month, that goal #5 is to do some stuff with essential oils. From what I’ve been reading, the pioneers did a lot with herbal remedies and essential oils, to me, seem to encompass that. I’ll probably start with a homemade cleaner (I already do the vinegar/water thing, but maybe something that smells less like salad dressing) and maybe an air freshener or lotion or lip balm.
I also plan to finish the start your own pioneer project series of posts I have outlined, along with my version of a pioneer manifesto (I’ve always wanted a manifesto), and finally get those published on here.
I figure as long as I don’t slack and actually act like a productive member of society (allowing proper time for Orange Is the New Black, of course), I should be able to achieve all my goals. Including the weight loss, which always, ALWAYS proves harder than the rest.
How about you? Do you have any monthly goals?