This is a guest post from my friend Kerry, who has a fabulous outlook on life and a super cute dog named Seamus. She also posts great recipes, especially for sangria, and her generosity and niceness towards others is admirable.
When Jana asked for some guest posters I was really nervous. If you don’t know me I am Kerry and I blog over at Till Then Smile Often, I was nervous because I am not known for my words like Jana. I am known more for my recipes and my generally positive outlook on life. Though everyone deserves a vacation, and while Jana is in NOLA I am taking over. Consider me jealous, NOLA is on my must visit list. Speaking of jealousy let me talk about some life myths.

Jealousy – Remember the Friends episode where they celebrate Ross’s birthday by going out to dinner and Joey, Rachel and Phoebe were having a hard time with the prices? Ever read a person’s blog and think I could never afford their wardrobe, their tastes etc? *Raises hand* Thing about that is everyone has a different circumstance. Some don’t have kids, they rent versus own, they make more money, they may be in debt up to their eyeball. Whatever the reason it can be hard not to be jealous, but the simple things mean more than monetary items. Remember what you do have, versus what you don’t have it’s healthier.

Money makes you happy – Like The Notorious B.I.G said Mo’ Money, Mo’ problems. Being able to feed, cloth, and shelter yourself and/or your family is important but everything else is a bonus. Filling our lives with fillers and pretty things and gadgets though nice doesn’t mean we are happier. Just look at our addictions to our smartphones. The kids who have smartphones. Does that make our lives better? Not that I am giving up my cell phone but sometimes less is more.

Thank you so much to Jana for having me, hopefully I did her proud. Jana’s note: You did, Kerry. I had no doubt about that.