I loved Kristin’s post where she shared her map of states she’s lived in, visited, or driven through. In fact, I loved it so much I’ve decided to share mine, which actually tells two stories: where I’ve been and where I still need to go.
Let’s have a look:
Now let’s break it down.
I grew up on Long Island, went to college (and currently live) in Delaware, spent 6 glorious summers and one not so glorious year living in various parts of Pennsylvania so the fact that almost the whole East Coast, specifically the mid-Atlantic, is filled in shouldn’t be a surprise. I do need to finish visiting New England and although Maine isn’t filled in, I think maybe I might have been there at some point. I can’t remember so I left it out. Fun fact: my high school has graduated a number of notable alumni including Natalie Portman, Judd Apatow, and Idina Menzel. I don’t know any of them.
The western states are covered mostly due to a 6 week tour I took in high school. It started in Seattle, went up through the Canadian Rockies, and came down through Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and ended in Colorado. I got to see a number of amazing sites including the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, and Yosemite. I’ve also visited California and Colorado as an adult. Very different experiences.
The rest of the states like Michigan, Texas, Kentucky, Missouri, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois were the result of family trips, college visits, or blogging or work conferences. We actually flew to Texas a few weeks after 9/11 and the plane was so empty flying home they let all 8 of us travelling sit in first class. Free upgrade FTW!!! It’s also the only time I’ve flown first class.
For whatever reason, I’ve missed most of the midwest and deep south. It’s not that I’ve purposefully avoided them, it’s just never been a priority to go there. However. Since one of my life goals is to visit every state, when I plan my cross country trip, I know which ones are mandatory to visit so if you live in those states, you need to let me know what I absolutely have to see when I visit your state.
And Alaska and Hawaii will happen, too, because I just really want to go there.
For those counting, I’ve visited 28 states. Not too shabby. But still room for improvement.
How about you guys? What does your states visited map look like?
Well well well…looks like a trip to Alabama is in order for you! I can show you all the yummy food and beer here 🙂 Duh!
I have been up and down the east coast, hit a good bit of the midwest, but never been further west than Kansas/Texas.
Nadine recently posted…Weekend Shenanigans
I definitely need to visit Alabama and you will show me all the food 🙂 And those awesome tunnel lights.
I’m missing a lot more than I thought I would be. I’ll hopefully bang those out in the next five years.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…TWTW – the one with the stuff
I totally want to go to Alaska and Hawaii too!! And wow – you cover a lot of this map – I think I’ve only covered the Eastern Sea board and California. I definitely need to go MORE places!
Kateri Von Steal recently posted…Short Weekend! I want a Do -Over!
that’s so cool you were bumped up to first class.. i mean not cool because of why the plane was empty, but cool all the same. I’ve been to Hawaii but I still want to go to Alaska!
kristen recently posted…Even more about Australia
I’ve visited a lot of States. But there are a lot of places I still want to visit. I have been to Hawaii. It was awesome.
Amber recently posted…Day Four At Disney World: Natalie’s Eighth Birthday, Meeting Anna and Elsa, Cinderella’s Royal Table (And More!)
Mine is kind of sparse. I have been to all of the Northeastern states, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, and South Carolina. I’ve actually been to Hawaii too! I would love to visit Chicago and mark off Illinois. Want to get to California, Colorado and Texas…okay I have a lot of states that I need to visit!
Karen recently posted…Why Self Published Authors Need A Website
I’ve got a good majority of the states covered except a lot of New England (I really want to do a fall roadtrip and I’ve never been to Delaware), and some states in the deep south although I’ll check off north carolina for fincon! You must go to Hawaii!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Choice vs. Necessity
We’ve always tried to avoid being stationed in the south, so I haven’t seen much of it either. However, I do know I’ve only done a fair amount of traveling because of the military. You’ve done a lot without that!
Kristin recently posted…Basil-Oregano Pesto
I want to do all 50 states too. I have done a lot of states due to going to school in Ohio and some other work or road trips but I still need to do the west coast and some of the middle states. Will need to get a few more added to the list this year. You have been to a lot already you can totally hit all 50 states.
Kerry recently posted…I’m A Girl and I Build Things
I’ve had no one famous graduate from my high school. A sportswriter that is pseudo-Texas famous. That’s it. But, I do know him. That’s gotta count for something.
Where you’re lacking, I’ve been. But, I’ve not hit any of the New England area. So, I’ve got some making up to do. I haven’t done this yet, but if I had to guess, I’d say I’m about the same number of states as you.
Erin recently posted…Book Review – Saving Francesca – Melina Marchetta
Wow you’ve been a lot of places! I’ve been to most of the southeast and OK and TX, but no further west than that. I’ve also been to NY and Canada, but only to see the Canadian side of Niagara Falls!
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Ac-centuate the Positive
I have a goal to visit every state too! I have plans to cross another three or four off my list this year, but I’ve still got a looong way to go. Want company on that trip? 🙂
i have visited them all! most of them were through road trips in summers during college.
ellesees recently posted…5 Year Blogiversary $100 Sephora Giveaway
My map would be very sparse in the middle and not that much better on the coasts. Maybe I prefer to travel overseas? Maybe I’ve only begun traveling more for work. Interesting map though! Did you have to use a program to color states or something online lets ya do that?
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…Lose the Cape {book review}
Fancy high school! The only “famous” people from my high school were a congressman, an NBA player, and some Olympic swimmers, who I do know personally, but they aren’t as cool as those celebs! Haha! I love seeing where people have been! I want to go to all those national parks someday with my kids. Here’s my map: http://www.easilyentertainedblog.com/p/travel.html
Christina recently posted…What I Read In March
You’ve nearly hit them all! haha I’ve been all over the east coast and parts of the west coast – the middle would be quite sparse for me!
Kay R. recently posted…A racing weekend