I think today is the day we’re supposed to report on our results of October’s Wallet Watch and I think tomorrow is the day we link up for our Choose Your Own Adventure Challenge but I’m pretty much a mess and since I’m remembering both now, they’re getting crammed into one post.
If you want to break it up, read the first half today and the second half tomorrow but that seems a bit ridiculous to ask of you guys so you probably should just knock it all out today.
Let’s cover the Wallet Watch first.
This is what went down:
- No unplanned going out to eat. The results: HAHAHAHAHA! I never should have even made this a rule because we didn’t even make it past the first weekend.
- Stop abusing my Starbucks gift cards. The results: I still have $5 left on one of them (which is half of the $10 initial amount) and I started drinking more tea at home. This was aided by the fact that my daughter said “Mommy, you should drink tea from home. It’s cheaper.”
- Stay away from nail polish and makeup. The results: I bought no new makeup. I bought no new nail polish. I spent $0 on anything beauty related, except for what was necessary like face wash. But I’m committed to getting the Naked or Naked2 Basics palette for Christmas. Or Hanukkah. Either will do.
- Find free stuff to do. The results: I think I did okay with this. Um. Well, except for the I can’t mention what it was family road trip the first weekend of the month. That was CRAZY expensive and maybe we used the money we had saved for our new dishwasher to do it but every minute was worth having to hand wash my dishes every day for the forseeable future.
So, to sum up
And now, the Choose Your Own Adventure Challenge.
I had one goal. To not drink diet soda. And I mostly achieved it. Except on the 7 or so days that I didn’t and had the deliciousness that is diet soda.
And it was glorious. #noshame
For November, the theme is organizing which I love more than words can say. I need to get some of my shit organized because I keep losing important things like bills and my daughter’s homework and gloves. And I really want to start using Pinterest more than just a place to internet hoard (between Pinterest and Pocket, I am set for DAYS with things to do and read). So I focused my organizing to these areas:
- My daughter’s homework station. She doesn’t have a desk yet and we needed somewhere to keep her craft supplies and homework and assorted school stuff. It’s impossible to find anything. It needs to be dealt with.
- My hallway closet. First of all, it smells like feet. So that needs to cease immediately. And the piles of winter accessories need to be sorted and stored in a fashion where my daughter doesn’t wind up wearing my gloves and my husband doesn’t have to use my polka dot umbrella.
- The living room table. I don’t know how to describe this situation. It’s essentially a table that gets filled with junk daily. I hate looking at it and if we didn’t need it, I’d set it on fire. Since we need it, it is a moral imperative that I figure out how to tame it.
- Pinterest. I need to cull my pins, reorganize my boards, and sort some into my new boards so that when I want to do a project, I can go to my board of projects I’ll actually do and when I want to menu plan using save recipes, I can find ones that fit my time constraints and my budget, and I need to do something with my secret boards, too.
I’m pretty sure I could attack my whole house so I might revisit this challenge on my own in a couple of months but for this month, the above list will do.
And this is how I feel about it.
dont even get me started about my living room table. it’s like crap grows feet and lays there to rest forever. i put bins along the wall and still..MORE crap. wtf.
kathy@vodka and soda recently posted…humpday confessions
If I put bins along the wall, more crap would just pile into the living room. I tried that for Erica’s toys but whatever was in her playroom was migrating to the living and just no. I’m not having that.
Your use of Big Bang gifs makes me all happy inside. Also, I will be linking up tomorrow because I need to get my life together. I dont know what my deal is lately? Maybe my OCD is leaving? LOL yeah right!!!!Your living room table sounds like my kitchen table.
And sounds like you rocked that wallet watch minus eating out! Who would put that on there anyways? Silly, Jana!
Nadine recently posted…Goodbye
I really don’t know why I put it on there. Being optimistic, I guess.
My life is a disaster! I cannot get my shit together. Like, at all. I’m hoping that these few projects, as well as doing NaNo, get my focused again.
my bday was last month so it was spend city. buttt this month i am reigning it in. no spending for me. i hope. i can do this. maybe.
Ellesees.blogspot.com recently posted…Cheap Shadows, Blushes, and Amazing Brushes: Stilazzi
You definitely can do it! It’s SO hard but you’ll feel better at the end of the month.
Great November goals! Your living room table is my dining room table and it makes me die inside.
I’m in the market for the Basics palette too. I have a 20% off coupon to Sephora for being a VIB, it’s good Nov 6-10. I have another for a friend, do you want the code?
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Confessions of an October Wallet Watch
Yes, please!
I can’t deal with table clutter. It makes me so sad.
We are in the midst of organizing pretty much the whole house, trying to get rid of a bunch of crap and figure out where everything is going to go. It looks like a bomb went off in our house right now. That or someone came in and ransacked the place. But it will be so worth it when we are done and everything is all pretty and organized! Good luck with your goals!
Julia recently posted…Being much more than me
It always makes me crazy that you have to make a bigger mess in order to make it cleaner. I desperately want a clean, organized house but my family fights me at every turn!
Your organizational challenges sound VERY similar to mine! Our closet is insane now that we’ve gotten winter stuff out, and our kitchen counter is constantly getting piles of junk dropped on it and left for way too long. Good luck! Let me know what you figure out!
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted…November goals, and October goals in review
I’m a little out of sync with the goal setting linkup, because I just finished up my organization projects. 😛 I guess I could come up with more. I particularly hate junk drawers, but my significant other loves them and I’m not sure if I’m feeling up to that battle just now.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to do the wallet watch so I didn’t even try. Good thing, too, because the amount I spent on Halloween costumes and our party would have been shameful to write a post about!
Jenn @ Business, Life & Design recently posted…The Significance of Significant – A Reveal
Your living room table is my desk!! It is my main goal this month to get it organized. It is my life to goal to organize my house because at this rate it will take a lifetime.
Don’t even get me started on the chaos that is my Pinterest account. Every time I log in with the intention of organizing it but just end up adding pins to random boards that need to be streamlined.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Ready or Not, Itâs November.
We’d totally fail at not eating out too! I have no idea how my parents did it. It was like a blue moon whenever we’d go out to eat. We have several junk surfaces – entry table, table next to the changing table, table in the kitchen. I should get on those.
I can’t even get my shit together this week to post let alone come up with organizing goals. I have vague ideas in my head but I don’t like to start without a plan, procrastination at it’s finest!
I love that you used responsible money for something fun! Since a dishwasher isn’t really a need I say yayyyy you.
Kelli recently posted…Picture Practice: Halloween
The road trips memories are much more worth it. My kitchen table is a mess, always have photography props on it. It needs to get organized asap.
Kerry recently posted…Wallet Watch | Mo’ Money
yay! i love the ‘i passed but i failed’ i totally feel that way too. which i think is awesome and totally passed, you know?
anywhoozits, good luck with your goals for this month – i am obsessed with organising and culling my pinterest boards, if only i could organise my house as easy and obsessively as i do that lol
Kristen recently posted…October Wallet Watch + Adventure Results
Lots of challenges going on in Nov! I love it! I’m doing a little organizing myself and trying to dig up some stuff to sell on craigslist. I thought I had dried up that well but when you’re desperate you can totally find shit around the house. 🙂
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Budget Circus Sideshow
I have a drawer that I always keep saying I’m going to “organize” but keep shoving shit in. It’s my anything I don’t want to deal with but might need so I’ll shove it in here drawer. My room is small and it seems no matter what I keep gathering crap! Good look on your list friend you can do it.
Athena recently posted…Welcome!
Good luck with your goals!
I had a $50 gift card to Starbucks. It’s down to $5. I only used it on Pumpkin Spice Frappucinos! It went fast! But I love those drinks and they only offer it briefly…
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
Call it a low standard but I decided that I could skip fussing about it if we only ate out (take out counts) twice a week. Less than that makes me happy but I’m not foolish enough to think we’d skip our weekly taco take-out if PiC has his way.
I’m working on setting some sane limits on kid stuff – heck, we haven’t even had the kid yet and I’m already looking around to see who I can share this abundance of (hand me down) baby clothes with!
Revanche recently posted…Pre-parenting: Work, leave and budgeting
The joy of moving thousands of miles to a whole new country is that you have to leave so much behind, you have less crap to organise! Though, I miss a lot of that crap 🙁
OH and I have started using YNAB to figure out our spendings. The categories where we almost always overspend on – booze, groceries, eating out. When you’re out and about, you need a bite to eat, you’re not just gonna head home! *sigh*
Jaina recently posted…New blogs!
How conscience of your daughter to say you will save money by drinking tea at home!
I hate losing things. I’m a bit particular because of it and I always put stuff in the exact same place I got. Which is a spot I probably designated for it to go and it *has* to go there. haha
Tricia’s Mostly Healthy Life recently posted…Last Weekend Sedona and Wildlife Trip
It sounds like you have a good goal list for November. I would love to see your daughters homework station when you finish it. It is always nice to have a great spot for homework and crafts. It seems pinterest can get cluttered and fast. I should have included that in my goals. Good luck this month!
haha I love the passed but failed gif. Good luck this month! I love organizing my pinterest boards, such a sense of accomplishment once it’s all done!
Stephanie recently posted…Choose Your Own Challenge Link Up {October Recap}