Last year, after our presidential election, I wrote a letter to my daughter (you can read it here). Although we didn’t have any off-year elections in Delaware, I think the results of what happened last night across the country bear a revisiting of that letter.
Yes, he, as you call him because you refuse to utter his name, is still president. He’s still running his mouth, purposefully and calculatingly dividing our country over both trivial and important matters while simultaneously scaring the shit out of everyone in an effort to distract from what he’s attempting to accomplish. I know you wish impeachment would happen and I’d tell you to be patient but that’s never been a quality of yours.
In the meantime, though, I want you to know this: resistance works. It worked in Philadelphia and New Jersey and Virginia and across the country. It means that on a local level, citizens are expressing their discontent and engaging in behavior that affects real, actual change. It means that those who might otherwise sit on the sidelines are stepping up and doing their part to combat societal divisiveness and degradation of social progress. It means that, with the volume of women elected to office, we are recognizing on a micro and macro level that women are just as capable as men in making policy decisions (I know this one makes you the happiest, my little feminist).
It means that enough people are as angry and as frustrated as you are.
I also want you to know that people are paying attention. Those with big platforms are using their voices and those with small platforms are using their voices. We are united in our desire for better because what we’re getting is not at all what we deserve. Conversations are happening now (though they should have happened earlier is a moot point), people are using our Constitution as it was intended, to protect citizens’ basic rights (although, as you’re way too unfortunately aware, we still need a bigger one about the 2nd) rather than harm them because our watchdogs are WATCHING, and enough people are dissatisfied with incumbents and institutions and status quo and are recognizing it’s time to shake shit up.
And selfishly, it means that all the good I saw in our county wasn’t wrong. It came out in droves last night.
This is only the beginning, though. We still have a lot of work to do. But I want you to know that work is being done. I know it’s hard for you to trust adults right now, and I don’t blame you, but we’re working on it. And in the meantime, don’t forget all the things we talk about.
Your voice is important.
Speak for those who can’t speak for themselves.
Science matters.
Love is love.
“No” is a complete sentence.
QUESTION EVERYTHING. Don’t accept something as fact if it seems wrong or misleading.
Stand up for your beliefs, your values, your morals, and yourself.
(And I know you make fun of my hairbands but these are inspiring words:)
And everyone has to keep voting in every election. The United States should be United. Greed is a mental illness. Greed kills.
Equality and liberty and justice for all. No one is perfect , but
The Democratic Party stands for what i believe.
No more complacency.
Love, Steph’s Momma
I love this. There were no elections in my county this week, but I still watched the national news for the election returns around the country. Hope anew.
I love this so much, Jana. And I love how strong you are raising your daughter, not that I would expect anything less! As much as I love my parents, I grew up in a time where my talents were encouraged but girls were meant to be quiet, to follow the boys. It makes me feel so good and hopeful to see so many young children (both boys and girls) raised to think differently. Honestly, I was terrified to look at election results on Tuesday because last year was still too fresh and painful but I did look and did stand and cheer. I tell myself this constantly: Trump and his cronies woke a sleeping giant. We have so much power. We just have to show up and do something.
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I absolutely love this. What a strong woman you’re raising!
We have so much work to do, but steps forward are so uplifting and motivating.
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THIS. Erica is super lucky, and super awesome herself. Even with all the good going on I still worry—you know me haha. But it’s been great to see that people are ready to step up. They’re doing it late, but I’m starting to gain hope that maybe it’s not TOO late yet.
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