This is a companion post to both my 40 by 40 and my list of things I have done.
Remember that drinking game where someone would say something that they’ve never done and then all the people who have done it stand up or take a drink or both? I didn’t really play it much but I’m sure there were a couple of times and it was fun so we’re going to play it today except you don’t have to tell me if you have done the things I haven’t (unless you want to) and you don’t have to drink if you have (unless you want to. Unless you’re at work. Then maybe that’s a bad idea. Unless you’re a bartender. Then drinking at work is probably okay). I’d prefer if you didn’t judge me on the things I haven’t done but I can’t stop you so try not to judge me too much.
Alrighty then.
- Gotten a tattoo
- Watched an Indiana Jones movie
- Drank Mountain Dew (it looks like something someone in a comic book would fall into and come out a supervillian)
- Changed a tire by myself
- Been arrested (or thrown in the drunk tank)
- Stayed awake for 24 straight hours
- Read the Harry Potter books (or Twilight or Divergent)
- Had short hair
- Gotten a massage
- Attended a professional basketball game
- Been on a cruise
- Played Cards Against Humanity (which I do realize is a crime against humanity)
- Watched an episode of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Real Housewives of Anywhere, or Big Brother
- Eaten a Big Mac
- Gone horseback riding (clarification: because I am TERRIFIED of horses)
- Cooked on a barbecue (I have eaten at a barbecue. I have never cooked on the actual grill because, like horses, I am terrified of them)
Bonus: I’ve never whistled because I can’t.
That’s all I can think of right now. I’m sure there’s more, particularly in the never watched or read and when I think of them, I’ll write them down and then maybe I’ll do a part 2.
Your turn. What are some things you’ve never done?
We have a ridiculous amount in common. No to…tattoos, HP, arrested, Big Macs, short hair, and Cards against humanity. I’ve been horseback riding once (on a trail) and it was terrifying. Never again.
Kristin recently posted…Crockpot Chicken Curry
Yay for having things in common!! I can’t do horses. They freak me out to the point of panic attacks.
i’ve never been on a cruise either…being stuck with eleventy billion people on a ship out at sea with no way off? not my jam.
kathy@real talk recently posted…real pants are for chumps
Cruises are such disgusting germ prisons I can’t even think about going on one.
Very cool post! Never on the tattoo!Hate needles. As I get older, I say to myself -I am almost 59 and I never did, saw, etc. certain things. Agree on the Mountain Dew- ew, and the Bachelor, etc. and the
Harry Potter, etc. books. Interesting thing to think about.
Hope you are all thawed out where you are. Thick ice here!
Love, SMD’s Momma
We’re thawed for now, thankfully!
Never been arrested either! I’ve never been to Europe, never got into Facebook, never eaten Indian food yet, and never read 50 Shades of Gray. There’s probably so much more that I can’t even think of!
Karen recently posted…Over At HauteMess Magazine
I have actually done all of those although the 50 Shades shames me.
LOL at the Mountain Dew comment, I totally agree! I have tried it but I don’t get why people love it because I think it’s nasty! I’ve never cooked on a grill either! That’s Adam’s job. 😉
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Weekend Recap + 2015 Goals: Where I’m At
I’ve never done some of these too, gotten a massage, been arrested, been on a cruise, or played cards against humanity. I really want to play that game, I need some friends!
Kelli recently posted…Random Ass Facts
I need to play it, too! It’s a shame I haven’t. When I am in NC, we’ll play it (ignore the previous iteration of this comment. I saw “Ke” and my brain read Kerry. Oops).
Love this for a post! So fun!
We have a lot of things in common up there! I do have a tattoo, I read HP and Twilight, I stay up for a really long time Thanksgiving Day/Black Friday with my mom, and I had a massage for the first time earlier this year because work paid for it. But I am with you on the rest of those things!
Nadine recently posted…Weekend Shenanigans & Getting Fit
I want to get a massage but that’s only a recent thing in my life. If I could get someone else to pay for it, I’d do it in a heartbeat!
what is the drunk tank? sounds scary.
i have read all those books you havent (i regret some and dont regret others) and i have 2 tattoos. i have never been to a professional basketball game either (college doesn’t count, right?)
Kristen recently posted…Positivity Project; Working on Me.
The drunk tank is basically a holding cell for drunk people who get picked up by the police. I know lots and lots of people who’ve been in one. Just not me 🙂
I am deathly afraid of the grill. That’s on my 40 by 40 – become unafraid of the grill. LOL
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…TWTW – it’s March, bitches.
Fun post! I’m surprised you’ve never read Harry Potter since you read a lot. I’ve also never read them because I don’t think magic is my thing, though the movies were good. I started but never finished Twilight. I’ve also never gotten a tattoo but have thought about it.
lisacng @ recently posted…Page Turners: The 100 year old man
Twilight never seemed interesting to me and I was in college when HP came out and I have never gotten around to picking them up. I’ve seen the movies so that’s enough for me.
You’ve never had a Big Mac?! They are so good!
Big Brother is an amusing show.
I haven’t changed a tire either. I think I know how to do it, but I’m not totally sure.
Amber recently posted…Help, I Have A Teenager!
Nope. Never. They never appealed to me.
It’s like I don’t know you at all! I have done everything on this list except go on a cruise, play Cards Against Humanity, watch any of the listed shows and whistle (because I can’t).
I have been to Whistler/Blackcomb in Canada twice. Other than that I have never been anywhere else outside of the country.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Bring On March
I wasn’t going to judge you… UNTIL I got to the Harry Potter part. I mean, I just don’t know if I can have you in my life anymore.
Amanda recently posted…ME WANT COOKIE
My husband says the same thing to me about Indiana Jones.
I don’t have a tattoo either, or read Harry Potter. You are missing out on the Bic Mac and Bachelor/ette. It’s fun to make fun of the girls crying like lunatics after knowing the guy two days! 😉
Kerry recently posted…Spring Cleaning Reads
We are so similar! The only things I HAVE done are drink Mountain Dew (once or twice, it’s gross), go on a cruise, and watch Bev Hills Housewives (but not the other shows)! Oh, and I can whistle. 😉
Christina recently posted…I Miss My Job
Umm you need to go get yourself a massage lady!! I have two tattoos and Ive never changed a tire by myself either. Nor do I really care to haha
Kay R. recently posted…Weekending and then some
Haha, well, the only three things I haven’t done on this list are the tattoo, arrested /drunk tank, and had short hair. All of the others I have done in whole or in part. (for example I’ve read one Harry Potter and none of the others on your list.)
Anne @ Money Propeller recently posted…How I Use Tangerine to get FREE Money at Tax Time
I have six things in common with you from the list above. PiC shares your Nope of horses and here I was planning for Little Bean to learn to ride as soon as ze can walk like I originally planned.
I haven’t ever been on a blind date, or done online dating, scubaed (snorkeling was horrifying, or jumped out of a plane. I also haven’t milked a cow, auditioned for anything remotely performance related, traveled internationally on a whim, or successfully roped anything from horseback. Or managed a successful backflip.
Almost seems like my life is a touch boring.
Revanche recently posted…Womenâs Money Week: Maternity/parental leave in California
Off the top of my head – here’s five based on your list:
1. I’ve never drank a cup of coffee.
2. I’ve never read or seen any Harry Potter books or movies.
3. I’ve never changed the oil in my car or a tire.
4. I’ve never been arrested.
5. I’ve never watched a Star Trek movie.
Technically, I’ve never had a Big Mac either, but I did eat a couple of bites just to see what I was missing.
Erin recently posted…Soundwave Music Festival – Day One – My Music Experience