My husband has been away for work for the better part of the past week and since my child keeps inviting friends over, I’ve been housebound which leaves me lots of time to binge watch The Fall (creepy as fuck. Watch it if that’s what you’re into) and have conversations with myself. I’ve written before about all the things I think when I’m alone but let’s revisit that topic, specifically lies I tell myself when my husband is away:
What I say: I’m going to get so much done! I’m going to be so productive! I’ll catch up and even get ahead!
What actually happens: Oh, hello, Netflix.
What I say: I will not freak out over every small noise, creek or thump. My unrealistic paranoia will stay in check!
What I say: I will not eat my body weight in cheese sandwiches and pickles.
What actually happens: I eat my body weight in cheese sandwiches and pickles.
What I say: I will go to bed early and sleep restfully, comfortably and without interruption!
What actually happens: The child and the dogs steal my bed and I’m left seriously debating if I should move them or just sleep on the couch.
What I say: The child and I will spend quality time together doing projects and talking and playing games.
What actually happens: She hangs out with her friends. I spend time with books and Netflix.
What I say: I will clean the house and do all the laundry and run all the errands so when he comes home, we can just hang out and have fun over the weekend instead of doing all that adulting crap.
What actually happens: I spend a substantial amount of hours on Goodreads, internet shop and pretend like we’re rich and I can buy all the things.
What I say: Everyone will be so calm and peaceful and it’ll be so relaxing to not have to monitor the husband’s ridiculous work schedule for an entire week.
What actually happens: I live in a fucking circus.
Lol! The best laid plans!!
Have a happy day.
Love, Steph’s Momma
It’s way more fun to do the what actually happens than what was planned anyway. It’s like a vacation!
Kellli recently posted…It’s All About The Books – Vol. 4
It was like a mini vacations, which is what I’m telling myself to be okay with the fact that I did nothing worthwhile.
hahaha the productive one…..totally me for most of work fuck-off time!
kathy @ real talk recently posted…wanderlust wednesday: the time we went to italy
I want to be productive. But my motivation just wants to take a nap.
LOLOL @ I live in a fucking circus. And the bed photo.
The best laid plans…
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…On the travel agenda
They stole my damn bed. Jerks. And seriously, I’m like one elephant and two clowns away from being able to charge admission.
HAHAHAHA – 1000000% agree to all of these… especially the home alone sounds. Dude!
Kateri Von Steal recently posted…Hashtags – Confessions – Rant & Raving
The home alone paranoia struggle is REAL
I know I have to improve my attitude but I am dreading when my daughter wants to have friends over. I know it will be entertaining for her but I feel like I’ll have to have the house a certain way and then just look forward to everyone leaving. This is something I’ll have to get used to!
Karen recently posted…That’s What She Said // Listen To The Universe
I don’t mind when she has friends over. Don’t get me wrong, there are some friends I enjoy having over more than others, but the whole concept of play dates doesn’t bother me. It’s good for her to spend time with people her own age. They like the same things 🙂
I just love the pic of you and the dogs sleepin 🙂 that’s precious!
I need time to myself…. We’re bickering too much right now and I think we just need some time to ourselves.
Enjoy that time 🙂
Lindsay recently posted…Paleo Tuesday
Hahaha! That’s my daughter! They all stole the bed from me!
YASSSS. Same brain, girl. I wrote this a few months ago & turns out we’re both dirty liars:
Ali A recently posted…June 2009
What’s funny is I read and commented on that post because I agree with it ALL!!! Yes, I had to double check but still…
HAHAHAH your last one totally got me to laugh out loud at my desk. Thank you for that. Hope all your lies add up to some relaxation and enjoying even a little bit of one-on-one time with the child! 🙂
The child and I get plenty of one on one time over the summer. Too much, sometimes. I did relax, though, so that was nice.
Truth! So much LOL at the dogs in the bed. Definitely hear you on the Netflix one. While I’m at work I get this surge of productivity feelings and make a list of things I can’t wait to get done at home. Then I get home, and it’s Netflix. Nothin but Netflix.
Stephanie recently posted…Frugal Chicago Date Idea: Lincoln Park Zoo
I used to do the same thing when I had a job. Then I stopped having one and now it’s just free time, all the time and I cannot structure my time to be productive because Netflix is way too tempting. I’ll sometimes watch a documentary just to tell myself “at least it’s knowledge”.
I am constantly telling myself that I am going to get so much done. Then TV and books happen and nothing gets done. I constantly tell myself I am going to save towards this and no money goes towards that. Oh the lies!!!!
Nadine recently posted…Confessions
I do the same thing with saving money. I need a new system because whatever I’m doing clearly doesn’t work.
yeah, i can relate to all these – esp. home alone one. i have to put the tv on low and a sleep timer or listen to music so that i dont pick up every little creak and squeak!
kim recently posted…Summer Reads!
I don’t have a TV in my bedroom to drown out noise but I will stay up until I literally can’t stay awake anymore. Then I sleep just fine 🙂
This happens to me every weekend. I always have the best intentions and then the internet and books get in the way!!
Kerry recently posted…Risk It | Book Tour | Review | Giveaway
Your weekends, based on your IG, are pretty productive. Way more so than mine on a regular basis.
LOL this is so me when Adam goes out of town! I have all of these grand plans and very little if any of it gets done. Then he comes home and I’m like “Wait, you’re not supposed to be home yet, I’m not done with all my plans!”
HAHAHAHA!!! I can only imagine if I said that to Scott. But I do think it. Like “go away. I need more time!!!”
I’m 2+ weeks into summer vacation and I’ve accomplished nothing on my list, so I understand well. In fact, I was going to use this deployment to write a book. Laughable, right?
I love The Fall. The second season isn’t as creepy as the first.
Kristin recently posted…Rodan + Fields: A New Venture
The second season was more cop show than creepy thriller, definitely. I’m looking forward to season 3!
No. I don’t think you trying to write a book is laughable. But it is hard to self-motivate sometimes.
Wait. Did Steph & Steph’s mama both comment “the best laid plans”?!? (yes, I was creeping through the other comments) – like mother, like daughter.
Lies I tell myself – I’m really going to get myself organized this house move. What happens – I stay as unorganized as ever.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…#movingisawesome
I thought that, too 🙂
My house is organized. I lie and tell myself that I will be organized. Then I surround myself in stacks of papers and have a good laugh.
yup–going to be productive and then boom netflix. like this weekend, i’m already predicting it. recently posted…A Shakedown With Friction Affliction
Isn’t it funny how you can always feel a nonproductive weekend coming on?
I have to have at least 2 days to myself before I start becoming productive. The first day I accomplish all my me things, the 2nd day I start to get bored and try to be productive but fail. The 3rd day is when I truly succeed.
Teh Megan recently posted…Confessions {6/10}
hahaha i live in a circus. love it.
i can’t shower or have a bath when i’m home alone because i swear i hear a bunch of noises and i think someone is coming to kill me and i’m naked and it’s awkward and i get really scared at every noise. thankfully KC is never gone overnight otherwise that would be gross.
Kristen recently posted…The Couple That Travels Together…
I related to far too many of these. My biggest lie is “One more chapter.” HAHAHA nope. 3am comes around far too many times.
Kati Rose recently posted…My Voice is Twisted, Guilty Goes the Tongue
So true! I’m least motivated when I have all the time in the world.
lisacng @ recently posted…Chinese remedy for cough
Right?! It’s a horrible paradox.
Whenever I make plans to be productive during my free time I always wonder who the heck I thought I was going to magically change into … because TV! Also I internet shop and pretend Im rich like everyday and I don’t even have an excuse lol