You know what’s a good way to really get back into blogging? With some rants.
- Instagram. REALLY?! Is the Snapchat ripoff necessary? I don’t use Snapchat for many, many reasons and I liked that Instagram was a safe haven from its nonsensery. And now it’s there, lurking at the top of my feed. All. The. Time. I dealt with all the other nonsense changes with nary a word but this. This is too much.
- Does anyone else get irrationally annoyed when someone reads one book on one topic and then professes to be an expert and starts blogging or talking about it like a) they’ve actually discovered the wisdom they’re regurgitating and b) like they know everything? I love learning new things and hints and if you’ve discovered a new book full of helpfulness, then by all means share what you’ve learned and recommend all the resources. Talk about how it’s changed you. But pretending to be an expert? NO. Stop it right now.
- I just cannot with the whole Trump fiasco. I’m not so much appalled by his bullying behavior or his racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and dangerous beliefs or his dictator-like and sociopathic qualities or his immense narcissism or his backtracking and refusing to own the horrible things he says and does or the fact that he claims to speak for the American people when in no way does he even remotely reflect anything I believe in or stand for but the fact that people continually excuse it. Or ignore it. Or accept it. That is precisely why it’s been allow to persist. Because the people that need to call him out aren’t and the ones that do, he dismisses. His level of arrogance is unparalleled and he is so unfit for office that there’s no actual word to describe how unfit he actually is. He has made a mockery of democracy the way The Bachelor has made a mockery of marriage. It is shameful and it needs to be stopped. And God help us if it goes on as long as The Bachelor has. We’ve all seen how those relationships have turned out.
- I am in the market for red heels. I would like to wear them with a black dress I own and I would like to wear them when I present at a conference next month. While it is not impossible to find red heels, it is impossible to find heels that are not synonymous with stilts. And the ones that are a decent heel height are absolutely hideous. I am 39 years old and feel no compulsion to look like a hooker or a frump. I would like to look like a 39 year old woman pretending to be professional. This should not be difficult. Yet it is.
- The Duggars. I cannot believe we’re still talking about these fuckers yet here we are. Apparently one of their other daughters is engaged and now she gets to have a whole season or whatever about her relationship. First of all, what the fuck TLC? You’re like the parent who knows the kid is overweight but plies them with cookies and soda. You know it’s no good for them but you do it anyway. Learn your lesson. TV IS NO GOOD FOR THE DUGGARS. It still gives them a platform to spew their horrid beliefs and showcase their fucked up family dynamics. For the sake of the smaller children, please stop it. Second, why is this show profitable? How? Who is advertising and associating with this particular brand of crazy? Is there some overlap between them and Trump because that would explain so fucking much.
- People who take a week to text or email back. Now, this really doesn’t irk me too much except when I am relying on information from said people and they take their sweet ass time getting around to giving me said information. It’s rude. Stop it. Have some common courtesy.
I think that’s all I’ve got. I’m sunburned and tired and still recovering from the embarrassment of slipping and falling on my ass after stepping on a squished grape in the middle of the supermarket. Yeah, you didn’t think the backwards underwear was the only stupid thing I’ve done lately, did you?
P.S. Don’t forget to check out this week’s episode of The Armchair Librarians! We’re discussing RBG!
Your last point reminds me that I need to catch up on emails today. LOL
I am not sure how people are still supporting Trump. It’s one of the great mysteries of our time.
Snapchat is stupid, so is boomerang, so is Instagram for trying to make Snapchat lite happen on it.
Couldn’t agree more with your Trump sentiments. Brought it up with a friend the other day and she said she supports him because “he is a businessman and Hillary is a liar” and knew that I would go red-faced explaining why Trump is so much worse than HRC and probably piss her off so I just said “Hmmmmm…. kay…” and let it go. Ugh!
haha, i’ve learned (the hard way) you can’t reason with a Trump supporter / person who thinks HRC is a ‘criminal.’ It’s SO hard not to argue but honestly, you’re way better off!
Excellent blog! Trump wants to be Dictator – emphasis on the Dick. Very telling on racism and bigotry and greed for so many to support him. He’s a con man. He’d fire all of us in a nanosecond. Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom before we can go high! Sending the lights into the universe constantly. I’ve never watched the K’s, the Duggars, or the bachelor /bachelorette. I’ve been dvr-ing 2 men and a boy with Charlie Sheen. Now I can watch the Olympics ! Hoping to avoid as many political commercials as possible.
Goddess speed. Love , Steph’s Momma
I actually am a little excited about the IG Story thing because I never joined Snapchat either but was always curious… now I cant stop looking at the stories… though I’m not sure what the point is. I guess its why I never joined Snapchat 🙂 I’m torn, apparently.
Oh mercy – Trump – God help us… truly, God help us.
i saw the update for Instagram stories or whatever and I said NOPE, not doing it and didn’t install it.
the presidential thing happening in the US is a freaking gong show. i normally don’t follow politics but i do for the US race…it’s hilarious that Trump is still running!
kathy @ more coffee less talky recently posted…Currently {August}
I totally don’t get the Snapchat feature on Instagram. I signed in the other day and was like WTF is this??? Stop trying to make fetch happen, Instagram!!! I bought a pair of gorgeous leather NIne West heels when I graduated college. I still have them. And they are like 4 inches high and I wore them once because I can’t walk in them lol. So I feel your pain. And ummm you fell on a grape? I feel like there should be a good joke that comes along with it but my brain wont let me process such. I trip over nothing all the time so I am no better.
Why in the world did Instagram decide to add the stories part to the app? It’s so annoying to me and overwhelming too! I just want to know if all of those crazy people who follow thousands of people on Instagram are going to really watch thousands of “stories” too.
I’m so annoyed at IG for once again, taking another social media apps’ idea & making it their own (remember how we used to have Vine and then IG was like, WAIT NO, WE CAN DO SHORT VIDEOS NOW TOO!). I do have Snapchat and started to use it more frequently – since IG is more for pretty pics, I showcased REAL stuff on Snap. Everyday life, funny stuff, embarrassing stuff, etc. But now with this IG stories thing I feel like people already are leaving Snap, some people are using and posting the same shit on both (UGH) and I’m now not interested in either. SIGH.
Trump…I can’t. I’m being a hopeless optimistic that once he starts to realize his campaign is imploding and he might lose (and we know how he feels about “LOSERS”) he will quit.
one more thing – whenever i need a specific clothing/shoe item I use polyvore (site). you type in what you’re looking for and your criteria (cost, etc) and it pulls things from a TON of stores….i’d try there!
I can’t stop shaking my head over … everything.
But the one constructive thing I can offer is maybe this:
Search there for styles and then if you spot a good one and don’t know your shoe size or would rather not buy from poshmark, check in stores? I can help if you have specifications in mind.
Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life recently posted…Just a little (link) love: foggy week edition
Agree, I really wish Instagram didn’t go there. I liked Instagram because it wasn’t Snapchat, and Snapchat because it wasn’t Instagram. Sigh.
Did you see Obama’s comments yesterday about Trump being unfit for presidency? I mean, obviously he is and rational people have known that for a while. But hearing the sitting president (who knows what the hell he’s talking about) say point blank that he CANNOT do the job, and call people out for continuing to allow the circus, was important.
I didn’t realize the Duggars were back on TV, so blissfully ignorant I am two years after cutting cable. This is depressing news. Can we stop giving buffoons a microphone and national attention, please?
I don’t fully understand the first rant because I’m not on Instagram, so I’m just going to agree with you. #2. OMG! It is my biggest pet peeves. So many people “claim” to be an expert who really just read a book or even worse – like one post from an actual expert and now they think they are one too. I’m all for sharing personal experiences and what works for you but that only makes you an expert on yourself. Grrr. #3. PREACH!! The shit that comes out that man’s mouth no longer surprises me, but I cannot understand how people accept it. It saddens me to realize how many ugly people there are out there because that is what they are. He’s made hate and bullying cool – and that is just freaking unbelievable. #4. I once tried on a pair of those super high hooker heels and promptly did a face plant. #5. Are you effing serious? WHY???????? #6. I get irritated when that happens to me, except when I’m the one doing it.
i like snapchat, i like instagram, but i liked that they were different and i don’t like this stories thing at all.
i am an expert on absolutely nothing, and i would never pretend to be. i get ragey when people act like they are experts after one conversation or book or documentary or whatever. like sssh.
i am pretty bad about emails, but if people ask questions i try and respond asap. i get cranky when i ask a question and people take forever, the thing i asked is normally no longer relevant a week later or whatever.
heels are so hard! why are they all so high? i have bought 2 pairs from target in the last 4 years and they are the only ones i wear because they are comfy and not a bazillion inches high. maybe they have some red ones?
I really, really, really like shoe shopping. Do you want me to start hunting for you and sending you links?
In Australia, I can hide from all things Duggars.
But, I can’t hide from Trump. Just last night, I was talking with a 21 year old recent university graduate who is American and has an absentee vote to send in. She admitted that Pence scares her. But, she also admitted that she is voting for Trump. I could cry. I don’t know. I have a lot of Republican voters in my world. I’m Texan, of course I do. I have voted Republican and Democrat in past elections. But, I can not see casting my ballot for Trump. This is the first election that I am actually happy I’m not voting. In the past, when elections happen, my American heart gets homesick and sad.
I’m on snapchat. I prefer Instagram over snapchat. I don’t need Instagram to be snapchat. I looked at the ig snaps once, I won’t look again. When I want to see snaps, I’ll go to snapchat. I don’t need this crossover nonsense.
texerinsydney recently posted…Currently…linking up vol.6
I’m a millionty years late, but I got my red heels at Payless and they rock. I call them my old lady heels because they are cushiony. I have the same heels in nude as well. I was looking for blue, but couldn’t find any.
I was pissed to see the new Instapchat.. so much rage. let’s all copy each other! our customers will love that!
The whole Trump thing makes me sick. The worst part is that people actually support him. In REAL LIFE. I can’t understand HOW. My brain literally cannot comprehend.
Teh Megan recently posted…Weekend Review {8/8}
Trump is insane. I don’t understand how sane people are not realizing this- because shockingly there are some people who I swear are normal people but they somehow drank the Kool Aid and I’m like “HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE?!?”