Yesterday, some people that I love and care about very much received news that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Out of respect for them, their family, and their privacy, I will not reveal details but suffice it to say that no one, and I mean no one, should ever have to go through what they are about to go through.
Their ordeal got me thinking about how much we take for granted. We waste so much time that we forget everything around us that’s amazing. We take advantage of our time and our days and, in that, we forget that nothing is a guarantee. We need to make the most of every moment, and cherish the time you have with people you love and care about because you never know when he or she might not be there anymore. And, because of that, we all need to take a moment to just pause.
We’re so busy being busy that we forget to just stop. We think that if you aren’t logged in to Facebook or running around to different activities, we’ll get lost in the shuffle. That people will forget about us. But I ask this—so what? So what if our online presence is absent for a day or two days or even a week? So what if we miss that class or party or even a day of work? What’s the worst that can happen (save being fired. That’s pretty awful)?
Just for today, tomorrow, or one day next month, I want you to just pause. I want you to step away from your iPhone or iPad or lap
top. I want you to turn off the TV unless you’re watching something that makes you extremely happy. I want you to say no to something that is obligatory rather than gives you enjoyment. I want you do to do any one (or more) of the following:
- Hug someone you love. Not because they’re in pain or hurting but because you just love them and you’re happy that they’re around.
- Take a walk. Spend time outside, even if it’s for a half hour on your lunch break. Enjoy the sunshine and the random bits of nature that might be around your office or home. And if it’s raining, sit at a window and watch the rain. Even that’s beautiful.
- Drive with the windows down and sing at the top of your lungs. Even at a red light. Because who cares what the other dri
vers think? - Play with your pets, if you have them. Take them for a walk or play fetch or do whatever it is that people do with pets that aren’t dogs.
- Give your kids a day of your undivided attention.
- Do something nice for yourself. Eat candy or ice cream for dinner. Take a nap. Go shopping. Have drinks with friends. Don’t work for a day.
- Call, rather than email or text, a friend.
- Tell your friends and family how much they mean to you.
- Draw a picture. Read a book. Play a game of tag or a board game or cards. Act like a 5 year old if you need to (but I implore you, please leave out the tantrums).
- Don’t clean your house that day. Don’t run any errands. Don’t answer any emails.
- Do anything else that you deem fun, important, or relaxing but you always put off because there’s never enough time.
And if you find yourself making excuses for why you can’t do any of this, tell yourself that you need to do it for the people who can’t or the kids who’ll never get the chance.
You owe it to them.
Well said!
Budget & the Beach recently posted…Life, an update
Great reminder! I spend A LOT of worrying and not enough time enjoying my children. I made a goal to spend a 1/2 hour of uninterrupted time with each of them each night, just me and 1 kiddo. It’s an hour full of cuddling, reading, hugging and just loving and it’s done wonders for all of us. (and I think now I want to write about it, thanks for the inspiration!).
Jessica, The Debt Princess recently posted…How Do You Make a Difficult Decision?
Can’t wait to read your post!
It’s definitely important to spend uninterrupted time with our kids and other loved ones. If nothing else, it reminds us of what’s important.
I also recently learned of a terrible tragedy in a loved one’s life: the loss of a three month old baby. It touched me deeply in light of having my own three month old daughter. I realize even more now how precious her life is and how precious every life is. Hugs to you and your loved ones!
Christa, this is a very similar situation to yours. It’s horrific and I can even imagine what they’re going through. My heart aches for them.
But it does serve as a reminder that nothing is a guarantee.
I hope all goes well for those you love. Misfortune is never pleasant.
But I couldn’t agree more with you. It’s so easy to take your good fortune for granted. I try so hard to be grateful for my health, wealth, family and friends. It’s the latter two that I tell explicitly how lucky I am. And it’s not even to compliment them; it’s to remind me how good I have it!
-Christian L. @ Smart Military Money
Christian L. recently posted…Fall Out of Debt: How to Bounce Back from Summer Travel Spending
I feel the same way, Christian. I recently put a Facebook status on my personal page letting my friends know how much I love them. I didn’t expect anything I return; I just wanted them to know.
Not only did I need to hear this today, I love that you provided a list of ideas! It’s nice to get a reminder of the things we strive to do everyday but forget to do because we get so wrapped up with the process of life.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Answering A Few “Loaded Questions”
Exactly! I know that you are better than most at focusing on what’s important so it means a lot to me that you enjoyed the post (and the list).
Well said. “ife needs to be paused sometimes. When my mom passed away, it was a reminder to not take everything for granted. Time passes much too quickly and you can’t get it back. Don’t be too busy to have that time with your loved ones-the house will still be there, the emails will wait, etc but your loved ones? They might not.
bogofdebt recently posted…How learning to manage my finances has helped my health out
I hope everything turns out OK or as best as possible. Thanks for the reminder because we all get caught up in the day to day hustle bustle.
Lance@MoneyLife&More recently posted…What Would You Do? Pay Off Higher Interest Rate or Variable Rate Loans First?
Thoughts and prayers, Jana. Thanks for the reminder today. Hugs!
Michelle @ See Debt Run recently posted…Teaching Kids About Money: Leading By Example
So sorry to hear your friends/family are going through a rough patch. Sad but true that we get so caught up being busy we forget about the things that matter the most until something tragic happens. I definitely need to push pause more often and appreciate the things I have.
MakintheBacon$ recently posted…En Route to Peru and Machu Picchu