In case you haven’t noticed, my posting has kind of taken a break over the last 6 weeks. I’m not apologizing for it, because it was necessary, but I figured maybe you’d like to know what’s been going on. So here goes.
The last 6 weeks have been pretty big for me. For starters, I found out that my mentoring program, Bloggers Helping Bloggers, is going to be part of FinCon14 and a bigger part at that. I can’t reveal too much right now but I’m ridiculously excited and honored that Phil thinks enough of what I do to ask me back this year. Also, the conference is in New Orleans. I’ve never been there. And I. Can’t. Wait.
Speaking of my mentoring program, I’ve also been working on some huge changes for that. This year, particularly the next few months, it’s getting a major facelift. The site is being renovated, we’re changing the name to Blog Mentoring Network because it will represent more of what we do which will also include a blogger training class AND podcaster mentoring. The training class launches in February with registration starting next week. I’ve been working like a crazy person getting that ready, as well as some new, fun freebies and services we’re adding to the program. Those will be ready when we have our new site unveiling in March.
So there’s been that.

Let’s see, what else have I been up to? Right. I’ve been battling a depressive episode and that kind of sucks my ability and desire to do anything that I don’t have to and has been drowned in compulsive pinning, online Amazon shopping, naps, yoga pants, and binge watching Prison Break and Justified (anyone else watch this show? I love it!). The last week or so has gotten better and I’m finally able to do things that are not sitting on my couch. Or at least, things that are sitting on my couch but are productive.
For instance, I’ve decided to do an Instagram project this year. Every day, I’ll be posting a meaningful song lyric, handwritten in whatever pen I can find on whatever paper I can find. I’m doing this for a number of reasons, the least of which is making myself do something, no matter how small, creative every day for an entire year. You can follow along by finding me on Instagram (@saysjana).
I’m also putting the finishing touches on the site for my pioneer project. That should go live by the end of the month. You’ll be able to follow along with the project on the site, Instagram and Pinterest. It’ll be a combination of blog posts and craft/DIY ideas that I try and it’s probably the most ambitious undertaking of my life. So very pioneer-like, right?
And finally, I’ve spent the last 6 weeks being a very overachieving mom. My daughter and I have done a number of crafts, all found on Pinterest, during the holidays. Craftiness is not something that comes easy to me but the child loves them so I’m putting forth tons of effort for her. Maybe more than I needed to. Because in addition to puzzles (big ones), we made gumdrop fudge (it’s disgusting), reindeer cookies, elf donuts, grew a candy cane garden, decorated ice cream cone Christmas trees, had a Zumba birthday party, and the tooth fairy had to make 2 visits. I’ve also been organizing my sewing supplies for the pioneer project.
Of concern: I have a ridiculous amount of yarn for someone who cannot knit or crochet. I need to get this under control. Stat.
For those who are wondering, I did also set goals for 2014. I’m not going to share them because really, they’re boring to everyone who’s not me. But this year more than others, I’m confident in my ability to achieve them. I’ve put the proper mechanisms in place to achieve them. That includes making them big and audacious but also realistic. This is the first time in a long time that I have not set myself up to fail. Which is a huge victory. And I’m proud of that.
I don’t plan on taking another long break anytime soon, and I’m stoked for what I have coming up this month on all my projects. I hope you’ll follow along (if you plan on doing the song lyric project, please use #profoundlyrics).
Now you all know where I’ve been. How about you guys? What have you been up to? Any projects or ventures you’d like to share?
So happy you are back. A bug virtual HUG from me to you. I love your audacity! I am super excited for the launch of your new projects.
I’m getting myself mixed up in all kinds of crazy adventures. I have given myself permission to go BIG or go home this year. If I fail it’s okay to go back home (they love me there). I get to decided if I want to start over or start something different. The pressure of failing has been alleviated.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…#Project365
I fail at things all. The. Time. I’ve decided it gives me character. And sets me apart because I know that at least I tried something and didn’t just sit on my ass wishing I had.
I can’t wait for the pioneer project, and I totally love the lyric project and am trying to remember to join you on that. It speaks to my soul but is an unfortunate display of my serial killer handwriting.
Missed your posts! Can’t wait to see all the stuff you’ve got going on this year.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Friday Five: Laura’s Life Advice Edition
Serial killer handwriting is okay by me. No shame, friend. No shame.
I’m excited to see where the blog mentoring program goes! I think it’s such a fantastic program and wow, I love the ambition!
Monica @MonicaOnMoney recently posted…How I Saved $6718 On Home Renovations
Thanks, Monica! It’s great to have you in the program!!
Wow! Glad you’re back! Congratulations on all the awesome stuff and to a great 2014. Let me know how I can help.
a terrible husband… recently posted…Overcoming the Blame Game: What’s your “Because I” answer?
I am so excited for you being part of next year’s FinCon! I know you were having some doubts about that, but I don’t think any of the rest of us are surprised. As for FinCon being in New Orleans, I think I might be forced to bring the hubby and kid this year, as neither of them have ever been to the city, either. (And obviously, I can’t miss FinCon New Orleans.)
Next, we love Justified in this house. We’ve gone cable free, so will be paying to watch the new season via Amazon Prime.
And finally, I am so excited for this year for you. You have so many amazing projects going on, and I just can’t wait to see it all come together.
shanendoah@the dog ate my wallet recently posted…Back in the Unemployment Line
I love that quote on your page! That’s part of my problem right now… I’m in a bit of a funk because there’s so much to do so all I want to do is finish watching all of Orange is the New Black, and then possibly follow that up with reading the book, lol. Our house is a mess and I haven’t been posting as regularly either on my blog.
Glad to hear you’ve got a new project coming out. I like what it sounds like. And congrats on your mentoring website getting to speak at FinCon again!
Tara @ Streets Ahead Living recently posted…Materialistic Envy is So Easy to Catch