You guys liked my interview with myself so much that I turned it into a series! Up first, and it’s fitting since we co-host the Show Us Your Books linkup, is Steph from Life According to Steph.
Jana: Thanks so much for joining me. Let’s get started with a simple question. Why do you enjoy reading?
Steph: Reading allows me to go to so many places and meet so many people without ever leaving the couch.
Jana: How do you decide what to read?
Steph: In a very arbitrary fashion. If I hear of a book I think I might like, I add it to my To Read list on Goodreads. Then I request them from the library and read them as they come
in. I don’t place a lot of weight on what to read because I’m a fast reader and if I don’t like something I will put it down.
in. I don’t place a lot of weight on what to read because I’m a fast reader and if I don’t like something I will put it down.
Jana: Who are some of your favorite authors and/or genres?
Steph: I feel like I used to have favorite authors and genres but I don’t anymore. When someone says favorite authors my mind reverts to 12 and shouts out Judy Blume! Christopher Pike! When I do find an author I like, I will systematically go through most of their books. I tend to read more literary fiction and mystery/suspense than anything else, I guess. I read Young Adult if it speaks to me.
Jana: What’s your favorite book or a book you always recommend?
Steph: For years I have recommended Beach Music by Pat Conroy and The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. My recent recommendations are Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler, The Martian by Andy Weir, The Piper’s Son and Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta, and You by Caroline Kepnes.
Jana: A resounding second to The Martian and You. I just started Saving Francesca this week. Yesterday, in fact.
Jana: Do you watch movie adaptations of books? What do you think of them?
Steph: Rarely. I’d rather read a book than do anything else entertainment-wise. I seem to watch less andless movies and TV as the years go by. I will say I liked the film versions of
Gone Girl and The Great Gatsby. The only movie I’ve seen that I’ve liked better than the book is Cider House Rules.
Gone Girl and The Great Gatsby. The only movie I’ve seen that I’ve liked better than the book is Cider House Rules.
Jana: Ebooks, paper books,audiobooks, or a combination? Why?
Steph: Strictly paper books.I don’t enjoy ebooks as much and find them easier to put down and walk away from than an actual book. I haven’t listened to audio books but I don’t really
retain information well that way – my mind wanders and I end up not listening. I recently saw Toni Morrison read from her latest novel and I actually had to get the book out and follow along reading.
retain information well that way – my mind wanders and I end up not listening. I recently saw Toni Morrison read from her latest novel and I actually had to get the book out and follow along reading.
Jana: Do you use the library or buy books?
Jana: Does it offend you when people call you a bookworm or book nerd? Why or why not?
Steph: No. I don’t care what people call me period but I would consider that a compliment anyway.
Jana: How do you find time to read?
Steph: We find time for the things that are important to us. Reading is integral to my life. There is never a day when I don’t find at least 10 minutes for it.
Jana: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to people who say they don’t enjoy reading or don’t have time to read?
Steph: If you don’t enjoy reading, I’m sorry. That’s about all I can say. If you don’t have time to read,I’ll say that it’ s not that important to you and that’s okay.

Thanks again to Steph for taking the time to hang out with me today, talking about books. Here’s a little more about her if you’re not already familiar.

I blog about life in general – recipes, books, my three pugs, things that annoy
me, my card of a husband, and whatever else catches my fancy. Loves: a clean
house, cooking, vacations, lists, framily, coffee, nail polish, creative curse
words, fresh sheets, Dirty Dancing, family, reading real books over e-readers,
being beside the sea, flip flops, laughing raucously, and organizing. Dislikes:
poor grammar, whining, talking on the phone, being patronized, weak people,
heels, entitlement, and tardiness.
That’s my girl. I always feel bad that my dad is only a sight reader.
He was sickly as a child and his dad made him quit school at 12, when his mom passed, to go to work. God love him, he supported 6 kids & a wife who was financially foolish. The ability to read is priceless!
Gone With the Wind, The Thornbirds, the Agatha Christie books, Nancy Drew as a child. Magazines. Newspapers. Book nerd IS a compliment!
Love to infinity and beyond and am very proud of my Stephanie!
Love,SMD’s Momma
My daughter is starting to get into Nancy Drew. Makes me so happy!
I love this series and cannot wait to read more. Thanks for including me!!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
THANK YOU for participating 🙂
yay, love this series already!!! that library picture quote is spot on. i totally agree about the people who don’t like to read or don’t find time for it. i have only read the martian out of the books you’d recommend, the others are on my list!
Kristen recently posted…Flight tips – General & For Anxiety
You’re next 🙂
I thought that answer was spot on, too.
I mean, we make time for the things that are important to us. That’s simple!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
I do the same thing with finding an author I like then reading a bunch of books they wrote at once.
And Judy Blume has a new book coming out!!
Kate recently posted…The good, the okay and the bad of books lately
She does?! >>>runs to Goodreads
I binge read authors as well. I have a few on my binge list that, once I finish the ones I currently have, I’ll start on. John Sanford, Jojo Moyes, and Liane Moriarty. I’m excited!
I freaking love Judy. I can’t wait.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
Great interview! My answer to the last 2 questions are very similar :). I’ll add Saving Francesca to my list!
lisacng @ recently posted…DC Cherry blossoms {photos}
You should! And then, when you are done, send your responses to me so I can schedule your interview 🙂
I was surprised how much I liked that book. I thought the writing was excellent.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
🙂 Reading is an amazing vacation you can always give yourself.
Love this – Love Steph – love you!
Kateri Von Steal recently posted…Alaska Jane the Moose Pyrenees
Aw, thanks 🙂
Thank you!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
I love the library! I’d be broke if I had to buy all the books I read. That said, it’s hard when a hyped book has a list of 550 people. I’m still waiting for The Martian! I’m going to look into those other recommendations too.
Christina recently posted…Ten Questions From Jana
I’ve been waiting for Pioneer Girl since freaking January. LOL
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
don’t you just love steph? that girl keeps shit real.
i just put You on hold at the library! thanks for the reco.
kathy @ real talk recently posted…weekending and shizz [3]
Great interview! I always love Steph’s point of view of things, especially reading. As much as I love paper books I still read e-books as well. Don’t have to wait as long!
Karen recently posted…That’s What She Said // Reba McEntire
Thanks Karen! I might need to use an e-reader for travel next year.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
I’ve fallen in love with this series already. I saw Shotgun Lovesongs at a bookstore yesterday. I think I’ll go back and buy it 🙂
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Aussie! Samantha! Oi!
You won’t be sorry!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
I love this series!!! I started working on my interview questions the day you emailed them and got distracted and this reminded me to go back to them!!! I remember Kristen recommending The Martian. Clearly I need to get on that! I feel sorry for people who say they dont like to read. I automatically assume they must not have much of a personality or imagination.
Nadine recently posted…I Believe
hahahaha. That too.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Easy breezy dinner
I love Judy Blume. I am so excited to read her new book in June.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
I love Steph’s answers and this series. I feel sad too for people who don’t make time to read. I can’t imagine my life without unlimited books.
Kerry recently posted…I Hope You Dance
Love her answers—hurrying to make time to finish up my own for ya! I actually already mentioned Judy Blume in mine too…is there a girl on earth who Blume doesn’t speak to!? Also good to hear another recommendation for Shotgun Lovesongs. That one just shot a bit farther up on my list now! (No pun intended, ick.)
alyssa recently posted…It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane!
I love Steph’s answer for why she loves reading. That about sums up why I love it too. Also kudos to her for using the library. I can’t remember the last time I used a library other than a law library … and thats no fun is it?
Kay R. recently posted…Sex and the City Quotes