Yay! Another installment! Thank you to everyone who’s participated so far and I’m thrilled that there’s at least another 4 interviews coming your way. If you’d like to be interviewed, please let me know so we can keep this series going. Don’t forget you can always catch up on past interviews by visiting the archives, which you should do after you read today’s interview with Kerry from Till Then Smile Often.

Jana: Why do you enjoy reading?
Kerry: I love getting immersed in a story, happily ever afters, whodunits, and just tales of far off places. There is just so much to experience from a book. Emotions to feel, places to imagine, and things to learn.
Jana: How do you decide what to read?
Kerry: If I get a book from NetGalley I try to read based on the publishing date. I also use my GoodReads list to keep track of what I want to read and will see what is available at the library. My to-read list is up to about 400 so there is always something I can find from that list.
Jana: Who are some of your favorite authors and/or genres?
Kerry: I have so many favorites it is so hard to pick. I favor romance, mystery, and Adult/Woman’s fiction.
Jana: What’s your favorite book or a book you always recommend?
Kerry: Dharma Bums or On The Road by Jack Kerouac is something I will always recommend. That generation was so inspirational and he grew up in Massachusetts.
Jana: Do you watch movie adaptations of books? What do you think of them?
Kerry: I do, and for the most part I have always found the book to better. I recently read Wild, and that was one of the few that I liked the movie more.
Jana: Ebooks, paper books, audiobooks, or a combination? Why?
Kerry: A combination. I love the convenience of eBooks since they are lightweight and take less space. I can sync them from my iPad to my phone. I still love the smell and feel of real books and you don’t have to deal with glare issues in the summer reading real books.
Jana: Do you use the library or buy books?
Kerry: I use a variety of sources, like the library, BookBub, and NetGalley. I don’t buy a ton of books because I don’t want clutter but I do buy ones I know I’ll use a lot, classics or reference books.
Jana: Does it offend you when people call you a bookworm or book nerd? Why or why not? Kerry: Not at all, I’ll wear the moniker with pride. I love all that books bring to me, and give me. I’d talk books with anyone willing to listen. 

Jana: How do you find time to read?
Kerry: I like to break it up into smaller increments, a half hour in the morning and before bed. I get up early on the weekends too thanks to my pup so I spend it reading until my brain starts functioning properly. Like with anything else in your life, you make time for the things that matter and reading is something I will always find time for in my day.
Jana: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to people who say they don’t enjoy reading or don’t have time to read?
Kerry: I would say you aren’t reading the right type of book. If it takes you weeks to finish a book and you dread it, it’s not the book for you. Find the genre that makes you not want to stop reading. It doesn’t matter what it is, just read.
Yay, Kerry!!! She always recommends some awesome books. I too break up my reading and try to get in 15 minutes here or a chapter there whenever I can. Mostly I read at lunch and on the weekends in the mornings before I get my day started.
Nadine recently posted…Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia Seed Pudding
Why thank you Nadine! Lunch time is a great time too! Reading always starts my day on the right track!
Kerry recently posted…Rainy Sunday Morning
I love reading in short time increments too and I always have a book with me in case a wait of any kind presents itself!
Kelli recently posted…Kid Related Happiness
It helps to always have a book on hand you never know when you will get stuck in a line.
love her! i need to try reading On the Road again. I tried years ago and just didnt get into it.
ellesees.blogspot.com recently posted…Best Drugstore Kiss-Proof Wedding Day Lipsticks
Thanks Elle, smooches! If it’s not for you try something else. I’d hate for you to get stuck trying to read something that doesn’t stick your fancy! On The Road speaks to my adventurous outdoorsy side but I know it’s not for everyone.
Kerry recently posted…Rainy Sunday Morning
Yay, I love this series!
On the Road is one I recommend a lot too, and usually read it myself every summer. (I might be spreading myself too thin with book challenges to read it this summer though, haha.) And I read Wild a few months back and liked it, but didn’t love it. I really want to see the movie though, because I do have a feeling that I will love it!
alyssa recently posted…And So it Begins
I’m feeling the same way!! I have 40 books for challenges this summer! Oops! Maybe the Fall is better for the re-read?! The book Wild was good but a little boring at times, right? I think the movie did well pulling out some of the boring and making it flow better, or faster paced.
Kerry recently posted…Rainy Sunday Morning
Thanks for having me Jana! I could talk books for hours, but I’m off to read my next book! 😉
Kerry recently posted…Rainy Sunday Morning
Awww, kitten + Kindle.
I also love all the emotions that books make me feel. There’s nothing like feeling those raw emotions of happiness, anger, and excitement in a book. And adrenaline. I actually get that from a good book!
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…He graduated preschool {photos}
Yes, the racing heart from a great story is the best feeling! I love that feeling!
Kerry recently posted…Rainy Sunday Morning
Reading is one of my favorite things to do. My daughter once told me she’s tired of seeing my face “shoved in a book.” Whatever, kid.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
That is a pretty funny, but agree Whatever kid! Hopefully it passes down to her.
Kerry recently posted…Rainy Sunday Morning
love all your answers Kerry!
someone commented on my blog the other day and said ‘i’m just not a book person’ and i was like……………. what.
Kristen recently posted…Staying fit & healthy (ish) on holiday
Aww that makes me sad. Everyone should be a book person!
Kerry recently posted…Rainy Sunday Morning
i love reading so much; always have. for several years after kayla was born, i lost touch with reading but in the last year, have rekindled my love for it. right now i’m reading The Stand and loving it! i tried to read it years ago (in the early 90s) when i devoured all of stephen king’s books but couldn’t get into it…i think it just wasn’t the right time for me to read this having come off from Pet Sematary and IT…it was just a different kind of book and i wasn’t into deadly virus/biological thrillers back then. now? I CAN’T PUT THIS DOWN.
kathy@real talk recently posted…reflections 2015
The answer to the first question is perfect! Pretty much the exact same reasons that I love reading.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Aussie Author Challenge – The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion
I agree I can’t pick a favourite author. Ive read way too many books but suck at updating goodreads and haven’t added a quarter of the books Ive read on there… I love the reasons she gave for loving reading. Readers rock!
Kay R. recently posted…Friday Favourites