While I try to pay attention to pop culture, and thanks to Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and all the other place, I know more about it than I probably should, there’s a whole lot I simply don’t care about. And whether not caring makes me old or weird or snobby or not snobby enough or some combination of those or something else, I just cannot bring myself to give any shits to things like:
- The new Twilight book. I never read the original ones, never saw the movies, and this one will fall into the deep recesses of my memory in the file “things I once knew but didn’t care enough to remember”.
- Anything related to Harry Potter (sorry, Amanda).
- The news Star Wars movie.
- Football. Fantasy football. Football weather. Fuck football. (I’ve said this before, in a similar post I’ve written. There might be some repeats. We can put that on the list of things I don’t care about, too.)
- Gilmore Girls being on Netflix. Or the possible planned reunion. See also: most other late 90s, early 00s shows.
- The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Scandal, Empire, any reality show, and a whole host of others. I like my TV but those don’t do it for me.
- How much money other people make at their jobs. If you make good money, good for you. If you don’t, I’m sorry (but if you’re making it work, then I am impressed and you should share what you’re doing because many can learn from you). But it’s not a competition and we’re all adults and your paycheck doesn’t determine your worth in my life. See also: blogging stats. There are zero fucks to give.
- Playboy doing away with nude photographs. I feel like this is something I should care about but…meh.
- Celebrities’ opinions on societal inequities or politics or whatever. Do I like when they share their personal struggles? Yes. Do I like when they actively try to make a difference? Yes. But do I care what they think when they’re not dealing with an issue or exerting any effort to affect change and they’re talking because they’re self-important douchecanoes? No.
- What people I randomly follow on Twitter are sharing. I turned OFF my notifications. Why you still telling me, Twitter?
- When my husband gets a haircut. Sorry, husband. I love but your haircuts do nothing for me. I care more when you shave. Because no one wants to kiss stubble.
What are some things that make you say I don’t give a fuck?
I didn’t even know there was a new twilight book, so that shows how much I care. Oops.
Kati Rose recently posted…What I Give, It Takes Away
Haha me either. Harry Potter I love, though. There’s been an argument made that it may have directly or indirectly affected the landscape of social attitudes of millennials. Because the main character is on the outskirts of his own society (as are his friends) and they find a way to essentially save the world without popularity backing them. See anti bullying movement and their attitudes towards same sex marriage legislation. Interesting to think about at the least, even if the books don’t do it for you on a personal level.
P.S. Gilmore Girls is wretched.
Femme Frugality recently posted…Why a Scholarship Resume is an Important Part of Your College-Funding Arsenal
That’s way too in-depth thinking for me about Harry Potter. Am I glad it got more people interested in books and what it’s done for books in general? Yes. But I think too much societal importance is being placed on it on the whole, if what you said is really what people think. But I mean, good for JK Rowling because it is a fucking cash cow.
Haha fair enough. I was listening to a pretty heady radio station when that came on. In all fairness, I think they were saying while they found this with Harry Potter specifically, the effect could be found across all literature with antagonists from a marginalized population.
Femme Frugality recently posted…Teaching My Toddler About Money
I follow a bunch of book related podcasts and websites and publishing people (not to mention a few pop culture sites) so it was all over the place last week. It was all up in my face. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known.
I’m the total opposite on Harry Potter, Gilmore Girls, football, and Scandal, but the rest i hear you. I have an extensive give no shits list myself!
Stephanie recently posted…Three on Thursday
You should share it. I always wonder what other people don’t give a shit about.
I’m with you on everything but football and Harry Potter.
I also don’t give a shit about school rules now that I’m a parent which hasn’t changed much from when I was the kid so that’s good to know. 🙂
Kelli recently posted…Dream Chasing
Re: school rules. I get that they’re there for a reason and yes, some of them are nonsense but at the same time, it doesn’t do me or my child any good to blantantly defy them. It actually causes more problems and I don’t feel like dealing with problems. Except when it comes to helping her with math. I refuse to learn this common core bullshit and will teach her the way I was taught. Common core can go fuck itself.
Many of these things also fall onto my own IDGAF list. Except Harry Potter things and the possible Gilmore Girls reunion, I must confess. I also am just about done caring about anything discussing the greatness of fall. I love fall. I don’t need to talk about it every damn day. Blog stats and how to optimize my blog for search engines. No.
alyssa recently posted…The Charles Schulz Philosophy
I’m pretty sick of fall talk myself. Like you, I love it but I am over daily discussions.
With you on everything but Star Wars just because, well, Star Wars. I’m slightly intrigued about the Gilmore Girls, but I think shows end for a reason. I’ll probably watch though. 🙂 I’ve never enjoyed the income/net worth posts myself. I always feel like I’m either watching someone brag, or feel bad that they are struggling. There doesn’t feel like there is a happy medium. And it doesn’t inspire me at all to do better. I’m already trying so I don’t need to feel crappy that I’m not making 30k per month.
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Financial Odds and Ends: Vol. 10
I just had a conversation with someone yesterday about the net worth posts and the unreasonable expectations they set for people, specifically bloggers just starting out. To me, they just come across as braggy rather than inspirational.
I guess I didn’t realize there was a new Twilight book coming out? My bad. I care nothing about reality TV, fantasy football, march madness basketball shit, the star wars movies, all these people who are hosting webinars on stuff you can research for free, playboy, what any celebrity says or does, these croppped tops with high wasted jeans that everyone is sporting, and the list goes on.
Nadine recently posted…Fall in Full Swing
Do not even get me started on the webinars and courses and all of a sudden everyone being an expert and OMG, LET ME TEACH YOU MY TRICKS (but pay me a ridiculous sum of money to do it even though I’m claiming I want to help you) Just no.
I nodded throughout this entire thing – I don’t care about vampire books for tweens (and never did), have ZERO interest in Harry Potter, and everyone jizzing their pants over this Gilmore Girls thing? Meh. Never watched. Any time I caught a few minutes of it, I wasn’t into it. And DON’T GET ME STARTED ON FOOTBALL.
Ali A recently posted…Bootie Emergency
And this is why we’re friends.
There’s a new Twilight book? I don’t care, but I didn’t know.
I tried to watch the Gilmore Girls last year. Meh.
Also no cares for anything Harry Potter, ever, I actually hate all Potter mentions. And NFL football. No.
I don’t mind Star Wars and I like when anyone eloquent or passionate speaks out about what they believe in and what they stand for – celebrities included.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…why colds are rude
There is. It’s apparently a thing where she flipped the gender roles or something like that.
What bothers me about celebrities is they get all soapboxy and half the time, they’re not even saying anything new. They’re just repeating what’s been said for years and because someone famous said it, it’s now all important and worth discussing. That has it’s merits but it still plucks my nerves. And sometimes, it can be disastrous (yes, Jenny McCarthy, I’m looking at you).
Um, well I love football, Gilmore Girls, and Harry Potter, but everything else I’m with you on. I am done with people talking about fall ALL THE TIME and am also tired of people saying “Happy Fall Y’all!” Please people, just stop.
Mackenzie recently posted…If It Doesn’t Open, It’s Not Your Door
CHECK CHECK CHECK to all you’ve said above. I think I have the fall blues. Haven’t been blogging very much and not doing much with my evenings either. I’m ok with that. We all need a time to decompress.
What I don’t care about – people wearing scarves, boots and drinking PSLs
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…My friend’s new book: Parenting with Purpose
I don’t think I have the fall blues, I just find that I don’t care about all these things that other people do. Which is fine.
I care nothing about scarves and boots. Scarves are neck jail.
Halloween – because I’m tired and dressing up seems like a lot of work and I just want to sleep…
I give zero fucks about Halloween but with a third grader who still loves dressing up and all that, I have to pretend to care.
I read your comment about starwars and I couldn’t even after that! lol kidding (sort of).
I saw the new twilight book and was meh. don’t think she could do more than what she’s done already.
My husband doesn’t understand how I don’t care since he’s all hyped up about it. I think I’m in the minority because most people I know are losing their shit over the new trailer.
A lot of what you mentioned already, I don’t understand why I get Periscope notifications now. I also don’t really care about what other people do or don’t feed their kids. That just came to mind because it was the topic of conversation at preschool pick up today. I didn’t have my phone with me so I couldn’t even pretend I was texting. I think I’m also pumpkin-ed out.
Karen recently posted…A Long Weekend In Orleans, MA
I definitely don’t care what people feed their kids or how good/picky they are. It’s not a competition.
I still haven’t signed up for Periscope but I know I need to. I can’t try to force others to use it when I’m not using it myself.
That fucks to give meme is on point. You are fire, girl.
I’m working on a shit that annoys the fuck out of me post too, it’s building inside. Somewhere in the last six months it became about numbers for me, and I’m not sure why. Maybe not numbers but the need to craft a “perfect” post every time. I used to not give a shit if a lost was short. I’m trying to be more me and impose less of an expectation on myself for no reason. I guess I’m trying to just get people to like me in this big bad world.
Holy shit I’m on a tangent now. Sorry! :-/
Lindsay recently posted…Let’s Be Friends Blog Hop
There’s a popular blogger/speaker/author I follow and sometimes, his posts are like 4 sentences. But he packs a lot into those 4 sentences. I think sometimes it’s purely a matter of quality vs. quantity and if only takes you 5 bullet points to get your list across, then that’s fine. Your blog, your rules.
Seriously, true enough though. Zero fucks given. And on that note… Thanks dear xo
Lindsay recently posted…Let’s Be Friends Blog Hop
Twilight, Harry Potter and Star Wars hold no appeal for me either. Lately all I can manage is work, home, Seamus, and sleep.
Kerry recently posted…Vacation Mode
I get in those blah moods, too, where all I can manage is the bare minimum.
i am clutching my pearls over the HP statement. i loved them! i didn’t read them until 5 years ago though, so i missed all the hubbub. hoopla. i am giving no fucks on capitalization today 😉
ellesees.net recently posted…So I Brushed My Teeth With Charcoal
Even capitalization deserves a day off. I still haven’t read the HP books and honestly, I don’t plan to unless my daughter wants to read them and we’ll work through them together.
seriously though, fuck football. haha.
lol my husband doesn’t get a haircut per say, he buzzes/shaves it off. I don’t care about his hair. I care about his beard or lack thereof. I am waiting patiently for the lack thereof to come back because I hate beards haha.
I am a HP fan though.. and I was a twilight fan back in the day, but I don’t know if i have enough fucks to read the new one. most likely not.
kristen recently posted…Irresistible Me Hair Extensions
My husband cannot grow a beard so when he doesn’t shave, he just looks dirty. And scratchy. I don’t need that in my day. Beards are terrible, by the way. Except on the guys in ZZ Top. Those are acceptable.
oh thank goodness you aren’t a fan of beards either. most of my friends are like omg beards and i’m over here like EW no. except like you said, ZZ top beards are acceptable. i actually don’t mind those, i hate the in between like you are trying to look like santa claus. it isn’t cute.
kristen recently posted…Irresistible Me Hair Extensions
I can’t get into Harry Potter either! I’ve tried. Many times. I just can’t, I guess.
I didn’t get the hoopla over the Twilight books either. I did read them, but I didn’t understand when grown ass adults were screaming and going nuts over them.
I do love Gilmore Girls though. And Walking Dead. And Game of Thrones. I watch a lot of TV.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
Bahahaha… I was on board with the Twilight thing… didn’t even know there was a new book coming out – AND THEN I GOT TO THE HARRY POTTER COMMENT! ;P You are forgiven.
What’s up with Playboy not having nude photos though? Isn’t that their whole M.O.??
Amanda recently posted…No time for a title/into/outro because I have a book to get back to… #sorrynotsorry
IDGAF about Back to the Future day. Sorry, not sorry.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Gwen is my Taylor
Okay, I have to admit that I’m excited about the Gilmore Girls thing. I basically grew up with that show, though, and it remains one of my favorites. I own every season on DVD and watch it regularly. (Though since it’s streaming on Netflix, I usually just do that now since it’s less work than switching out a DVD every 4 episodes. Yes, I’m that lazy.)
I hate to admit that I’ve read the Twilight books, but I have. I didn’t like them. I won’t be reading the new book.
I’ve never read Harry Potter or seen the movies.
I don’t like Star Wars stuff either.
I play Fantasy Football, but I don’t really care about it. Eric’s family has a league and I’ve been a member for years. I’m lucky if I can remember to set my lineup. We’re going to the Husker game this weekend because his brother needed to get rid of his tickets. Eric is really excited, and I’m excited to be doing something with him that he loves. He’s as passionate about sports as I am about books, music, and writing.
Kristen recently posted…Tasty Tuesday: Crockpot Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Pasta
A big fat nope from me on Star Wars! I liked Harry Potter, but not enough to get swept up in it and certainly not enough to keep up with it.
Christina recently posted…So Much Music