I don’t know if the confessions linkup is still a thing and I don’t generally participate because I am terrible remembering to do it and also I don’t usually post on Wednesdays but I haven’t done any sort of confession lately (unless you count me listing all the jobs I’d suck at) and I saw Stephanie write this post (thanks for the idea) and thought hey! I should do that.
So I did.
I cannot whistle or snap my fingers…but I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue
I cannot name all the US presidents in order…but I can name all 7 dwarfs and all the Fraggles
I cannot remember what I need to buy in a store…but I can remember song lyrics from 1987
I cannot do a smoky eye…but I can rock red lip gloss
I cannot navigate anywhere without a map…but I can find my way back when I inevitably do get lost
I cannot do math in my head…but I can correct your grammar
I cannot run a marathon…but I can read a 500 page book in a day
I cannot travel everywhere I want to go…but I can prioritize and visit those places
I cannot make small talk one on one…but I can speak in front of a room full of people
I cannot remember where I put my phone…but I can remember details of people’s lives
I cannot easily ask for help…but I can figure it out on my own
I cannot erase my depression…but I can fight like hell to keep it in check
I cannot make images…but I can find hilarious shit like this:
What can or can’t you guys do?
HAHAHAHAH that oscar meme!!
I’m the same – i suck at small talk but have no trouble speaking in front of large groups.
The Oscar meme made me day when I saw it.
Love this post, and there are great juxtapositions and connections within the lines. I dig it.
I can’t use the word “juxtapositions” correctly in a sentence, but I can admire others that do. Well done, Steph!
Thanks! I did it on purpose. I think.
Jealous, I’ve always wanted to figure out how to tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.
I like these. A lot of them are really damn good trade-offs, if you ask me. That second to last one made me sad-happy.
I’m okay with the trade-offs. They help make me me
Amen to the math one! And I’m the opposite of the small talk/public speaking one. I haaaaate talking to a crowd. What a fun post!
When I talk to a crowd, I figure no one is listening. When it’s one on one, I know they are and my awkward is amplified!
haha… love that Oscar the Grouch goodie.
I had to laugh about the marathon but can read 500 pages.
Also love the math / grammar one. I’m always correcting people in my mind at grammar mistakes.
At least you only correct them in your mind. Sometimes it comes out of my mouth.
I never used to be able to snap but then I got a dog and it felt imperative to learn. Lol! Now I’m so used to doing it to get their attention that I sometimes use it for people by accident. Still cannot whistle. Or roll my “r”s. And I finally learned how to do a smokey eye, but it’s so subtle I’m sure most people can’t tell that there’s shading and stuff. 😛
I have 2 dogs. Still cannot snap. So I yell. Seems to be effective.
I always tell my friends that it’s not an adventure until I get lost. 🙂 I cannot run a marathon either but can read 500 pages a day too. And often do, which makes me more fit, although my chubby belly may suggest otherwise. I cannot keep a plant alive, but I am the best Cat Mama. I cannot do complicated math, but I can always tell you how much 20% off is. I cannot sing solo in tune, but I can lip sync as a good as Britney.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…My Favorite Fall Things
I love that last one!!! Same with me!
It’s definitely an adventure when I drive. Even with Google maps.
Love this! I feel the same way about my memory; yesterday I was planning out my latest blog post and an idea came to me and I literallyyyyy forgot it in a second. The idea came and went so fast I couldn’t even remotely remember that great idea I had SECONDS earlier. And yet? A song I loved as an 8 year old? Yeah, I know all the lyrics to that. And can tell you line by line what happens in the video. And what year the song came out. Brains are weird.
My brain can’t remember why I walked into a room but my best friend from 5th grade’s birthday? Sure!
Brains ARE weird.
That oscar meme is awesome! I cant name all the presidents, if someone tells me to travel east or west I am like tell me left or right damnit!!!! I most certainly can’t run a marathon but I can finish a book in a day if I am not working. If the smokey eye is equivalent to looking like a hooker who got punched in an alley, then I might have that down. LOL. I can’t tie correctly, I only can do the bunny ears. And most recently I can’t even remember why I walk in to a room.
When people tell me east or west, I look at them blankly until they give me different directions.
We’ve had the bunny ears conversation before. BUNNY EARS FOR LIFE!!
Hahaha I love that picture of Oscar the Grouch. And I love this whole post…it’s funny and it reminded me that we all have things we CAN do even if there are things we can’t do too. What is your secret to tying a cherry knot? haha I absolutely can NOT do that and never have been able to!
I wish I had a secret. There really isn’t any, I think. It’s just something I can do.
hahaha I died at the garbage can one, that is hilarious. I love everything on your list! I feel you on the grammar one. I can’t tip without a calculator but I can correct grammar like a college English professor. I can’t name the presidents in order either. I can name every World Series winner in order since 1984 (the year of my birth, Detroit Tigers, btw) and I find that comes in much more handy in my life than the presidents.
The baseball thing is really impressive and I can see how it definitely comes in more handy. It’s a hell of a conversation starter.
Enjoyable read. Amen on the math in the head!
Reading this made me sing the song played at the end
Of Sesame Street- don’t know the name but
The chorus is count me in. Some of the lyrics – I’m so special, I’m outstanding, I can win, so count me in
The first line – everybody is oringinal even if they
Have a twin. It’s a great little song. It’s you. It’s me
It’s everyone! So count us in! Love. Steph’s. momma.
I don’t remember that song. Thanks for sharing!
oh, what a fun post. i can snap but not whistle.. i cannot tie anything with my tongue, that’s a serious talent!
It’s literally the only talent I have. I cannot sing or draw or dance but I can do that!
I can snap and whistle. That came in handy while conducting therapy group with juvenile prisoners those few days I had laryngitis. I was a snapping, whistling, clapping, foot stomping fool.
You know I remember lyrics from 1987. One of my favorite years of music.
I cannot ask others for help easily, but I can often give good advice.
I make grammatical mistakes, and I can accept that others will judge me.
Fun post.
texerinsydney recently posted…Flower Power
Same re: advice and asking for help. Just had that conversation with someone today, actually.
Yay for the fraggles! I used to be able to do the US President thing but then google was invented and I figured I could divert my brain power to more useful things. :p
Femme recently posted…Anxiety and the Hustle Mindset
That Sesame steeet song is new from the episodes on now. I sing it to Lola. I forgot to say I can sing all the states in alphabetical order I learned in elementary school and I know the entire Eggbert the Easter edd song and smoky the bear song. Funny how things stick in One’s head.
Love, Steph’s Momma