I wish I had more to say about everything that’s happened in the two weeks since I last posted but at this point, I’m out of words. I’m broken up over Chris Cornell (and let it be known that we should not be concerned with mental health issues in the wake of a celebrity suicide. We need to be concerned EVERY SINGLE DAY because suicide is real and tragic and hopefully, one day, completely preventable), I’m broken over the bombing in Manchester, I’m angry and frustrated that nothing, NOTHING, seems to affect 45’s administration, and I’m to the point that constant vigilance has left me exhausted
Of hatred
Of bombings and senseless murders
Of ignorance
Of injustice
Of rhetoric
Of lies
Of party lines
Of discrimination
Of empty promises
Of bullying
Of pettiness
Of nonsensical bullshit.
But yet, despite all of that, I am hopeful.
That common sense will prevail
That unity will happen
That discrimination will end
That compassion and love will win.
And that’s all I’ve got today.
Despite all I am hopeful too. Thanks for being another light out there.
I’m tired too. It’s OK to take a break.
I’m tired too, but it’s always good to have hope for something better.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…M/M Book Reviews: Loose Cannon and The Penalty for Holding
Definitely floating in that boat with you. Every day brings it’s own waves of sadness, fear, anger, and hope. So exhausting.
Audrey recently posted…A Dog Rescue Kit
Good will prevail… it always does… hang on
This is Beautiful, perfect, and succinct ❣️
Mother/Father God bless, help, and heal all.
Love, Steph’s Momma
As I told my friend yesterday, “staying woke” is exhausting! I’m with you, sister. Staying hopeful is tough, but it’s all we’ve got…
I am so exhausted too. Physically, mentally, emotionally – just sick and tired. But, like you, I am still hopeful and hold on to my favorite Anne Frank quote, “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again.”
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Mini Break: I’m Going Home!
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Every single day it’s a new ridiculous, baffling, sad, devastating, absurd, foolish, terrifying and troubling news story. I commented this on Steph’s recent post, but you almost HAVE to be the person who throws positivity into the ring because I genuinely cannot take this shit.
Being wrapped in a shell of busy is so much easier sometimes than dealing with the craziness of real life. Every time I get a news alert on my phone, I hope it’s for impeachment proceedings while simultaneously wondering what he has done NOW. It’s tiring. I’m with you. Miss your posts, though.
Although it probably doesn’t help a bit, let me say: I am right there with you.
Some days it is important to take care of yourself in order to be able to continue to care about others, and about what’s going on in the world. Perhaps for you this is one of those days. Rest, eat well, sleep adequately, and look for things that make you laugh in a non-bitter way.
The other night I got so FREAKIN frustrated by self-publishing snafus (cover design, formatting) that I was alternately weepy and ragey. At one point I left the house and stomped down the street, shivering with anger….And then a golden retriever raced up to me and flopped down on his back in the middle of the road, panting and thumping his tail hopefully.
The chance to give the dog a belly rub was exactly what I needed. Bonus: The neighbor’s other golden retriever came rushing out, obviously thinking “well HE’S not gonna get ALL the belly rubs!” So I got two dog-smiles for the price of one and it really did help my attitude. Specifically, it got me out of my own head (and its very real travails) for a few minutes.
Here’s hoping that you get the rest and rehabilitation you need this long holiday weekend, and that you find your own golden retrievers (or whatever therapeutic things that will make you feel better, even for a short time).
Donna Freedman recently posted…‘Your Playbook For Tough Times, Vol. 2’ is here!
I love this post. That’s all I can say – I’m not as eloquent as you.
Right there with you, Jana.
WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG TO GET RID OF TRUMP?! Seriously. I am exhausted, but I do have hope. There are a lot of people out there doing the right thing.
Our friend committed suicide last week and it’s been rough around here. He was one of Jacob’s best friends and it’s totally heartbreaking.
Christina recently posted…What’s New With Me