I’ve been thinking a lot about the direction for the blog and what the content will look like in 2015. Thanks to your input, as well as what I’m finding myself interested in (and immersed in) lately, I have dozens of post ideas and I’m looking forward to sharing them with you guys in the coming months.
One of the themes I’ll be covering is inviting you guys into my home more often. What I’m cooking, how I’m attempting to organize, thoughts on parenting and marriage and having pets, some finance stuff, and some of the home decorating projects I’m working on. I want to open that up instead of keeping it all to myself.
I’m that generous. You’re welcome.
In the meantime, here’s a quick look in my house (with no pictures because I’m feeling exceptionally lazy. #sorrynotsorry):
There are shoes and cups and books and dog toys everywhere.
It’s pretty obvious a child lives here, too.
We have approximately 34243 iDevice chargers and 5 devices.
The kitchen counter is way too crowded with appliances, and there’s usually a cup in the sink (despite my efforts to prevent it).
Whenever I clean, it rains and basically defeats the purpose because muddy paws and shoes.
The toilet seats are down.
The floors are clean.
The mantle and blinds need to be dusted.
The walls aren’t covered in art; they’re covered in family pictures. Some are hand drawn.
They’re also in need of new paint.
The office is in desperate need of a professional organization.
The pantry could use some help, too.
The furniture is well loved.
The smell of candles or home cooking fill the house.
Sometimes the smoke detector goes off.
The TV is typically on (unless I’m home alone. Then there’s music).
We watch sports and crime shows and popular comedies and kids shows and lots and lots of movies. Sometimes we pretend to be smart and watch the news.
We treat our pets like they’re our children. If you don’t like them, don’t come over.
There are only 3 of us but sometimes, it sounds, and looks, like 47 people live here.
We laugh a lot. We yell, too. Someone is usually talking.
Our garage is the most hated place in the house. Except the basement. That’s worse.
The laundry room is NEVER empty.
We lose things often. We usually find them. Sometimes we just give up and surrender to the item’s inevitable fate (probably eaten by a dog).
I’m sure there’s stuff I’m leaving out but now you know the truth: we’re about as close to normal as you can get so if you come over, you know what to expect. And when I do share pictures, you won’t be shocked at the sorry state of parts of my house.
But I’m apologizing in advance.
Coming up tomorrow: my Thanksgiving thankfulness list.
Your house sounds perfect! (I’m very impressed the beds are made. Mine never are!) I love the direction you’re taking your blog. Isn’t it fun to plan for 2015?
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted…Preschool Journal: Babies, sharks, and crayons on the beach
The beds get made because my husband hates when the dogs are on the sheets. If not, they probably wouldn’t be.
I’m having so much fun planning for next year!
The muddy paws are exactly why I NEVER clean my (beautiful, dark hardwood) floors. The inevitable rain is enough to make me rage out.
Marcie recently posted…random shit from a depression-addled mind
I can’t wait to get rid of carpet. Sweeping is way easier! Vacuuming annoys me.
i am the same way–when family is here, it’s tv on, but when i am alone, it’s music on.
Ellesees.blogspot.com recently posted…This or That: Naked Basics Vs. Naked2 Basics
I’ve realized I could condense all my TV watching, save for when I get on a binge watching kick, to one day a week (thanks to DVR). Music is infinitely better!
The pup is why I will never has a fully clean house. My counters are filled with appliances. I wish I had a pantry, this will be a must in my next house.
Kerry recently posted…Chocolate Toffee Cookie Bars
I don’t know what I would do without a pantry. It’s definitely a requirement!
My dogs are spiteful little things. I’ll pick up their toys and put them in the toy basket and then, one by one, they pull them all out again.
Oh, my pups definitely keep my house from being clean. It doesn’t help that I have to constantly sweep up dog hair!
Lynsey @ Eternally Wanderlyn recently posted…Grief Is A Funny Thing
Our dogs don’t shed so at least we have that going for us!
Ahhhh the disaster zone of a house. Mine is unorganized enough, and we don’t have any four or two legged children to wreak havoc, just the two of us.
Anne @ Money Propeller recently posted…Jet Setter Interview – Vanessa of Vanessaâs Money
Before we had pets and a child, our house was not a model of perfection. It wasn’t the worst place ever but definitely not as neat as you would think a small apartment with two people should be.
love this 🙂 we have like 5 devices and 3 chargers, will you send one of yours our way? lol. other than that, everything needs to be dusted, there is almost always a blanket nearby because I am always cold, and everything is covered in cat hair. I think these kinds of houses, the ones that look and feel lived in, are far better and more welcoming than the clean crisp white pinteresty houses.
kristen recently posted…Training for Tuesday
I will never have a Pinterest house and I’m completely fine with that. It’s too much stress. I’d rather have a lived in house that people are comfortable in than one that feels like a museum.
Ditto on the blankets in my house.
Sounds like my house. We’re yellers too! And I am not big on looking at photos where everything is very posed. Sometimes mine have shit in the background and sometimes not. It depends on if I picked up before or after the pic was taken. LOL One thing that’s ALWAYS in every photo: dog hair.
I love this post for the visual we get without the visual.
I cannot keep track of the 40 eleventy chargers we have. Cripes.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Oh look! More spinach…Spinach & Artichoke Dip
I definitely don’t pose pictures. I might crop out something that’s glaringly awful but if it’s a bit of a mess or a spill, whatever. It’s honest.
Yeah, we don’t even have kids and this sounds very close to my house for most of the week. Then I clean it all on the weekend (except when I don’t) and feel wonderful for about 5 minutes until it’s a mess again. I’m like, there’s only two of us (and three dogs), what the heck??
Julia recently posted…Thanksgiving Must-haves
There are some days my one child makes the mess of a Duggar sized family. It’s ridiculous. It’s also ridiculous how quickly my house can go from clean to filthy. But those 5 minutes a week when it’s completely clean and picked up? Bliss.
Hahahahahahh the google search for things in the house, yes!!!! I am a pretty organized person, but gosh darn if I don’t lose something I lose it real good! I look forward to those posts!
Also, if the house looks like someone doesn’t live in it…then you aren’t living right! We don’t have kids, but we have dogs and well aren’t husbands a little like kids? There is dog fur, dog toys, 3549896 remote for game systems, magazines, lap tops and other electronic devices laying about because ummm we live there and use them!
Nadine recently posted…Sh!t Chris Says
I looooove the look into your house/your life! LOL I wish I could google the missing things in my home. That’d be perfect because my son is always looking for a very specific car. I used to keep track of his every possession but we’ve accumulated too much so I’ve thankfully stopped. Can’t wait to see where 2015 takes you and this blog! (I hate cleaning the entryway all year round because winter = salt, fall=leaves, spring/summer = rain and general dirt. Ugh.)
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…How I served Thanksgiving dinner on a weeknight
Your house sounds like my house. Steph didn’t get her clean gene from me. I do not need everything in its place all the time. I call myself messy organized.
My husband is very neat! That makes things easier for me. Our 2 pups are very hairy but I don’t mind vacuuming to keep up with that. Yesterday I was on my hands and knees scrubbing my parent’s kitchen floor! They are on their 80’s and my mom has Parkinson’s. Your home sounds cozy and loving.
Love,SMD’s Momma
Yes, I like the pets one because my grandma doesn’t like pets and we have a dog. The first time she ever came over we put our dog in his kennel because he is a lover so was somewhat pesky. Well, a lot pesky because he wanted to be petted. Next time she came I did not do that and she asked if he usually goes in there. I said no. He wasn’t begging for pets so I didn’t see a need for him to be there.
Tricia’s Mostly Healthy Life recently posted…My Unexpected Thanksgiving Blessing, From the Bottom of My Heart
You make your beds? Damn. We only do that when company comes over! hahaha
Amanda recently posted…Shit I’m Tired Of Being Asked
Your house sounds like my house minues the dust and it’s only gone because I hosted Thanksgiving. It can return now and I won’t mind a bit!