So maybe, yesterday, you noticed a whole influx of posts published here.
It’s true.
It happened.
But for a good reason.
After realizing that I just cannot manage more than one blog, I decided to combine my two sites–this one and The Townhouse Pioneer (which is where I’ve been the last few months)–into one. Hopefully by doing this, I’ll be able to get back into all the blogging things.
That would be nice.
And just so we’re all on the same page (which, since it’s the internets, I guess we technically are but let’s go with the metaphorical, figurative page), I wanted to fill you in on a couple of changes coming to the site.
First, the header. As a work through what is an endless stream of problems, the header will eventually be changed to encompass not on my pioneer project (which was the focus of the other site), but some new categories that are a big part of my life but I never really dealt with before. Like cooking. And reading. I do both of those daily. Why not blog about them? I assure you, you’ll like it.
Two, my pioneer project. I’m stoked to share the ins and outs of the project on this site, and I feel like now I can do it in a looser way than on the Townhouse Pioneer (also, I don’t live in a townhouse anymore so it sort of feels like a lie). Plus, the project has majorly changed in scope and this is a more appropriate place to share.
And three, me. I feel like I’ve finally, after 3 years, found my voice as a blogger. So you’ll notice the tone around here be a little lighter the majority of the time but we’ll talk about some serious stuff, too. Occasionally. Not too much. But sometimes.
If you’re visiting me for the first time from the Townhouse Pioneer, WELCOME!!! I’m so excited to have you here. I even baked you some cookies:
Nadine says
Well look what we have here. A lifestyle blogger 🙂
Obviously I will have a cookie and stick around!
Nadine recently posted…Sometimes I Over Share
Jana says
I’ll hand you a beer with your cookie 🙂
Revanche says
Good to see it coming together for you!
Revanche recently posted…In case of (money) emergency, break glass
Jana says
Thanks! I’m excited for what’s coming down the road.
Tonya says
I know from experience how hard it is to keep up two blogs. One just sort of suffers. Looking forward the the new changes!
Tonya recently posted…Why Happy is More Beautiful than Beautiful
Jana says
It was way too hard for me so I’m glad to have them all in one place.
Kelli says
Ooohh that’s how I bake cookies too! So glad you have your move all done, I just followed Jana Says on Bloglovin’s so I don’t miss a post. 🙂
Kelli recently posted…Wilmington, NC: Day Trippin’
Jana says
Hooray! I definitely need my Kelli fix, too 🙂