- Currently reading The Mothers and Truly Madly Guilty. DNF The Summer That Melted Everything. Picked up All is Not Forgotten.
- After some serious technological fuckery, Steph and I finally made it through a recording of The Armchair Librarians. We discussed The Couple Next Door, and the episode will release next Friday so you have something to listen to while you avoid Black Friday shopping or while you drive from store to store. We’re here for you either way.
- Also in book news, I have a books column over at my friends’ site, Adulting, and my first post went live this week. It’s a big list of influential books, mostly of the business and personal development variety. I’m planning to do a second one like this but with influential novels. I will be turning to you guys for help. I know you won’t let me down.
- I will not talk about the post-election bullshit. I will not talk about the post-election bullshit. Oh, fuck that. Yes. I will. Because appointing an anti-Semitic, racist, misogynistic, xenophobe as the chief White House strategist is not something I take lightly. I mean, HOW MUCH BIGGER CAN THIS DUMPSTER FIRE GET? At what point does it stop? I am genuinely fearful for this country, not from external threats but from internal ones. Specifically, the ones with authority. And not only is Steve Bannon (who, to be fair, might not actually be those things but merely associated with them because of Breitbart but let’s be honest, you don’t run a company like that without agreeing with its message on some level) now the co-top level adviser to someone wildly unqualified for the job to which he’s been elected, that kind of appointment speaks to the kind of country this administration is going to create. I tried to be hopeful that it was just blowhard rhetoric to garner support. Clearly I was wrong. And while I am never ashamed of my heritage, I have never been so thankful to have a non-ethnic last name. It shouldn’t be like that. Not here, not anywhere.
- Okay. Now we need to lighten things up. Have a funny (I mean, besides all the Biden/Obama memes. That shit is priceless and I cannot pick my favorite because they are all SO GOOD):
- Song of the week. It was hard to pick one. I went back and forth between picking one that makes me genuinely happy and one that’s meaningful and inspirational because, let’s face it, we need both. So I went with a Breaking Benjamin oldie, “I Will Not Bow”, because it does both for me and I think I’m like a month overdue for a BB song anyway.
Hope you all have a great weekend! I’m going to my very first Coach/Thirty-One Bingo event and I’m quite excited since it’s been on my unofficial 40 by 40 list for a long time. I’ll also be prepping my house for Thanksgiving and visiting with some friends and family. I’ll see you back on Tuesday with my Plum Paper planner review!
those memes are everything. although i’m not american, i can certainly appreciate them and how funny they are…i can imagine obama being the voice of reason/moral compass and biden is the guy causing mischief!
“how big can this dumpster fire get?’… dont ask… I’m sure it can ALWAYS be worse 😉
Sad, but true.
Well the dumpster fire is larger today with the appointment of Senator Racist Sessions. God save the queen sounds like a good song to me right now.
Fucking technology.
Ugh. There was a small, minuscule, part of me that hoped there would be some magical pivot. Where he would moon the white nationalists groups but NOPE. Between Bannon and Sessions – Good Lord! What have people done? The reality is now the threat to America is not from all those immigrants who want to come here but by people already here and in power. It scares the crap out of me. And the fuck meme – is the best one yet. Oh, I also really, really hope you like All is Not Forgotten. It was one of my favorite books that also really pissed me off. The narrator can get annoying and I really wanted to punch him at the end of the story but that was sort of the point in my opinion.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…3 Myths About Hate and How We Rise Above It
I find a hard time giving a moderate fuck as well. Congrats on the book column, that sounds like fun. What do you think of Truly Madly Guilty so far? Just curious. It wasn’t my favorite of hers. Can’t wait to read your Plum review, I am getting ready to order one myself. Have a great weekend!
I’m so numb with all the election stuff now. I really am. It’s not that I don’t care (quite the opposite) it’s more just like…nothing shocks me? If Ann Coulter became the new Secretary of State I’d be like…well, yeah. Of course. Fuck this entire year, HONESTLY. The Obama/Biden memes are EVERYTHING, though.
Excited for your planner review. I can’t decide between PP and Happy Balance. This is like the ultimate in 1st world problems.
Have a good weekend 🙂
Full disclosure: I’ve never been an Obama fan, but I always liked Biden.
Thank goodness for the Biden memes to sprinkle a little humor into all of this mess and nonsense and lunacy and ugliness.
I Will Not Bow is an excellent choice.
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