I don’t even know where this week went. Let’s try to recap anyway.
- Finished The Sea of Tranquility and had a major book hangover for the rest of the week. It’s better now but my god, did this book destroy me. Made it hard to function the whole week because I am tired. Picked up The Summer That Melted Everything and Truly Madly Guilty. Am in the middle of 4 different books because I cannot commit.
- Steph and I saw Jodi Picoult at the Philadelphia Free Library on Tuesday for a Q&A about her new book, Small Great Things. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly, HIGHLY recommend it. I’ve read every single one of her books and without a doubt, this one is the most impactful and one of her best. It brings up issues of race and racism which, while it’s uncomfortable to talk about, it an incredibly necessary conversation this country needs to have. And those conversations start with us.
- I watched the Netflix documentary Audrie & Daisy. If you have the ability, watch it. It’s about rape, which, like race, is not an easy topic to discuss but the way these girls’ cases were handled are an affront to justice and explores the rape culture that persists in this country. There’s one police officer in the documentary I wanted to punch in the face. People like him should not exist in law enforcement yet they do. It is infuriating. And as a parent, I am absolutely terrified of what my daughter might face as she gets older, particularly with social media and online bullying.
- We got our carpets cleaned. So instead of in the house, my dog puked all over my car. While I was in the school pickup line. Sans anything to clean it up with. My daughter said my car smells like her nightmare. Smells like my nightmare, too.
- While I’m not a fan of the Cubs or the Indians, this World Series is historic and fascinating and I’m rooting for the Cubs only because good friends of mine are Cubs fans and I think they might implode if the Cubs don’t win. I like my friends and don’t want them to implode. Also, Fox? NOT COOL to put up a graphic about the no hitter. YOU DON’T TALK ABOUT THE NO HITTER. Basic baseball etiquette.
- Song of the week. I know I was going to do a Breaking Benjamin song this week but I changed my mind. Have you heard the new Kings of Leon song? It’s so, so good. Kings of Leon is like Mumford and Sons. I forget about them and then I hear a song or two on the radio and remember how fucking awesome they are.
That’s all she wrote this week. We’re headed to the beach for a college friend’s wedding and I get to see lots of old friends as well. I’m very excited about this (and even more excited that I found a dress and shoes for a total of $50). Maybe, MAYBE, I might even take a picture and put it on ye old Instagram. We’ll see.
Have a great weekend!
I have yet to read a Jodi Picoult book because I’ve never felt prepared emotionally, haha, but her new one does sound fantastic. Hope you have an awesome time at the wedding this weekend! I LOVE Kings of Leon!!!
PS – The Sea of Tranquility gave me a huge book hangover too. It is such an incredible book.
Have a wonderful time this weekend. I forgot about
Kings of Leon , too! I always have bounty paper towel in our cars, but no cleaner!
Carpe every diem!
Love, Steph’s Momma
Instagram that shit!
Checking out the Kings of Leon song right now. I like it.
Audrie & Daisy sounds really hard but necessary. Unfortunately the people who NEED to watch will of course not watch.
Still can’t believe your car episode. Well, I can, because freaking dogs. But gahhh.
i have no more books to read so i’m going to hunt for Sea of Tranquility (also heard some great things about the book!). have a great friday!
I watched “Audrie and Daisy” yesterday. Completely heartbreaking and infuriating. And I know exactly which police officer you’re talking about. He’s not a guy I would trust to protect and serve me. Ugh.
Your friends will just have to live. As a lifelong (31 years and counting) Cubs fan, they bring you nothing but pain and disappointment and this year will be no different. I actually don’t think Cubs fans will implode if we don’t win – I think we’ll implode if we DO. We don’t know how to be winners. We know how to talk about curses and say ‘there’s always next year.’
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The Sea of Tranquility destroyed me. I couldn’t do anything but stare at the wall when I finished it. Easily in my top 5 of all time.
I watched Audrie and Daisy last weekend. What struck me as odd is that that cop had two young daughters in the same small town. I couldn’t believe he didn’t see how easily it could’ve been them.
Ohhh new Kings of Leon?! I am off to listen to that! Sea of Tranquility is on my list to read! Don’t get too excited about Truly Madly Guilty…it was my least favorite of Moriarty’s. I agree with you on Small Great Things and I think it is so cool that you and Steph got to meet her! Dogs always find the best places to puke, right?
I have The Sea of Tranquility sitting on my Kindle waiting to be read, but I chicken out every time because everyone says something like you did. I’ll get to it one of these days…
SO JEALOUS of you and Steph seeing Jodi. I wanted to go to her NYC event on launch day but had a prior engagement. I haven’t read Small Great Things yet because every time she publishes a book, I stay up all night until it’s finished and I just need to meet some deadlines first.
Audrie & Daisy is in my queue, and with that too, I keep chickening out. Ugh.
Enjoy the weekend wedding!
This world series really is so epic, but I have to admit I haven’t watched any of it yet! I also might have broken the baseball rule of not talking about the no hitter when I was at an Astros game one time, but then the no hitter happened, so I didn’t feel bad! Audrie & Daisy sounds like a documentary that I’d be interested in, so I think that I’ll check it out.
Anddddddddd adding that Netflix doc to my queue.
i am so glad the sea of tranquility destroyed you! haha jk but really i’m glad you loved it/enjoyed it. i remember i read the storied life of AJ Fikry, then the sea of tranquility and then wonder. so it was 3 amazing books in a row and i was wrecked for like a month. haha.
so so so cool you all met Jodi Picoult. i have that book on my kindle but haven’t gotten to it yet.
Oh….I can’t wait to hear more of your thoughts about The Sea of Tranquility.
Australia likes to play Kings of Leon. A lot. I hear them. A lot. Sometimes too much.
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