This week is a 9 pack. I blame it on jetlag.
- I have not fully recovered from my time in San Diego. I mean, I had a kick ass amazing time in a beautiful city with some of my favorite people on the planet but my internal clock is still all kinds of screwy. I’m still not 100% sure what day of the week it is and I know I need more sleep. But every day and night I spent out there was worth feeling this way.
- My keys got locked in my car on Monday night. Did not realize it until I went to take my daughter to school on Tuesday. Had to call my husband to free the keys. Didn’t know what excuse to write on the late student sign-in sheet so I wrote “adulting fail”. Pretty sure I’m going to get a letter about that. Don’t even care.
- I read two great books on the plane ride to San Diego, Monster and Lady Cop Makes Trouble, and on the way home, I tried to read The Woman in Cabin 10. Let’s just say that if Steph and I weren’t discussing it for The Armchair Librarians, it would have been returned to sender tout de suite. I hate it and it’s killing my reading vibe.
- As per usual, my mind is a busy place and even moreso this week. I’m aching for a quiet place to work through my thoughts and a mid-week beach trip was in order. The rain, however, was a huge obstacle in making that dream come true. Seriously. Stop fucking raining.
- I had a conversation with someone in San Diego about the show Orphan Black. He recommended it highly and since the chick who stars in it just won the Emmy, I figured I’d give it a try. And you know? It’s right up my fucked up, murdery alley. I’m not digging the whole weird science fiction element but it’s more in the same vein as Stranger Things or Dark Matter (the book) so I can overlook it when it gets too weird for me to handle.
- Speaking of fucked up and murdery, did you see the Buzzfeed post about true crime podcasts? I’m pleased to say that I listen to several of them already. ALL THE TRUE CRIME!!!
- The debate: I just cannot comment on it. Everything about it ignited a horror that renders me speechless and incoherent. It was one of the most disgusting displays of mansplaining, disrespect, arrogance, bullying, and sheer dickishness I have ever been unfortunate enough to watch. He bulldozed over Hillary and Lester, and showed absolutely no regard for the rules of debate or even common courtesy. The only thing that orange asshole proved is that not only is he unfit to be president, he’s unfit to be a basic human being. Like, it’s an impossibility. Is this the person we want as the face of our country? HELL NO. And I can’t even begin to imagine what will happen if he somehow, through some rip in the time/space continuum, is elected. I’m genuinely terrified. How people can continue to defend him absolutely escapes me. Plus, he’s a fucking liar who lies. I hate liars.
- South Carolina: Every day my child is dropped off at school, this is precisely what I panic about. My heart breaks and aches for those parents and those children and what happened to that teenager to make him think shooting up a school of babies would make it better? Oh, wait. AND WE STILL DON’T HAVE PRACTICAL GUN LAWS?! What the fuck is it going to take?
- I might have shared this song already but it’s definitely my anthem lately:
This weekend will involve cheer practice, naps, books, and general sorts of nothingness.
Is our book twinning over? Maybe we’re hitting our teenage years and will reconnect again when our reading matures more (or, that makes no sense and I tried really hard to make my metaphor work). Basically – WHAT? I really liked Cabin 10, but I do acknowledge it wasn’t the best book – just a great book for me at the right time. I hate that would be a DNF for you but interested to hear your reasons nonetheless. I just had to get off facebook before I tore into a family member for their anti-Hillary commentary. It just isn’t worth it. Yay for naps and books!
I just think the book is a fucking disaster. And holy hell, do I hate Lo. Even more than Rachael from The Girl on the Train.
Facebook is making me rage at a level I didn’t think possible.
Ohhh adulting fail is the perfect answer to most any reason you are running late with child! I had heard good things about Cabin 10 and now I am questioning if I even want to read it. I am behind on your podcast and need to catch up! The amount of shootings, bomb threats and other things that happen at schools terrifies the shit out of me and I am going to be a mess for the next 18 years of my life, I just know it!
I am totally expecting a letter from the district telling me it’s not an acceptable excuse.
I think if you want to read Cabin 10, you should. It’s just my opinion and I seem to be in the minority.
Wait, the district judges your excuses?? Do they not have anything better to do with their time? Ugh.
I don’t think I can take any more true crime anything – with a kid growing up in this world, worrying about terrible things happening to any of us can be debilitating if I take in any more.
I’m sorry that I missed you at FinCon, I really wanted to say hi.
Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life recently posted…Just a little (link) love: Huskies in a pool edition
I don’t know if they actually judge my excuses but I feel they might.
I am paranoid but I feel like confronting the problem head on makes it easier to deal with.
I’m sad I missed you, too. Definitely next year!
I also enjoyed Lady Cop Makes Trouble. I like Girl Waits with Gun just a teeny bit more, but both are very good reads. And bad books – they so kill my reading vibe. I was really fortunate this month and all the books have been really good.
I really can’t say anything more about the debate that you haven’t already said. What blows my mind is that even his “handlers” admit they have to very gingerly give him constructive feedback, like he is a toddler. There is a reason we don’t allow toddlers to be president!
The answer is to #8 is NRA and republicans.
And I already love American Sweetheart and Ellie King, thanks to one of your music posts with Erin. It’s on heavy rotation in my house. 🙂
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Inspirational Quotes to Help Shift to Joyful Thinking
GWWG was a smidge better. This one had a little more action and less of Fleurette, who grates my nerves, so that was nice.
I cannot with that piece of shit anymore. I just cannot.
My thoughts exactly re: guns. What is it going to take, if none of these horror shows have done it already? If Sandy Hook couldn’t make people budge, I don’t have the imagination to dream up what possibly could, nor do I want such thoughts in my mind.
The fact that Sandy Hook has changed nothing is what made me lose hope that anything will change, ever.
I had my doubts about Woman in Cabin 10…I haven’t signed it out yet (on my TBR list) but it’s dropped in priority since this post. I also hated Girl on the Train so I wonder how similar they are?
I didn’t watch the debate. I can’t handle the news anymore (I wrote a post about it earlier this week). I can’t take the vitriol and the stupidity and the anger anymore. It was bringing me down. Stories would stay with me for days and I couldn’t shake off the despondency, so I cut the cord. I needed to.
Glad you had a good time at Fincon! I wish I would have been able to go since San Diego is only about 90 minutes from me but just couldn’t afford the cost. I would have loved to meet ya in person! Oh well, one day my friend 🙂
Mackenzie recently posted…When The Media Bums You Out
I wound up turning it off about halfway through because I simply couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know that I’ll watch the others because it’ll just be more of the same.
Yes, one day! Hopefully sooner than later!
That stinks that you don’t like The Woman in Cabin 10. Did you read In a Dark, Dark Wood? I finished that recently and really liked it so I figure I’ll give Cabin a shot. The debate is just boggling to me – the whole thing is boggling. There are people who support Trump on my Facebook and I just keep thinking, “REALLY????” Are we for real here? He embodies all of the selfish aspects of America and none of the good.
Jess recently posted…Friday Things
I couldn’t watch the debates. I would get too angry. I don’t know anyone, Democrat or Republican who is voting for Trump. And while I usually never judge people who vote for anyone with differing opinions, I could probably not help keep my distance and end any friendships for anyone who could possibly vote for that baboon. 🙂
Girl Waits with Gun is finally sitting on my floor waiting to be read. I finally picked it up from the library after you mentioned Lady Cop Makes Trouble is out.
You have shared America’s Sweetheart because your share of that song is what turned me on to Elle King.
Am I correct in assuming based on knowing where you’re from and knowing where you live now that you’ve pretty much always lived in a “blue state”? I am interested what people’s fb feeds look like if the majority of their friends/family are from blue states vs. people like me where many of my feed are Texans, a red state. But, I’ve also got friends that don’t follow the norm of Texan culture. (I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you.) My facebook feed, during and after the debate, was such an example of the extreme opposites of what people are hearing and feeling. Some Hillary bashers and Trump supporters. Some Trump bashers and Hillary supporters. Some that don’t like either and don’t know what they’re going to do. My sociologist mind is intrigued by my social media snapshot of a Texan who lives abroad. And, do blue state natives have a different social media snapshot?
texerinsydney recently posted…A Decades Playlist by Jana and Erin: 1950s
What the fuck is it going to take indeed. And how sad that it wasn’t even huge news. Like oh, another shooting.
I love that song.
I am bad with return jetlag. I can usually push through it on the front end of a trip.
oh bummer about the cabin 10 book, i’d heard such good things.
lol @ “adulting fail”
a million times yes to the gun laws. what is it going to take? i keep thinking this HAS to be the last one right? but it never is.