What a week. Dr. Seaver died. Aleppo. The uncontained dumpster fire that is our government. Ohio. North Carolina. My daughter turned 10 and got a phone. My grandma turned 90. Emotions are all over the place. Some things I can’t talk about because they’re not for me to discuss but have affected me in all the ways. It seems ridiculous to do a weekly recap of all the mundane amidst all of this but like Alyssa mentioned, there’s grounding in the average. It gives us something to cling to when everything else is spiraling away. So, in that vein, here’s my average:
Reading. Finished We’re All Damaged and started Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil. Nothing added to the library holds list. Thanks to everyone who participated in Show Us Your Books and I apologize for my lack of participation this time around. I was a shitty host.
Watching. American Housewife. GUYS. I watched it for the first time this past week and I was all HOW DO THEY KNOW MY LIFE?! Especially when she said this about Santa: “We have the same body type. We both have lists of people who pissed us off.” Seriously. Does not get more accurate.
Eating. I made bruschetta zoodles for dinner the other night. Well, I mean I made it for me. The husband refuses to eat zoodles (FINE. MORE FOR ME) so he had pasta instead and the child ate pizza because clearly I win at encouraging healthy eating but if you’re so inclined to try this, it’s super easy. Make zoodles using a spiralizer. Then combine either chopped fresh tomatoes or a can of diced tomatoes, chopped garlic to your liking (I like a lot of garlic), some salt, pepper, basil, and lemon juice in a bowl. Let that hang out for a bit. Then mix it all together. I heated it but you can probably eat it cold as well. P.S. I also found this article on Lifehacker about expanding your cooking repertoire. It’s way easier than you think!
Listening. There’s a brand new podcast called The Hilarious World of Depression. YES. I also encourage you to check out the website they mention, Make It Ok. It’s about breaking the stigma of mental illness, with resources and stories and action you can take.
Raging and thinking. I agree 100% with everything Steph mentioned in her post yesterday. I’m appalled and horrified that more people aren’t outraged about Russia’s interference in our election. This is not a fucking joke. It’s fucking serious. And it’s up to people like you and me to rage and discuss it. Because if there’s one thing, ONE THING, I’m optimistic about with this impending administration is that we’re going to see a whole new level of activism. We’re going to see more people speaking up and fighting for what’s right and railing against this oppressive nightmare. We’re going to see our kids taking a more active role in their communities and their country. We’re fostering a greater understanding of what exactly the president can do (and what he can’t). We’re going to see more vigilance in finding truth rather than just accepting whatever information is thrown at us. The next 4 years are pivotal for the future and survival of this country the way we know it and I hope with every fiber of my being that those who voted for him recognize what’s happening and join the fight for what’s right instead of continuing to accept what’s wrong.
Laughing. My gym posted this picture on IG. Oh, yeah. I go to the gym now.
We’ll be finishing up celebrating the child’s birthday this weekend, along with our family Christmas prep day. Think cookies, fudge, visiting Santa, decorating a gingerbread house but done lazy style because there are also naps to take and books to read. Hope you all have a great weekend as well!
Every day gets more bizarre regarding our ” leaders”!
Massive streaming of healing lights and love and 😇
To Aleppo. Happy 🎂To your daughter! Gods speed to
Her always! Baking on Sunday. Hanging with
My soul and real sister on Saturday!
Enjoy this season!
Love, Steph’s Momma
I need to catch up on American Housewife. I really like it.
Alan Thicke dying has shocked me. Growing Pains was my favorite. SO much better than the other sitcoms of its time.
Who’s the Boss was pretty damn great. As was Family Ties and The Wonder Years and Doogie Howser. All my childhood shows, really.
you go to the gym now?! that’s amazing. what made you decided to do it? i remember you humming and hawing about it.
I do! For about 2 months. I started to go because I realized I’d like to be less fat and it wasn’t going to happen on its own.
It is always, always good when there is a rise in activism and awareness. Many people needed to wake up. We will get through.
This week was a total bastard.
I’m trying to remain confident we will get through. I mean, there’s really no other choice. Quitting is NOT an option.
I really struggling with trying to balance of keeping up to date with a the latest crap from the Asshat’s (I just really can’t say his name) administration without losing my mind. It’s just so freaking depressing and well, you know I don’t need more things to bring me down. But, I also don’t want to be uninformed, nor not raise my voice because I was unaware. I also wholeheartedly agree that the absolute best thing to come out of all of this is the rise of activism, connecting people and actually trying to solve real problems. Happy birthday to your daughter and grandma! My grandma just turned 89 a little over a week ago. It amazes me and I can’t wait to see him (and my Grandma) in a couple of days.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…12 Days of Christmas Cheer and Funnies
I can barely read or watch the news without my head exploding but I can’t bury my head in the sand and be ignorant. The best way to combat this bullshit is to raise our voices and remain vigilant.
Your baby is 10. Wow!
My daughter has been singing Hanukkah songs all week, over and over again. I think of you every time, in a good way. Please pray for me 🙂
I have come to find peace in the mundane. I used to rebel against it but I’d take that over an unexpected shit storm any day.
I have been cheering loudly in support of Steph’s post. We have spent so much time having real life discussions with our children who go to schools on extreme opposite sides of the coin (3 kids, 3 different schools in different set of demographics) I am thankful for the rise in activism as Steph says but goodness is it rough being a free thinking conservative Christian minority women!
I’ll have to check out American Housewives and the podcast because, depression.
I feel so bad for you with the Hanukkah songs. Because there’s like 2. And they both suck. Adam Sandler’s is decent, though, so hopefully she’s throwing that into the rotation.
I cannot believe she’s 10! It’s ridiculous.
We’re loving American Housewife so much! It’s just so hilarious, and I feel like I might be a mom like her some day. And I love your attitude about zoodles since your husband doesn’t like them, just more for me! They really are an awesome addition to the cooking schedule!
I am that mom. #noshame
Sometimes, I make things I know he won’t like just so I can have it all. Also #noshame
2016 is just gonna go out kicking & screaming, huh? I hope you’re right about the activism and (hopefully) seeing changes around here. I’m at my wits end with…uh…life.
With the change of my career life (and commuter life) coming, I’m planning to go to the gym myself. UGH.
I think this is the first time I’ve ever participated in SUYB that I didn’t go through and read all the posts and make comments. It happens, right?
Again, happy birthday to your 10 year old, and I hope the continued celebrations are as wonderful as she deserves them to be. You’ve done well with that kid.
texerinsydney recently posted…‘Tis the season for stories from retail
Well I definitely dont have the same body type as THAT last Santa 😉
American Housewife is the best new comedy… I always laugh at the neighbor who wears 2 trackers… especially because I usually have on 3 – haha
Dr. Seaver… I just cant deal
I do want to read Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil. I hope you enjoy it! I really want to make a gingerbread house with my oldest niece and nephew. I think it would be fun! Yeah, Steph’s post about Russia was great -and people should be upset, whoever they voted for, and I hope you are right about the next four years. I hope it’s a time where people stand up for what they believe in and fight back against things are just NOT RIGHT. Sigh.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Gifts for Your Boss/Co-Worker/Other Acquaintance
My husband is also anti-zoodles. He won’t even eat zucchini bread even though I have told him many times that you can’t taste the zucchini. That recipe sounds delicious. American Housewife sounds like my kind of show right now.
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