- Thank you to everyone for our Show Us Your Books birthday wishes and for participating and making the last 2 years bookish and amazing! There’s still time to enter the giveaway if you haven’t. In other reading news, I finished The Couple Next Door and started both Eileen and Adnan’s Story. Picked up nothing new from the library.
- I know that public schools get a lot of well deserved criticism but I need to say that I’m really quite happy with my daughter’s school. Not only is she learning to code but in her reading group, they’re reading Number the Stars which, if I’m not mistaken, is often banned in schools. Where I live gets some flak for being backwoods but this shit is progressive.
- Have you guys watched Westworld? I have mixed feelings on it thus far. Not enough to quit but enough that I’m not in love with it either.
- Trump. Okay, if you want well-written, well-thought out posts about this misogynistic assboil, read what my girls Steph and Ali have to say. If you want a semi-inarticulate rant, keep reading. So, when I was in college, there was this guy I knew. This guy repulsive when it came to treating women, so much so that he referred to all women as “pigs”. Yup. You read that right. Pigs. And laugh about it and the guys around him laughed about it and encouraged it. Back then, I didn’t attribute it to rape culture because to be honest, it wasn’t something that registered. I just knew it was wrong and disgusting and the sight of him enraged me. And it infuriated me when the other guys would laugh and egg him on and when I’d bring up how awful it was, I’d get told “that’s just him being him”. FUCK THAT NONSENSE. It wasn’t acceptable then from a shitfuck of a fraternity boy and sure as hell isn’t acceptable from the person who wants to be the leader of this country. Allowing Trump and the guy I know persist in their actions and statements is what allows a Brock Turner to happen. And as the parent of a daughter, I cannot stand by and permit these behaviors and actions and entitlement attitudes to keep happening. Society needs to stop raising its boys and electing leaders who encourage and foster the belief that boys can do and take anything they want and girls have to just smile and accept it. Because, rest assured, my girl is NOT being raised to accept it. I am raising a force to be reckoned with. And I know plenty of other of parents are, too. I hope everyone who sits by and defends Trump and his ilk is ready for the army of girls like mine who will no longer accept it and will riot in the streets to make it stop. And those of us who can vote and start the ball rolling on affecting this change, please, use your voice wisely. (And I am not going to address the #repealthe19th that was trending the other night as a response to the “if only men voted map” because I don’t want my head to explode)
- Confession: I am full on obsessed with Too Faced makeup. I bought the Peanut Butter and Jelly palette the other day and holy hell, is it amazing. I don’t think I’ll be able to use another brand of eye makeup for a long, long time. Also, for those who use the Better Than Sex mascara, if you have trouble getting it off with standard makeup remover, Too Faced makes a mascara dissolving pen. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s on the list. If you have used it, what do you think?
- Song of the week: Untouchable Face by Ani DiFranco. Another college reference. Every Thursday, I would go to the Stone Balloon (RIP) for mug night ($.50 drafts? Yes, please) and there was always a cover band playing. My favorite, Tin Pan Alley, used to do this song and it’s just angry and fun and while I’m not a huge Ani DiFranco fan, I respect and admire her and her feminist activism.
Hope you guys have a great weekend! We’ll be celebrating the husband’s birthday a little early and not too much of anything else.
We have a coding club!
I’ve done Number the Stars every year. I don’t know of any books that have been specifically banned in any school I’ve worked at. I think it’s more of a blanket term and isn’t actually something schools focus on…public schools have too much else to worry about (i.e. “well-deserved criticism”).
Not sure why public schools get flak; our public school is actually great; Kayla’s reading is fantastic and her french is actually conversational…as in we were in St. Maartin and she was talking to the lifeguard about stuff while we stood there like tools waiting for her to finish.
Public schools in Chicago suck, period. Glad you’re not experiencing that! I love Too Faced, it’s amazing. I take my makeup off with olive oil and I’ve had no issues getting their mascara off that way.
I remember reading Number the Stars when I was in school, it was one of my favorite books. That is awesome that she gets to read it! I don’t understand why they would ban such a book. Afraid o the truth? Ridiculous. I am a huge Too Faced fan so I will have to check out that palette. They have my favorite shadows out of anyone, even over my UD Naked palette. Hope you have a great weekend!
I way agree on public schools. My Stephanie and
My Sean both graduated from high school with college credits.
I change the channel when any political BS comes on especially GOP or I turn off the TV.
Goddess and Godspeed to all to rise above that
Enjoy the autumn weekend.
Love, Steph’s Momma
I love people being vocal on why the things Trump is doing is WRONGGGGG & not acceptable. More people need to voice that opinion.
Like you, I didn’t recognize how prevalent rape culture was when I was younger. Or how I helped it persist by not speaking up. That mindset was something we just accepted as is. That somehow we, as women, we less than. That being spoken to in a condescending manner or cat-called was something we just took with a smile because to do otherwise was wrong. I’ve wised up and it heartens me to see how women and men (because not all of them are douches like Trump) are saying enough. Are raising sons and daughters to respect one another, to be strong.
Congrats again to you and Steph on the 2 year anniversary of Show Us Your Books. It’s my very favorite link-up!
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I read Number the Stars in school too, thankfully—and yes, it’s definitely a frequently challenged book. And it is seriously AWESOME that she’s learning to code!
Cosign your thoughts on Trump, obviously. Girls like your daughter with moms like you are so lucky—and the world will benefit from the lessons you’re teaching her. So on behalf of society, thank you.
Of course I absolutely love that song.
And your Trump rant. Looking forward to seeing these girls being raised now by moms like you come into their own and turn gender roles on their ass. No, we will not accept your BS because you’re a man. GET OUT THE WAY.
Love the progressive school stuff. Learning to code is a necessary skill these days and I love the choice of reading.
I’ve only watched the first episode of Westward (life’s been busy and I’m out of town this weekend), but based on that one episode, I have mixed feelings as well. I was just chalking it up to an “it’s too early to tell” factor.
um, too faced has a mascara dissolving pen? how exciting. i love their mascara, i’ll have to try that.
KC worked at a private school up until this school year and he’s already loving public 100 times more. public schools here aren’t as good as some other places in the country, but i really don’t think they are that bad.. i went to a public school, so did KC. both of our schools weren’t ‘good’ according to people/websites who determine what makes a good school, but we turned out okay i think.
KC has been watching Westworld and he likes it, i was going to watch it but now i’m kinda eh.
Thanks for the shout! It’s so important that people (not just women) speak out against this man and what a dangerous choice he is. Want to hear something awful? A girl I know on Facebook wrote a status today that said she was curious to know who her friends were voting for & asked that people WITHOUT commentary simple write the name. Everyone – literally, every single person (mostly women) wrote Trump. I was really really disturbed by it and it just goes to show you why so many people chalked his words/actions up to ‘typical locker room’ talk and weren’t shocked by it. I CANT EVEN BELIEVE THIS IS REAL LIFE.
Great; now you have me eyeing that PBJ eye palette…
“(M)isogynistic assboil” is a new one, and it is wonderful.
My mother was a 2nd and 3rd grade public school teacher. If anyone is truly born to do a particular job, it was my mother as an elementary school teacher. Are some schools and teachers crap? Yes, but I always think about my mother and know that there are those like her that are passionate, caring, and have a drive to educate kids. I love that your daughter’s school is offering her things that will help her excel. That, and the fact that you are “raising a force to be reckoned with”, the world needs to watch out for Erica!
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