This recap seems unnecessary and irrelevant and unimportant given the week’s events but let’s do it anyway.
- Picked up Chuck Klosterman’s new book (fun fact: we have the same birthday) and Tig Notaro’s book. Muddled through The Summer That Melted Everything. Thanks to everyone who participated in Show Us Your Books and we have two(!) next month, one on December 13 (the regular monthly one) and the other on December 27 (favorites of the year).
- Started Good Girls Revolt. Seems extra apropos now.
- I didn’t want to give any more attention to the election results but in light of several events, I have to. While I’m trying my hardest to convince my daughter that everything will be okay, I’m finding it incredibly difficult to do so. I have friends–close friends–who are afraid for their safety and the safety of their children. I don’t blame them, not when there are stories of swastikas graffitied on store fronts and Muslim women being assaulted and black baby dolls found hanging from nooses. I don’t even want to discuss the fact that my friend was called a cunt for saying she doesn’t like Trump. This is despicable. It is disgusting. It is everything our country is not supposed to be and my heart is shattered. And as our now leader, he has a responsibility to condemn this behavior. Try to curtail it. But he won’t. He’s proud of it, and he condones it not just with his actions but his refusal to own responsibility for making this shit acceptable again. EXCEPT THAT IT’S NOT. And while some might be running for Canada or other countries, I plan to stay right here and fight in any way I can to make this shit stop. #nastywomanforlife
- I recently took inventory of all the things I have with polka dots. Official tally: almost everything I own except my clothes save for one polka dot cardigan. I want to say it’s a problem except…no. It’s not. I LOVE POLKA DOTS AND I AM NOT ASHAMED.
- This made me laugh. We all need to laugh.
- Song of the week: “Still Breathing” by Green Day. Here’s the video rather than just audio. It’s pretty powerful.
And since it’s Veteran’s Day here in the U.S., I want to take a moment to thank anyone who’s served. This week more than any other week in my memory, I appreciate what you’ve done to protect our freedoms, specifically our freedoms to disagree open with our government.
I hope you all have a great weekend and try to take some time to recover. As for me, I’ll be visiting with a friend and recording an episode of my new true crime podcast that I’m hosting with my friend Athena. More info on that when we’re ready to roll!
I so hate that people are so fearful…
I honestly dont think he’s going to have the power to do everything most people are afraid he’ll do… at least I’m hoping for the best.
I laughed at the Peanuts cartoon. Math problems are my arch enemy in life.
reverberations of the US elections are starting to show up here in canada as well…. a HUGE sign was hung on a highway overpass with the words “CANADA FOR TRUMP” along with the US confederate flag. this was in a big city where there is a huge asian and south asian population….people are going overboard with all this!
So sorry to hear that awful thing happened to your friend. It’s as if Trump getting elected has given a pass to all the assholes and filth of this world to come out and act like it.
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…FriYay
We can be mad, or we can influence change, at least in ourselves. I’m trying to inform myself and get to the root of more of the “why.” See what his plans are and keep a better eye on Congress to see if they’re getting done (or, hopefully not). It at least makes me feel like I have a little more control again. Life is going to go on and being angry without moving forward is exhausting. I welcome a bit of normalcy in your blog post.
Well I got called a cunt for saying I don’t hate Trump like most people do (I didn’t vote for him, I don’t LIKE him) but I don’t hate him and I do understand why rural America likes him. So I’m pretty much done with everyone at this point, fuck people. I don’t even want to run for president – I want to start my own country and you need a very special invitation to get in. Oh, and you have to be a dog.
Stephanie recently posted…Three on Thursday
I love polka dots so much.
Actually almost got a divorce this week. MFD is ready to leave. I am not leaving. I am staying here and I am working with other women to change this.
You know, I have a little bit of a polka dot problem as well. Polka dots and stripes are really the only “prints” that I own besides a few animal print pieces lol.
It makes me sad at the state of our country. I wish that all this rage and hate were channeled in to love and the determination for change. It is ugly on both sides and it is heartbreaking. None of this is ok. And it really pisses me off to see people burning our flag. One that the veterans of our country have fought SO HARD to protect. I am with you in that we all can be the change with our own actions. Loving and supporting each other instead of acting like fools.
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
I understand your friends’ fears all too well. And I live in a progressive, liberal state but when I set foot outside of it – my fears begin to grow again. They were always there – because you never knew if someone was a friend or foe – but he made it cool to hate. To be acceptable and even applauded in certain parts of the country. Like you, though, I am going to fight.
I like polka dots, especially when I was in high school. My favorite shirt was black with white polka dots. I wore it when I saw NKOTB in concert. 🙂 And hell yes – why would someone buy 60 cantaloupes ? That silliness makes that math question moot.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…I Will Not Kneel to Hate. I Will Stand Tall.
I wrote something earlier (I CAN’T STOP) and touched on the same thing you did. He needs to step out NOW and condemn this behavior. The world is crumbling as a direct result of the hate-filled campaign he ran…now he needs to take responsibility and STOP IT. A girl I know just told me her friend posted on FB that a man on the street asked her to “make babies” since her “birth control was going to be taken away.” Fuck everyone who got us to this point.
Also, LOVE TIg Notaro. Have you seen her Netflix doc? It was so good.
I am so disgusted by all the horrible people coming out of the woodwork and having a platform for their hatred. I’ve seen lots of people saying that he needs to take a stand against this type of behavior, and if I were an idealist, I’d be so hopeful for that. But it’s just not going to happen. He’s just like all of these people.
I REALLY want to watch Good Girls Revolt. And yes, even moreso now!
This week has made sad, really and truly. It is so upsetting.
Keep writing amazing things Jana 🙂 XO, my friend.
I’m having trouble moving on as well. The thing that’s pissing me off the most is the smug, self-righteous assholes telling everyone else to shut up and stop “whining.” People are legitimately afraid, and hate crimes are on the rise, and you’re going to chalk it up to whining simply because it hasn’t personally affected you? For fuck’s sake. How do people have so little empathy?