Reading. Finished Today Will be Different and Salvage the Bones. Started But What if We’re Wrong? and Private Citizens (I’m trying to only read one book at a time but But What if We’re Wrong is way too intense and thought-provoking to read before bed). Picked up Blood Men, Imagine Me Gone, and Nearly Gone. Show Us Your Books is this Tuesday! Our first one in 2017!
Writing. If you guys don’t know, I currently have a books column over at my friends’ site, Adulting. This week I introduced my Adulting reading challenge. If you wouldn’t mind, please go check it out, share it as you see fit, and if you’d like, join the challenge (it’s pretty low stress, averages to one book per month, and I’m allowing doubling up on categories. Like, I’m reading My Antonia for classic book and one written before 1950). Since I created the challenge, I’m participating in it so we can work through it together (I’m also doing one with my library and Erin peer pressured me into the Aussie Authors one, too. I’m only aiming for 3 books in that one, though. And two are authors I planned to read anyway).
Watching. On a whim, I started River on Netflix. It’s this weird British crime drama about a detective named River who is basically going crazy, hearing voices and being followed around by dead people while he’s still trying to function in reality. The main guy is the guy who was Professor Lambeau in Good Will Hunting and one of the brothers from Ray Donovan is in it, too. It’s only 6 episodes, I’m halfway through, and I really like it. Of course I do.
Not joining. One of the moms at the child’s cheer gym invited me to join her DietBet. I’m politely ignoring declining. It’s not that I don’t like the idea, and the thought of earning money for continuing to do something I’m doing anyway is appealing, but I’m so uncompetitive that I don’t want to be bothered. Also, I don’t want to take selfies of myself in tight clothing and post it for people to see and I can’t understand why people are actually okay with doing that. I don’t even like taking selfies when I’m in regular clothing.
Listening. No new podcasts to speak of as I’m still trying to catch up from not listening to anything over the 10 or so days the family was on vacation but I have been compulsively listening to Spotify. Specifically, Shinedown radio. For some reason, when I pick this station, Spotify insists I like Nickelback (I don’t) and Daughtry (I do) by putting dozens of their songs in the queue (thank god for the remove from playlist option). When that happens, I sometimes get to hear songs I’ve never heard before including this one from Daughtry that I *might* put on repeat. (I’ve also been listening to a lot of Phil Collins because, you know, balance)
That’s all for this first (back to school and work) week of 2017. Preparing for relatively low-key weekend with lots of cold weather (or, as I call it, the perfect reason to not leave the house). Hope you all have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Tuesday for Show Us Your Books!
Going to check out your Adulting reading challenge!! River sounds kind of intense but interesting!! I don’t think I could do a DietBet…I totally understand the motivation behind them, but it’s just not for me.
Heather recently posted…December/Christmas Recap (What’s New link up!)
I LOLed at the “Hi”, “Let’s not do this”. That is my everyday.
Also, you don’t want to take pictures of yourself in tight clothing and share them with everyone shamelessly??? (These are those moments when I question our culture.)
What’d you think of Today Will Be Different?
For the record on the diet bet, you only share the photos with the officials at diet bet, to make sure no one is cheating. No one else sees them if you don’t want them to 🙂 And it’s what they call ‘airport clothes’ so yoga pants and a t shirt is fine. I like taking other people’s money, I’m uber competitive haha.
Lol on the diet thing. Amen. I am very uncompetitive!
Here’s a funny thing that happened with the body
Pictures- Rich and I were doing Body for Life
And I had my picture taken in my underwear.
A while later he put all our pictures on a drive
To plug into our digital frame and that picture popped
Up on the frame! Lesson learned.
Love, Steph’s Momma
OMG the “hi/Let’s not do this” meme made me laugh so hard! that’s me every day at work LOL.
I feel very anti-social lately so that first funny is totally me right now.
I hate DietBet. I have lost weight on my own but every time I do that, I never make the goal. I cant handle the pressure.
I am intrigued by your Adulting Reading Challenge and will check it out. I’m participating in Erin’s 6.0 Challenge and just a book club, so …. and yet … we’ll see. 😀 I normally can only read one book at a time too but sometimes when books are too intense or I need to ponder what I read, I will read another book to balance too. I can’t stand taking selfies and couldn’t dietbet either. Nope. Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…December Recap: Adios 2016
I had plans to leave the house once on Saturday and now it’s looking to be twice. My facial forecast is grumpy cat for that.
I definitely want to check out your reading challenge! I’m a sucker for any sort of challenge, especially reading challenges! I hope that you have a great and warm weekend!
Hahahaha- all the funnies about “hi but actually no…” That’s how I feel every time someone tries to carry on small talk in texts. Like… no. Just, shh. I’ve said what I wanted to say…
High five on the Shinedown. I’ve been on a rock kick lately music-wise. Checking out your challenge now!
Audrey recently posted…Ask Me No Questions, I’ll Tell You No Lies
I haven’t ever wanted to pull the trigger on a dietbet either, I cant blame you there! And the only people I send work out selfies to is a small group of super encouraging girls that do the same to keep each other motivated. No dietbet or comparing allowed. If a station suggests I like Nickelback…then clearly they don’t know me at all. But yes yes yes to some Daughtry.
Damn. Just when I was realizing that maybe I should lessen my participation in book challenges and cut 2 out for 2017, here you go, throwing one in the mix that of course I am saying “why, yes, this seems easy enough….”
I don’t know what dietbet is and I don’t think I want to.
I’m laughing at myself because I admitted today that I’ve liked many of the cheese bands that critics say I shouldn’t…the examples I gave —-> Bon Jovi, Nickelback, Creed. I know. I should be ashamed.
texerinsydney recently posted…Sunday’s Seven Snapshots vol.105
i’m trying to only read one book at a time as well! normally i’m all about 3 or more books at once but i’m trying to just do 1 for the most part. i’ve had some overlap, but doing pretty good. high five!
definitely going to do your challenge! although, some of the topics/suggestions are daunting to me – more reason for me to read them, i suspect. i know it says i can switch it up but i’ll stick with the order so far, any suggestions for january – politics or current events?
i’ve done 2 diet bets and failed both. i didn’t do tight clothing, just short shorts (pj shorts) and a tank top. but like you, i’m not competitive at all. so yeah. nope.