- Finished Behind Closed Doors and Between the World and Me. Picked up The Mothers. Show Us Your Books this Tuesday, November 8. That’s also Election Day so please go vote before you indulge in book nerdiness.
- Resisted all binge watching, including the new season of The Fall for which I am monumentally excited. Watched nothing else because…
- THE WORLD SERIES. Holy shit. What a fucking series. I’m not a Cubs or Indians fan (raging Mets fan over here) but OMG. Game 7 was probably the best game I’ve ever watched. Ever in my whole life. Incredible isn’t even a descriptive enough word for what happened. I got teary and emotional and it all felt like I was watching a movie instead of real life. I can’t even imagine how Cubs fans feel. It’s pretty amazing to think that in the last decade or so we’ve seen the Red Sox AND the Cubs break their streaks (Indians, I’m seriously pulling for you next year). Also, with the Indians in the World Series, it made my chronic quoting of Major League appropriate instead of weird. And Anthony Rizzo is my new favorite person.
- And while we’re talking about history, can we talk about the CMAs honoring Dolly Parton with the Willie Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award? She’s the first woman to win it and it’s just another in a long line of accomplishments and achievements and trailblazing she’s done. I could go on for many, many words about Dolly as I love her so. But you know what made the whole thing better besides her awesome speech? Seeing the tribute to her done by women. ALL WOMEN. No men (Pentatonix gets a pass). You know why? Because women kick just as much as ass as men and sometimes, men just need to shut up, sit down, and watch what women can do. (Remember this on Tuesday, too)
- Received my Plum Paper planner. I’d been wanting one and after Kristen’s review, I bit the bullet and purchased one for myself. And since Kathy requested it, I’ll do a whole post detailing my experience thus far. Reader’s Digest version: I fucking love it.
- Song of the week. I wanted to do a Dolly song but I know I keep saying I’m going to do a Breaking Benjamin song so instead of either, let’s go in a completely different direction and use this song by Skillet. They happen to be the child’s favorite band and this song is empowering as fuck:
So that’s all for this week. Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour on Saturday night unless you live in a place that recognizes how stupid daylight savings time actually is although I am looking forward to it being light when I wake up in the morning. See you on Tuesday for Show Us Your Books!
blah i am so not excited about daylight savings time but i am looking forward to light in the morning. i just want it to be light the entire time i am awake, and then it can be dark when i go to sleep. aka summer.
I love Dolly! I didn’t watch the CMAs or anything but I saw that she won the award and pictures of the tribute, so i will have to watch that later. she’s such a badass.
i am so glad you love your plum paper planner! i can’t wait for the post on how you use it because i love seeing how people use their planners.
totally looking forward to reading about your planner post/how you like it. Is this your first Plum Planner? Be sure to post lots of pics of how you use your planner because we love that shit.
Not a fan of daylight savings, although it is not quite as bad since I work from home. At my old corporate job, I had an office, which was nice, but no windows. So seriously, it felt like I never saw the sun! I am not a baseball fan but go Cubs! I love that Dolly was honored by woman, as she should be. I swear that woman doesn’t age either.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Book Review: The Happiness Project
YESSSSS for some Skillet!!!! Love them.
Cant wait to see your planner review. I’m so addicted to planners.
DOLLY… I’ve said before – IS QUEEN!!!! She is just fantastic. & love all the girl power. Its because of people like Dolly that blazes the trail for others.
Go Cubs 🙂 I’m SUPER excited for your planner review! I’ve actually already had a Plum Paper so I know about it but I still love to read what everyone else does with theirs, is that weird?
I cant wait to hear what you think of the Plum Paper Planner!! I keep telling Kristen and Kathy I am going to order mine but I haven’t yet. But I have full intentions on doing so soon!!! And I love Dolly as well. That woman is incredible! I missed the CMAs but I will have to go back and watch the tribute.
I read Behind Closed Doors this month too. What’d you think?
I’m seriously considering Plum Paper…
It brings me happiness to know your child’s favorite band is Skillet.
Dolly…you know how I feel about her.
Expat life is weird when it comes to American sports. I have to make the effort to keep up with it all. And, I just didn’t make the effort with the World Series this year. Sounds like it was the wrong year to skip.
I LOVED that Dolly Parton tribute. How awesome. And game 7 was awesome too. I’m a Phillies fan but watched every last second of that game. Such a good tv night!