This week’s recap comes to you from my feverish body and brain so please excuse any errors.
Reading. Started Imagine Me Gone. DNF Lilac Girls (will explain on Tuesday for Show Us Your Books). Picked up Nearly Found and another NetGalley book. Former was on hold before the library diet started, latter was an impulse because I can’t help myself sometimes.
Watching. Santa Clarita Diet. I generally avoid all things with Drew Barrymore because she makes me crazy but Timothy Olyphant–RAYLAN FUCKING GIVENS–is in this as well and I love him so I gave it a shot. You know, I don’t hate Drew in this. She’s pretty funny as is the whole show, even if I did gag at times. Literally. Almost threw up on my couch.
Using. Wet and Wild’s 1 step gel nail polish. With no UV light necessary. And it’s cruelty free! I combined it with a gel top coat and my normal base coat and 3 days in, no chips. I say that’s a success! And it was like $4 for a bottle which is nice, too.
Raging. I didn’t want to touch on this because my brain can’t handle this anymore but OH MY FUCKING GOD WHY CAN’T THIS SHIT EVER STOP?! Betsy DeVos, Jeff Sessions, the pipeline, 45 tweeting about his daughter’s fucking clothes in the middle of a damn intelligence briefing and oh, yeah. Attempting to shut up Elizabeth Warren. You know how Steph feels about RBG? That’s how I feel about Elizabeth Warren. I love. LOVE that she stood outside and read the letter anyway and how about that new rallying cry we all have? As an anxious introvert, it’s been hard for me to figure out my level of activism and I thank God for women like her, who are comfortable using their voices no matter what and continue to do so despite every roadblock being thrown at them. But the one bright spot? Neil Gorsuch, 45’s pick for the Supreme Court, criticizing him and calling his tweets about the judiciary disheartening and demoralizing. Of course, 45 is trying to spin it but it’s out there. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next.
Eating. A steady diet of prescription meds, cough drops, Robitussin, and NyQuil because bronchitis sucks.
Listening. Amnesia by Red Sun Rising. Favorite lyric:
And I’m not sick like you
I’m not burdened by the truth
The video is fun, too.
That’s it. This weekend is another cheer competition and buying a new bed for the child. Good times.
See you on Tuesday for Show Us Your Books!
Feel better! This illness sounds miserable.
I RAGE over the silencing of Coretta Scott King’s words from Elizabeth Warren’s mouth but we have been given an injection and a tagline. Thanks, Mitch McConnell, you sexist racist mofo.
I actually have an obsession with Drew Barrymore… I feel like we’re the same person… dont hate me now 😉 haha (We’re probably nothing alike truth be told… I’m more Josie Gellar than Drew Barrymore) ;)… but I want to check out that show
As much as it pisses me off about McConnell silencing Warren (because seriously, WTF?), a part of me also says thanks for giving us another reason to rally and come together, you nitwit. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised that Gorush rightly criticized Trump, especially since he has not been seated yet. I probably disagree with him on almost everything but I am pleased that unlike most Republicans at the moment, he appears willing to speak up. I love Timothy Olyphant/Raylan Givens too and miss Justified so much. I’ll have to give Santa Clarita Diet a try! Hope you’re on the mend. Bronchitis is definitely no fun!
I think the judge going against DT is a set up.
It’s like we are watching a tv show Ugh.
Remaining faithful that whatever is happening in this world will be for the ultimate good. Exposing the hate and blatant corruption like DeVos buying her place on the cabinet.
God and Goddess speed to all❣️❣️
Very interested in the wet n wild nail gel!
I love RBG and Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth never stops. I get frustrated from even reading about everything. DT said nothing about Louisiana tornadoes or anything else a president should say, but belittled Nordstroms! Good Lord. I’ve had kind of a cold for a week. First time in years. NyQuil and DayQuil and washing my hands a trillion times ! Healing lights to all. Including the USA 🇺🇸! Healthy and healing weekend to all!
Love, Steph’s Momma
I don’t mind Drew…I haven’t tried her new show, but I’m curious. Yay for gel nail polish that’s holding up! I might have to try it. I’ve been doing a lot of LGBT+ reading – mainly because I’m trying to get through various reviews and they tend to fall under that, so my Show Us Your Books post will be very LGBT+ full. Not that I mind. 🙂
Seriously…all the political stuff happening is so disheartening, and I’m very anxious and shy so I’m trying to figure out how I can best help. I love Elizabeth Warren and that she read that letter outside the door. #NeverthelessShePersisted
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…It’s Friday and I’m Loving It!
I saw that show advertised on Netflix the other night, I will have to check it out. I hope you feel better!
I hope you’re feeling better by now! I used that same Wet N Wild last week, no topcoat (I don’t think?) and it only lasted a day and a half before it started fading at the edges. Granted, I was doing a lot of work with my hands but still – so bummed! The answer must be the topcoat.
I didn’t love Lilac Girls, especially after reflecting on it. Interested to see your thoughts. I need to get all my book ideas in a line for tomorrow!
I’m generally pretty annoyed by Drew too, but this is a good character for her! I’m halfway through the series and definitely felt sick a few times. It’s pretty funny though. I hope you’re starting to feel better!
ooh interested to hear why you quit lilac girls. it definitely wasn’t my favourite, but it was more my kind of book for sure.
i like drew barrymore sometimes but i don’t know if i could sit through that show without gagging. blah.
i love elizabeth warren. she is so fabulous and i’m with you – i struggle with how i can be involved while still being me and that is someone who doesn’t like to put herself out there like that.. so thank goodness for women like her.
Whew. Hope you feel better soon. My husband caught the bug while we were in Texas last week. Not fun 🙁
I don’t like zombies AT ALL but the Santa Clarita Diet looks kind of entertaining. Also, I will definitely have to check out that gel polish you speak of!
I can’t talk about the government at the moment because I’m so fed up. But I’m even more fed up with the people that voted for Tr*mp because “he seemed to have good policy/direction” and they’re STILL standing by him. It’s nothing but pride holding these people back from saying, “Ok. Maybe the orange troll who tweets about HANDBAGS during briefings was a bad idea……”
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