What a week. Good news: my child was invited apply for the National Elementary School Honor Society (didn’t know this was a thing but I am incredibly proud of her). Bad news: Barack and Michelle are leaving the White House. I can’t even think about it anymore. Did you see that speech? My god, are they amazing (check out Ali’s post on them because I echo her sentiments). Other nonimportant news is what follows:
Reading. Finished Kissing in America and But What if We’re Wrong? Picked up Bowling Alone and Idaho and some NetGalley books including the new Graeme Simsion. Thanks to everyone who participated in Show Us Your Books and, completely apropos of all the book love, the next one is on 2/14. This might be the only year I celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Watching. The OA. I knew absolutely nothing about this show before I started watching other than people could not stop raving about it. I gave it a shot. I get why they raved.
Listening. I was completely stoked to hear that Halestorm had a new album of covers so of course I had to listen to it the day it was released. The one stand out, for me, was their version of “Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover” (original by Sophie B. Hawkins). I love when Lzzy actually sings and shows how good she really is and makes a song her own. The rest? Meh.
Ranting. I’m not going to launch into another political but please, read Steph’s post for all the reasons I’m pissed and you should be, too. In the Gettysburg address, Lincoln said that this is a government by the people, of the people, for the people. What a beautiful, eloquent sentiment that is completely being shit on by the people elected to carry out that ideal. What’s happening now is a government of vendettas, agendas, and gaslighting. I’m frustrated and angry and I want to cry, daily, because I cannot comprehend WHY they’re not listening. I can’t understand WHY getting revenge is more important than protecting our country and our citizens. I can’t fathom WHY they hate the way they do. I know that trying to understand the why is futile and I never will but I figure if I can, it might help me get through the next four years with my sanity in tact. And let’s not even go into that Utah high school assignment. It is Friday, after all.
Anticipating. April 4th. Because that is the official date for the return of Prison Break! If you’ve read here for any amount of time, you know my love of Wentworth Miller runs deep and knowing that he, and that show, are coming back to TV makes me insanely happy.
Have a great weekend! I’ll be in Atlantic City with the child for a cheerleading competition. Wish her and her squad luck as they’re competing for a bid to a huge national competition in Disney World. I’ll be sharing some pictures over on Instagram if you want to follow along (can’t post videos, though, until the end of the season). If not, I’ll see you on Tuesday!
I always used to say a robber would think we were robbed by the condition of my closet and drawers!
I’m better now with way room for improvement!
Can Abe Lincoln somehow inhabit the body of the Donald immediately!?!
Enjoy and lots of good luck
This weekend !
Love, Steph’s Momma
I was sitting on an emotional precipice yesterday and just reading what Pres. Obama said about VP Biden nearly had me in tears. Our next president will have me crying for other reasons, as you said. Andrew started The OA but I wasn’t into it (actually, I was into a book instead) but there’s a new show on Amazon called Sneaky Pete that starts today that I’m really excited for. Have fun in Atlantic City and stay away from anything with the T-name on it 🙂
congrats to the little one for the academic opportunity! that’s amazing.
even as a canadian, i’m sad to see Obama and Michelle go. They are both amazing people.
Ahh – I know you are so proud of your girl!
That speech. The Obama’s are just the cutest family. I’m anxious to watch them in citizen life. They are still going to be such an influence
There was tiny, and I mean tiny moment where after Trump was elected I thought maybe he would start to be more of a…hmmm, President? I was wrong. Dead wrong. I think he honestly has the same narcissist disorder that someone like Kanye has. They just seem to thrive off hate towards them and react defensively…only defensively. And he is not even inaugurated yet! OMG!!! Even though I didn’t agree with all “my” President’s politics, most were decent human beings at the core. I even liked George W. as someone I might want to go to a BBQ with or go for a horseback ride. 🙂 But Trump? No redeeming qualities whatsoever. I can’t even…
The OA! I watched one episode but it’s good! At least now I’ll have something to watch when I build that bunker in my backyard. 🙂
Prison Break is coming back?!?!?!
Congratulations Erica!!!! Amazing. And good luck this weekend!
I am politically exhausted today. I am giving myself today. Back at it with a Women’s Dem meeting tomorrow to see what that’s about followed by a progressives meeting.
I had never heard of The OA until Dani mentioned it. Now you. I should look into it.
There are days I just feel so hopeless and want to give up. But I know that’s what his ilk want and expect. And I have no desire to give them what they want. It does horribly sadden, though, to still see so many people with blinders on to his hate. I’ve never known hate to make anything great.
Congratulations to your daughter! What an awesome achievement and she is going to be one of our future bright stars. And I have my fingers crossed for her competition this weekend because Disney World would be fabulous place to compete.
I did not watch Prison Break but I do understand your deep love for Wentworth Miller. And those funnies are the best, especially the last one.
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Wow, congratulations to your daughter (and you and your husband!) – that is so impressive! Also – thank you for the news that Prison Break is coming back (I LOVE that show) and also that the new Graeme Simsion book is on Netgalley (just requested it; fingers crossed!) hope the cheerleading competition goes well this weekend!!!
Congratulations to E!
Things that lifted my spirit this week while being sad about the transition of the presidency: 1. Michelle Obama on Jimmy Fallon, 2. This week’s episode of Blackish, 3. The Bush twins’ letter to the Obama daughters. Class acts.
I was considering The OA and after reading this I’ll definitely add it to my viewing list. I’ve been wondering when Prison Break was finally coming back. My nephew and I have been re-watching it.
OK, I’m officially intrigued by the OA. I’d NEVER heard of it and now it’s all I see online. Maybe i’ll check it out this weekend! Also, YES to Steph’s post. Always.
I’m really terrified about the insurance – among a lot of other things – but it’s just ridiculous. I mean, do you care that people will die if they don’t have insurance? Do you care about anyone else AT ALL? I can’t even. Sigh.
I never really watched Prison Break, I have to admit, but I do LOVE Wentworth Miller so maybe I should get on it!
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Idaho is on my nightstand, but it’s like six books down. I still don’t know anything about The OA, but people love it, so I told my husband it’s the next show on our list. And now I feel like I need to binge Prison Break so I can be all caught up for the premiere!