First Friday six pack, a collection of six highlights from the past week. I decided not to have set categories but rather rotate based on the week’s happenings because, as we all know, not every week is the same.
This isn’t an official linkup but if you’d like to join in sometime, have at it!
In the immortal words of Tone Loc, let’s do it.
- Reading stuff–Finished Liar and We’ve Already Gone This Far. Reading Deep South. Using a new app, Litsy, to track my thoughts in an effort to be more proactive for Show Us Your Books (next one is May 10). We’ll see how it goes.
- Money stuff–bought a new Urban Decay lip stick. 50% off and then a $3 rewards coupon for a grand total of $8 rather than $22. Fun fact: the color is called Rush which, incidentally, is also my favorite band.
- Food stuff–created a 3 month menu plan. Not sure how steadfast we’ll be sticking to it but it’s worth a try.
- Ranty stuff–Tuesday brought the primaries to Delaware. As a registered independent, I am not allowed to vote in primaries. This pisses me off immensely. Why? Why can I not have a say? Because I have opinions and should be allowed to have a say this early in the game. It’s my country, too. Maybe if Independents were afforded a vote, we wouldn’t be staring a Trump nomination in the face.
- My friends do cool shit–this week was National Infertility Awareness Week and my friend Justine has an incredible project going on over at her blog. I shared my story there last week and please go check out the others and if you share, please do using #morethan1in8 It’s a terrible segway but my friend Abby who is a fellow infertility and depression survivor/warrior, wrote a book, Frugality for Depressives. It’s on sale as an eBook only right now but if you know someone who could benefit, please share her book with them.
That’s all. If you need me this weekend, I’ll be off at the Pearl Jam concert and then unsure because IT IS A KID FREE WEEKEND!!!
Hope your weekend is enjoyable, too. See you on Tuesday (and don’t forget that the weekend is a fabulous time to catch up on The Armchair Librarians. This week, we had a spoiler free discussion about Please Don’t Come Back From the Moon by Dean Bakopoulos. Long time readers, you knew it was inevitable)!
I love the new name of this type of post for you! I don’t understand the whole independents can’t vote in primaries. To me that seems completely opposite of what America stands for? Like unless you pledge allegiance to one of two parties your voice doesn’t matter. It’s not good. And like you said, that’s probably why we’re going to have a Clinton vs Trump election. Because your new lipstick already is tied to your favorite band and you got such a sweet deal on it, does that mean it’s already basically your favorite?
Kati Rose recently posted…Mourning Minnesota’s Prince
Ha! It’s definitely a new favorite! I had no idea that was even the name until I had tried it on and liked it. Meant to be!
Have fun at the concert! I didnt even know Pearl Jam was still touring.
That drives me nuts how people aren’t allowed to vote in some of the primaries. All of it is such a strange process.
I need one of those A-hole signs for my yard.
Rebecca Jo recently posted…Friday Favorites
It’s so frustrating not being able to vote. I feel like my opinion is being silenced for no good reason.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to the concert. It should be fun.
Love the six pack and rotating topics. I will have a six pack of twisted teas half and half to share! Very refreshing in the warmer weather. My Sean is an independent, too! Enjoy the Pearl Jam concert! Love. Steph’s. Momma.
The half and halfs are quite good!
my brother just saw PJ in tampa and LOVED the show, so it sounds like this tour is really good!!
i want a sign too! if only i had a yard, hehe.
have a great weekend, doll!
I’m not a huge PJ fan but they’re basically an institution for a 90s teenager like myself and the husband wanted to go so… I’m expecting it to be a good show.
Oooh Pearl Jam! Have fun!!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…Succumbing to Lifestyle Inflation
Thanks! It should be fun.
kid free weekend!! FREEDOM!!! kayla is staying over at my sister’s this weekend. FREEDOM! Lol
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…friday thangs [4-29]
I am definitely ready for a break. It’ll be good for all of us.
I know you said it’s spoiler-free but I’m going to wait until I read the book to listen—just because I feel like it’ll be made all the more enjoyable. PS, I dig this format and totally agree about independent voters. Looking forward to my chance to cast a vote in a little over a month.
alyssa recently posted…A Landscaper’s Pact and Other Wished Things
Totally understandable about holding off on listening. We won’t hate you for it 🙂
Ohhh Pearl Jam? How fun!!!! I love that asshole sign. Hilarious! And I think it is ridiculous that independent parties can’t vote in the primaries. Hope you enjoy your kid free weekend!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
I’m moderately excited. I’m not a huge fan but the husband wants to see them so off we go!
I’m totally going to glom on to your Friday Six-Pack. I also did a highlights of the week post today and could not come up with a title, hence it’s just called Highlights of the Week. Yawn. Also, I’ve read a lot about your infertility (just haven’t always commented) and I too struggled with infertility. I’ve written a little bit about it on my blog but there are so many things I can’t write because they would be hurtful to some people close to me. So frustrating.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Gwen recently posted…Highlights of the week
I’m sorry you can’t talk about it because of other people. I can’t imagine how frustrating that must be. You can vent to me if you want.
And have at it with the using of the six pack. Can’t wait to see what you write about!
Are you going to PJ tonight?
Two thumbs up to the Friday Six-Pack.
I had something else to say but I forget what it is so maybe I’ll just text it later. LOL
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Thursday Thoughts: What I’m Currently
Pearl Jam and no kids, I’m running away to your house!!!
Kelli recently posted…Sea La Vie – 4/29
I love the new name of your Friday posts! It’s so much fun! I also love when you not only find any great product, but what makes it even better is when it’s on super sale like that! And hooray for getting more books read! I need to do a better job of keeping track of my feelings on books throughout the month too so I’m more prepared for Show Us Your Books.
Not being able to vote as an independent is ASININE to me. Why? What’s the logic behind that? I know you’re super upset you didn’t get to cast that vote for Donald Trump, but you’ll get ’em in the main election (lolzzzzzz).
Love the friday six-pack! It’s very you. 🙂 It is silly that we can’t vote in primaries because we are independent voters. Stupid. I’m big into meal planning but I can only do it a week in advance. I tried a month but I kept changing my mind on what I want to eat. LOL! Enjoy the concert and your kid-free weekend, Jana!
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…April Recap: The Good, Bad Month
I’m liking the six pack! I have “Wild Thing” in my head now, which I’m never mad about.
In Texas, it doesn’t matter what you’re registered as, you just say when you get to the polling place which primary you want to vote in. I love this because I often use my vote to play defense, so I voted for a NOT Trump NOT Cruz candidate in the republican primary because I knew my girl Hillz would win the democratic primary without my vote.
Heather @ I do What I Want. recently posted…Honeymoon Part 6: Reims, France (Champagne Region)