This has been an odd week. I haven’t done much posting because I spent most of the week in New York at my parents’ house. And for some reason, nothing gets done when I’m at their house. I’m too busy visiting and spending time with the fam and this time, I even went to the movies (saw The Fault In Our Stars. All the cries) and took my daughter into NYC for the first time. The highlight was eating at Ellen’s Stardust Diner and if you even find yourself in Manhattan, GO THERE. Not only is food kick ass but also, the waitstaff sings. Like, really, actually, sings. It’s apparently a really famous place and a breeding ground for Broadway performers.
Definitely my favorite part of the week. But I have other favorite stuff, too, and I’m linking up with Amanda to share them with you.
Favorite song
This week’s song is a two for one deal because it also features one of my favorite singers, Brent Smith. He’s the singer for Shinedown and I would listen to him sing the alphabet. Or even Losing My Religion, which is my least favorite song of all time. I genuinely love all of Shinedown’s music but Amaryllis is probably my favorite song of theirs. It’s a beautiful, beautiful song with some seriously powerful lyrics. I can’t believe I’ve waited this long to share it.
And even though it’s live, Brent’s voice is so amazing it doesn’t matter.
So many this week. The $1 ticket on the LIRR for my daughter. Dyeing my roots myself for a $3 box of hair dye and having it look the same as if I’d gone to my hairdresser. But my absolute favorite is learning I can take a creative writing class–for free–at the college where my husband teaches part time. You can’t beat that.
Favorite internet thing
I thought it was the Brian Williams version of “Baby Got Back”. It’s not. It’s this post, 30 Signs Made By People Who Don’t Know How To Use Quotation Marks. It’s hilarious and filled my grammar nerd humor for the week. We need to stop punctuation abuse. It’s time. (Side note: we once drove behind a truck that said the contractor was “licensed” and “insured”. Yup. That inspires confidence). Here’s a sample from the post:

Again, this is a twofer. First, I love Kelli’s new blog. She did a fantastic job! Second, I posted this on Instagram but it’s worth sharing again. Because when you go to lunch and one of the servers sings “Cool Rider” from Grease 2, you share that shit. I should mention that for some reason, the video is uploading sideways and because it’s a video and I’m moderately inept, I can’t fix it so just listen while you read the rest of the post. Also, it’s short because I’m running out of memory on my phone and I’m scared of the cloud and to delete things.
Favorite funnies
I totally throw things out when she’s not looking.
I’m old and my brain is at maximum capacity.
This weekend I’ll be working on merging my two blogs. I’m crazy excited for you guys to see everything!
Enjoy your weekend!
Linking up with Amanda
oh my god..the throwing away a kid’s things. kayla brings home all kinds of stuff; i keep the ones that matter but the random ‘art stuff’? garbage. i usually hide them under newspapers and stuff but once she caught a glimpse of a corner and when she pulled it out and saw her drawing, she gave me the biggest guilt trip EVER. i felt like a piece of shit and had to lie to a 5yr old to get out of it!!
kathy @ vodka and soda recently posted…friday favorites [6]
Right? It’s like answering to the mafia when you get rid of the scraps of paper they bring home. And why are there so many???
I freaking LOVE Shinedown!!!! (As this should come as no surprise.) Their acoustic version of simple man is my absolute favorite. Ok, their acoustic version of anything is my favorite.
LOL I shared the forgetting ecard last week because it is freaking true! I am replacing my college education with useless information like like turn down for what means. Shame. Think I can ask for a refund?
I hope you have a great weekend!!!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
That is the song that made me fall in love with them. It’s probably one of the few covers I like more than the original.
I had pregnancy brain and I have never recovered. It is shameful how stupid and forgetful I am now.
Haha I love the quotes one.
Bri @ My Life As recently posted…Random Is As Random Does
“New” underwear? “No” thank you!
I really really want to go to that diner. I freaking love Grease 2 and it makes me sad that everyone craps on it. So when I saw your Instagram video I was like YES!!! MY PEOPLE!
Loved the link to the quotation disasters. The abuse must end.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Friday Favorites: About My Mom
It is the best worst movie ever. You would love that diner. I’ll gladly take a trip with you.
I love frugal finds! And freebies are even better. You should check out Coursera. They offer free classes online taught by actual professors. 🙂
I will look into that. I have my long term plan for this so free is a good starting step!
I miss visiting NYC, I don’t know that I’d do it with a 4 year old. Maybe in a few more years.
“New” underwaear, ewwwwwww hahaha.
Thank you for the shout out and I loved that IG video, she was horribly awesome at her job.
Funny enough I do math just like that shirt says!
Kelli recently posted…Seashell Chronicles 6/16
My daughter is 7 1/2 and this was a good age to bring her in. She couldn’t do a full day so we’ll go back. I don’t love the city but it’s definitely something she needs to experience.
She was terrific! All the servers were.
When I watched the Fault in Our Stars the entire theater was full on sobbing, including me.
I love Grease 2. I mean, Cool Rider, come on!
Can’t wait to see how the merger turns out.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…The Agony of Defeat
I’m so excited for the merger. I feel like I’ve finally found a good balance.
My mom and I were both sobbing, and a the end, you could hear the whole theater sniffling.
I allllways dye my own hair! It’s plain black so it’s super easy… just kinda messy, that’s all. No way would I spend the money to get it done in a salon. Plus, to be totally honest, I don’t feel like sitting there and making small talk with someone while it processes! haha
Amanda recently posted…Beauty Shit That’s Worth the Splurge
I don’t know that I’ll go beck to a salon regularly now that I know how easy it is. The small talk is the worst. At least at home, I can watch TV.
Love all the funnies!
They don’t compete with the mean tweets but they’re pretty good 🙂
Love Shinedown!! Kids and their toys too funny! Ewww on the “new” underwear, just gross. A server singing Cool Rider is a win in my book!
Kerry recently posted…Friday Favorites – Vacation Road Trip
The server was the highlight of my week. Maybe the month.