Seven weeks in a row of favorites! I have never, EVER done anything blog related for seven weeks in a row. Except, you know, post.

Also, I need to get sappy for a minute. I started blogging in the personal finance niche and while I still have a soft spot for it, I never really felt like I fit in. Then I switched to whatever this is and it’s been such a different experience. I liken it to changing schools and, instead of feeling like an outsider, you finally feel like you have a group of friends you can relate to. So I just want to thank everyone who comments, shares, and follows along here. It means more to me than I can say.
Now, having said all that, it’s time for favorites, and linking up as always with Amanda.
Favorite songs
Nadine’s post about summer songs got me thinking about my own summer song memories. Most of mine are from sleepaway camp but occasionally, a summer song memory will slip in that has nothing to do with camp. One of those songs is Don Henley’s “Boys of Summer”. Except I love, LOVE The Ataris version as well, and when I think of that song, I think of that version. Which is odd but that’s okay. I also think of Yellowcard’s “Ocean Avenue” when I think of a summer song and it’s hard for me to pick which one I want to share. So I’m sharing both.
Favorite frugal find
Now that I’ve made it through all of season 2 of Orange is the New Black (anyone else? Because I need to discuss!), I can resume watching TV like a normal person. Which means watching Redbox movies on the weekends, too. Well, as long as there good movies we haven’t seen yet. But I’ve gotten to the point where I cannot rent a movie if I do not have a coupon code. I love getting them in my inbox or in a message on the app or as a text. It’s a little money saving present just for me. And this weekend, I got a code for a free rental! Completely free! Since we’re spending the day at the beach on Saturday as an early Father’s Day celebration for my husband, it’ll be nice to relax at night with a free movie.
Favorite internet thing
A total soapbox issue for me is how fathers are portrayed on modern sitcoms. I am so tired of seeing them as either stoic emotionless dicks or bumbling douchebag buffoons. Sure, we’ve got the Eric Taylors peppered in there but they’re few and far between. Which is why I loved this post from Buzzfeed so much. It shows that dads are willing, and completely capable, of taking care of their kids. Without help. Because they love their kids, too. And I know this firsthand, both as being raised by a dad like that and being married to one. In fact, after our daughter was born, my husband took 2 months off work when I went back so that he could spend time with her and so we could put off daycare for a bit. And he did fine.
You probably wouldn’t see that on TV, either.
Favorite pet moment
So I have 2 dogs, Barkley and Dobie. Barkley is a Bichon Frise and Dobie is a mix of Bichon, poodle, and something else we can’t figure out. While Barkley is our smart dog, Dobie is our lovable meatball. He’s sweet and harmless and has a penchant for eating everything he sees (except olives. He hates olives) and also a small foot fetish and he’s too lazy to lift his leg when he pees and he’s also our problem child (heart murmur, arthritis, allergies, aforementioned eating issues). But we love him anyway and he’s totally MY dog. He’s also a weirdo and the other day, I was finally able to get him on video doing his digging thing and then at the end, he just looks totally startled and I didn’t even call his name. It’s like he knew what I was doing.
That video wouldn’t upload properly so instead, here’s a picture of my second favorite Dobie moment of the week where he’s staring at me from the floor while I’m on the bed because even now, at 8, he still can’t figure out how to jump on the bed. You can see in his eyes how he’s pleading for help.

Favorite funnies
Mila Kunis on Jimmy Kimmel. It’s all so true.
The Oatmeal’s pie chart on dieting
When I’m not speaking, be very, very careful
How I usually make plans
Have a wonderful weekend!
ha! i just saw that oatmeal dieting pic this morning and laughed so hard.
kathy@vodka and soda recently posted…humpday confessions [6-11]
It’s hysterical. And so, so true.
I’m glad you decided to join us in this little corner of blogland! I feel like I really connect with your posts and you.
For the first year of Little K’s life I worked and Tyson was a stay at home dad. Not only that when I got home dinner was always ready, they don’t show those dads on TV and believe it or not people actually gave/give Tyson and I grief about it. “A woman should never support a man”, WTF he raised our kid and took care of our house!
Hey that’s exactly how I make plans too, I rarely have all 3 at once.
Kelli recently posted…Seashell Chronicles 6/9
I have mad respect for stay at home dads. Because they have to face so much more crap than stay at home moms. It’s such a shame, too, because people are always saying dads don’t do enough and now when they do, they talk smack for that as well. I don’t understand it. What works for my family might not work for yours so mind your own business.
I’m glad I found you, too <3
The plans ecard is so me! I used to be so spontaneous but now I like to plan ahead and make sure it doesn’t overwhelm the rest of my week!
Kate recently posted…Favorites on Friday
It is almost impossible to be spontaneous anymore. I plan everything. EVERYTHING.
OMG doggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He’s a pile of fur just like my Mac! We have a smart dog (Gracie) and a crazy dog who is a bit of an asshole but super loving at the same time (Mac.) Then, we introduced one crazy ass kitten who I told to her face was my least favorite because I realized last night that she could care less if I ever came home again…just as long as she is fed by someone unlike my dogs who can hardly made it one night without me.
Yay for summer songs!!! It really gets you thinking, doesn’t it?!
LOL that is EXACTLY how I make my plans too!!!!!!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
Love that ecard. So true especially at this age.
Aw, Dobie. Gus does this thing where he comes to my side of the bed, and stares at me. Even though the bench for getting up onto the bed is on the other side. I have to tell him to get up and then he walks over and gets up. Fool dog.
I really love Boys of Summer, both versions.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Friday Five: Favorite Things About My Dad
That’s totally how I make my plans. Needless to say you can normally find me at home in my pj’s with my nose in a book and perfectly content.
For obvious reasons you know I totally agree with the whole dad thing. I can’t even begin to rant because I may never stop.
So happy you found a niche and are feeling welcomed in this big blogging world. I’m looking forward to the new/old changes coming soon.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…In Defense of Dads
Glad you came over to this side of the blogland! Pup looks so cute, those pleading eyes!! I can’t got to Redbox without a code! It’s a must! That last ecard is hilarious, but true!
Kerry recently posted…Friday Favorites – Keep Smiling
Yeah I’m so honored for the 7 week commitment!! These friday posts are honestly my favorite to write 🙂 That pie chart totally cracks me up and I definitely almost had it in my funnies this week! Thanks for linking up!! xoxo
Mila Kunis cracked me up.
What movie are you going to rent?
Amber recently posted…Jurassic Park Fake Out
I love that your blogging experience is so positive now! That’s my favorite part of this journey… the incredible people you get the opportunity to meet along the way! 🙂
the pie chart was hilarious. but seriously i want pie