A few nights ago, my husband and I had this conversation. I should state upfront that I was laying in bed, half asleep, because it was almost midnight and we had just finished watching Sons of Anarchy and if you watch that show, you know how it exhausts you from all the emotions.
Husband: Are you asleep?
Me: No. I’m getting ready to run a marathon.
Husband: Okay, then. I’ll be in bed when I’m done powdering my wig for my meeting with the dignitaries tomorrow.
And, that, my friends, is a small glimpse into the mind of the man I married. The man I’ve been with for the last 18 years. The man whose 37th birthday is today (since I’m 4 months older than he, he loves to tell me that I a) robbed the cradle and b) will die first. I know. I’m a lucky lady).
Since I’m broke because, you know, I make no money, the only gift I could give my husband (who will not allow me to use his name because he’s crazy and paranoid and afraid that people will try to find him and then stalk him. And I’m the one with issues) was allowing him to take over my blog for the day. That’s a big deal, you guys, especially since writing is not his forte (he’s an idea man. I make the ideas make sense) and also, everything on the internet is forever. Which is more than I can say for the cake I might or might not bake.
Anyway, I let the husband pick today’s favorites. What he didn’t mention in his favorites, mainly because he stuck to the structure I use, is that he also loves golf, Orioles baseball, Broncos football (even before Peyton Manning came on board), science, Kit Kats, coming up with the world’s worst jokes, bothering me with riddles that are impossible to answer, podcasts, and Jeeps. He also loves me and our daughter but that goes without saying. So does the fact that we love him back.
And now, the rest of his favorites.
Favorite song
The husband does not like music as much as I do. In fact, he’s one of those people that probably could go for months at a time without listening to it which is just bizarre to me. However, when he does listen to songs, he does pick mostly good ones. I say mostly because when we first met, he owned Shaquille O’Neal’s CD. It’s one of his shameful secrets that you now all know. Feel free to mock. However, for his selection, he picked one of our favorite Mr. Greengenes Stone Balloon (RIP) staples, AC/DC’s “Big Balls”.
Favorite frugal find
We live in Delaware, home of Dogfish Head Brewery and at the main facility in Milton, they give brewery tours. We did that as part of our anniversary weekend this year. Also attached to the brewery is a bar/holding area and they give away 4 free samples of any beer on tap to every person who wants them. You don’t even have to be on the tour. You can just stop by after work and get your free beer. I’m glad we live over an hour away because he’d be home late. Every night.
Favorite book
The husband is not a big fan of fiction. He reads mostly biographies and magazines along with some books related to his industry (I call them textbooks. He disagrees). Occasionally he’ll read fiction. Specifically, Michael Crichton. And only Michael Crichton. He’s read through all of his books and picked this one as his favorite.
Favorite TV shows
As far as TV goes, when it comes to picking a show we can agree on, Congress has an easier time coming to a consensus. However, we do sometimes find stuff we both like and then we watch all the shows on all the days and then we go back to fighting and that works for us. That said, some of his favorites aren’t terrible. They’re actually pretty damn good: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Big Bang Theory, Sons Of Anarchy, Family Guy.
Favorite Internet reads
The husband likes to spend his time reading and reading the same websites, and also he likes to be a pain in my ass so instead of sending links to specific posts, he sent me general websites like people have time to check them out. But, if you do have some spare time, the husband recommends Mental Floss, Cracked, and The Oatmeal. Since I’m respectful of your time, I have a ton of links saved to share with you guys next week.
Favorite quote
Challenge accepted.
Favorite funnies
I have not vetted all of these. So…consider yourself warned. I don’t know what’s in them.
Thanks to the husband for sharing his favorites! He’ll be making more appearances, though I haven’t quite worked out the details yet.
This is homecoming weekend at our alma mater and since we met in college, you think this would be something we’d attend with gusto. But, alas, it is not. In fact, this year we get to spend homecoming weekend dealing with cheerleading stuff. Again. So I’m glad we’re shaking it up a bit. However, we are going out to dinner at a restaurant with actual cloth napkins! I guess that’ll have to make up for everything else.
Have a great weekend! See you on Monday. I’ll be returning with another parenting post so stay tuned.
Linking up with Amanda
He doesn’t listen to music everyday?! What?! Ok he redeemed himsekf with SOA and Big Bang theory. The free beer would be dangerous if it was closer!
Kerry recently posted…Friday Favorites | Relaxing is Possible
No, he doesn’t. I totally don’t get it.
Those are actually the only good shows he watches. And we’re now obsessing over The Blacklist. Other than that, we watches the worst shit on TV ever.
The fact that Hunter S. Thompson is on here makes me love you and your husband SO MUCH!
Natalie recently posted…Halloween Etsy Finds
HAHA! Thanks!!
This is a great idea! I wonder if I could get my husband to do this….
Julia recently posted…Fiirrriiidaayyy!
My husband jumped at the chance since it was more of an interview rather than asking him to write something. I did it with my daughter, too. It’s fun to get a different perspective and I like giving you guys a chance to get to know my family a bit.
Wow, you guys were babies when you got married! Awwwww :). You made me laugh with those post, especially the part about him reading technical material but he doesn’t like you calling them textbooks! And I LOVE MICHAEL CRICHTON! I think I’ve read a majority of his books. I really liked the Jurassic Park series because they were so much better than the movies (though #1 was pretty awesome). Of his “recents”, I liked Prey and State of Fear.
We got married at 26 so not too young but we started dating at 19 so we’ve been together just about half our lives which is just weird.
I have trouble with mushy stuff so I show my love with sarcasm and mockery.
Loved this! Happy birthday to he who shall not be named.
I’ve never been to homecoming and never had the desire to go.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Tales from the Commuting Crypt: Shuttle Bus Shenanigans
I haven’t been in 10 years. I don’t miss it.
It’s funny because he thinks no one knows his name. But I’ll mention it in comments on other blogs. And he knows you read.
Every time I ask Tyson what he’s doing and it’s nothing the answer is riding a bike. He also likes to make fun of me for being an old lady, doesn’t even matter that he is 8 years older than I am. He figures men age gracefully so he LOOKS the youngest. I just play along because it makes him feel good. 🙂
Kelli recently posted…Seashell Chronicles 10/13
You’re so much nicer than I am. I give the husband a really hard time about everything.
Aww!!!! I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liz @ Fitness Blondie recently posted…The Blonde Behind The Blog: What If and Giveaway Winners!
Thanks! He had fun doing it!
Happy birthday to “him”!! Enjoy the birthday dinner. Good luck at the cheerleading competition!
Love, SMD’s Momma
Thank you!
Good song choice! And I love Big Bang Theory!
It sounds like you need to do a shit your husband says post soon. I am sure it will be hilarious! I will have to check out those sites, I haven’t heard of any of them. And because I am not quite at home…I will have to watch the funnies at a later time. Have a great weekend and happy birthday to the husband!
I have a “shit my family says” post planned for next week. I live with crazy people.
my bday was the 18th and i’m a year older than him!
Ellesees.blogspot.com recently posted…Loving Lately–Fall Edition
Happy birthday! I NEVER would have guessed you’re 38!