I received an email from an OJJDP newsletter that I subscribe to about an app that I think is as important as anything you’ll ever download. Plus, it’s free!
It’s called the Child ID App and it’s sponsored by the FBI. From the press release:
“Our just launched Child ID app—the first mobile application created by the FBI—provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and vital information about your children so that it’s literally right at hand if you need it. You can show the pictures and provide physical identifiers such as height and weight to security or police officers on the spot. Using a special tab on the app, you can also quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities with a few clicks.
The app also includes tips on keeping children safe as well as specific guidance on what to do in those first few crucial hours after a child goes missing.”
The FBI assures that they are neither collecting nor storing any information entered into the app.
It’s only available for iPhones right now, but the press release assures that they’re working on developing an app for other phones. It’s available for free in the App Store on iTunes.
Is this something that you’ll use?
Do we really need an app to keep our children safe? Unfortunately, this app cannot make some be responsible if they are not.
I don't see how this will help to keep the child safe. It will save an hr after a child goes missing, which might be very crucial. So it is an useful app, but this might also give all the information to the crooks if the phone is lost, one more thing to help id theft…
Are you sure its FBI backed? Sponsored by FBI…means what?
@krantcents–I don't think this is attempting to keep kids safe. An app obvioulsy can't be a watchdog. I think it's attempting to provide parents with a tool in case their kid goes missing. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to forget things. This helps.
@Broke Professionals–That's a good point. I didn't think of that angle.
@Sb–yes, I'm sure it's FBI backed. The information is from a press release I received from the FBI. Maybe "sponsored" was a bad choice of word.
This is interesting…while it seems like a good idea, I think I'd like to see more press and more widespread use of this before using it.
I think having all of that data in one place is a good idea. I may not want it in an "app", but having it readily available would help save time!
If you go to your local police station they'll fingerprint your child (for YOU to keep, not them,)and give you a card to keep all this same information on. I just don't trust the internet (or Apple) with some of this sensitive information.