Yesterday was my 5 year blogiversary. You know how I celebrated? By not writing a post, not commenting on a blog, by not doing a single damn thing.
I know. But I’m really okay with it.
You know what else I’m okay with? Deciding I need to take some time off. My depression is ruining, and ruling, my life right now and the more I try to fight it, the worse it gets. So, for now, I need to just own it and deal with it how I know best. And that is to stop, avoid, and regroup.
Blogging, and reading blogs, is too overwhelming for me right now (we won’t even discuss how hard managing daily life is and how it’s taken me a week to make 2 appointments because I just can’t or the fact that sleeping is something I can’t do or the chronic stomach issues from all the anxiety). I’m struggling with reading about another amazing weekend or workout or whatever and since I have nothing positive or constructive or even halfway witty to say, it’s best that I just don’t say anything or read anything that’s not a book.
I’m also tired of my tired blog. I still love writing, and have a compulsion to write, but my blog is stale. It needs a new look and a fresh direction and the best way to figure all that out is simply to step away so I can look at it objectively.
So that’s what I’m doing. For the next month, posting around these parts will be sporadic. I’ll be checking in with Show Us Your Books (of course) and my monthly playlist with Erin and maybe another list or two but that’s it. I’ll still be around weekly on The Armchair Librarians and Instagram (and Twitter sometimes) but the blog needs a break. I need a break.
I’m not typically one for dramatic announcements like this but I’ve been pretty vocal about my depression struggles and I didn’t want anyone to worry.
So that’s it. Thanks for sticking with me and I’ll see you soon.