I love Wednesday confession posts. They're a chance to air some grievances and get some stuff off my chest without sounding like a huge bitch. Well, maybe I do sound like a huge bitch but I don't care because it feels good to let this stuff out. And sometimes, you have to let it out.
And, unlike Facebook, this is an appropriate place to air your dirty laundry. Which brings me to today's confessions topic: social media. Or, stuff on social media that makes me seethe with rage and/or want to punch a kitten. And, in the spirit of being all confession-y, I confess that I might have done one or two of these at times which makes it totally fine to hate others that do it now.
So what social media sins infuriate me? How about these:
Blog comments that show the commenter clearly has not read the post. Or they just get preachy and obnoxious and rude and attacking. There's no need for that. I love comments but if you're just going to be an asshole, kindly move along. I will not engage with you and also, if you're a total dickhead, I will prevent you from commenting ever again.

People on Twitter who follow you, then unfollow when you don't follow back, and then do it all again. For weeks. Guess what? If I didn't follow you the first time, there's a reason, and if you do that to me, it is a guarantee that I will never follow you back. Plus, you look desperate and kind of like a schmuck.
People on Facebook who overshare their kids' lives. Seriously. It's horrible when you talk about your 6 year old's bed wetting problem or share pictures of their temper tantrums or mock them openly. It's one thing to be funny and self-deprecating about your parenting or share silly moments. But the mean spirited stuff? Knock it the hell off. When you do that, I totally judge you.

Crowdfunding EVERYTHING. Not a day goes by that I don't see someone asking for money for something. Some I'm okay with but others are so unreasonable, I question that person's ethics. Like the woman who put up a GoFundMe asking her friends to pay for her to go to college. What. The. Fuck. Can't afford it? Take fewer classes or take out loans. But fuck you if you think there's any chance I'm helping your sorry ass pay for college.
Twitter “gangs”. Don't know what these are? Oh, they're just a group of people who get together and decide they're going to tweet each other's posts to drive traffic. Not necessarily a problem in theory, but these assholes all tweet the same post at the same time, cluttering my feed and guaranteeing I will not read that post. Schedule that shit out over the course of the day. You'll piss off less people AND get more traffic. So give it a shot.
Definitely this:

I could go on, particularly about Facebook and people with attention seeking cryptic statuses or fighting with their significant other or humble bragging or sharing inappropriate information for the group they're posting to or a whole host of other offenses that would take way too long to list, but I'm going to stop here. Because I want to hear what enrages you on social media. Or, you can tell me what you do that might piss some people off. It's okay. I'll only judge you silently.
Linking up with Kathy as usual.