What day is it? What month is it? What season is it?
I’m seriously so confused.
It’s been a weird week and I don’t know what to talk about and what to leave out. My brain is messier than usual and I keep hoping that one of these days, I’ll get it all sorted out and get back to some sort of normal. But honestly, today is not that day.
Reading. Finished You Are a Badass At Making Money and The Breakdown. Currently reading 13 Minutes. Nothing new from NetGalley but I did get Force of Nature from the library and am also in a battle of wits with Barnes and Noble trying to decide what books I want to buy since there are quite a number on my TBR that my library does not have in any branch in my whole damn state.
Listening. Uncivil. It’s a podcast about untold stories of the Civil War. I’m not even sure how I discovered it but pretty interesting.
Eating. Popcorn. In buckets. Not literally in buckets but I’d honestly consider that because my entire diet lately is popcorn and coffee. At least I’ve moved up from tortilla chips and Twizzlers.
Watching. The CNN Town Hall with the students of MSD High School. How do I even begin to discuss this? First, I guess I start by saying that anyone who underestimates the power, strength, resilience, determination, and ferocity of teenagers is a fucking dumbass. These kids are leading a revolution that should have started years ago and their willingness to say things adults won’t is a sight to behold (and hear) and we need to listen to them. We need to hear them. Our “leaders” have failed them in every capacity and they’re just fucking done. They are taking them to task in ways that are more mature and intelligent than most of the adults I know are capable of doing. I don’t blame them. They’ve grown up with mass shootings as the norm. It shouldn’t be like that. I remember watching the news in horror on April 20, 1999 and here we are, 18 years later, and nothing has fucking changed. And I am here to support what they’re doing because no kid, anywhere, ever, should be scared going to school. Second, any of these conspiracy theorists or anyone sending them death threats…GO FUCK YOURSELVES. Seriously. You don’t have to agree with them but what the actual fuck is wrong with you to do that? Third, I cannot anymore with this being mental health versus gun control. It’s an issue with both. We need to address both from a public policy standpoint and a common sense standpoint. And, for the record, no one who wants common sense gun control or wants to ban or at least make it inconvenient and difficult to buy semi-automatic weapons necessarily hates the 2nd amendment. We just think it needs to stop being more important than anything else. (I’m sorry, guys. I wish this made more sense).
Cleaning. Or not. My desk is a disaster and one of such epic proportions that I don’t even know where to begin cleaning it out. Organization is not usually something I struggle with but my desk is its own untamed beast. Sort of like my hair.

Wondering. What the hell is up with my FitBit? Why does it have so much attitude? Like, if I do an hour of exercise, why does it only give me credit for 28 minutes? Screw you, FitBit! I want my full time! I worked for that shit and you now owe me 32 minutes.
I think that’s all I’ve got. We’ve got another cheer competition this weekend and it’s supposed to rain so that’s awesome. Hope your weekend is great and I’ll see you back here on Tuesday.