I missed last week’s edition. I wish there was a good excuse for why but really, there isn’t. So we’ll just move on from where we left off two weeks ago.
But before we do that, I have a public service announcement: Google Reader disappears tomorrow. It sucks and it’s a big pain in the ass but we live in the Google galaxy and we’re stuck with their rules. However, that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on Daily Money Shot. You can sign up by email by selecting the envelope icon on the sidebar (I know you know this but I figured I’d be superhelpful because I’m awesome like that) or by following along at BlogLovin’. Eventually I’ll get around to updating my subscription buttons. I should probably do that sooner than later.
Now, on to the good stuff:
What I’m reading: I’m still working my way through the book I mentioned last, Confessions of a Sociopath. It’s a great book, but it’s also dense, intense reading and my half melted, completely distracted summertime brain cannot focus on it in more than 15 minute increments (I should also not try to read a book like this when I’m in bed, trying to fall asleep. That is a recipe for an unfinished book). However, in addition to reading a book, I’ve also been reading these blogs that you need to go read when you’re done here:
Save Outside the Box: Joel is a relatively new blogger, he’s participated in Bloggers Helping Bloggers, and his site is quite good. One of my favorite posts is Rethinking the American Dream and it has nothing to do with the fact that it reminds me of the lyrics in a Rise Against song.
Caviar and Quarters: Written by brunch planner extraordinaire Sofia, her site is a more a lifestyle blog than personal finance but that doesn’t stop it from being great. Go visit her and show her some love. Maybe she’ll ask you to join us at the next FinCon brunch.
What I’m watching: Nothing. I’m trying to decide between starting Sons of Anarchy or buying the second season of Hell on Wheels and watching that. I picked up the latter after the second season had finished (only the first season is on Netflix) and have yet to see it. The third season starts in August. But I’ve heard great things about Sons of Anarchy. Opinions are welcome.

What I’m listening to: I hope you’re sitting down for this (which I’m assuming you are unless you’re reading this on your phone while standing on line somewhere. If that’s the case, then step out of line and sit down). Because I? Have been listening to a country band. Brother Trouble. I saw them twice when I was in Nashville and they. Kick. Ass. Their music is fun to listen to and they are really entertaining performers. Also, they mix non-country stuff like the Beatles and Sublime and Tom Petty and Prince into their set. So you know I’m digging that. If I’m ever in Nashville again, I will probably plan my trip around their performances (Maybe. I’m not totally psychotic. Only a little). Also, I couldn’t find a good video and I’m too stupid to figure out how to add an mp3 to my site so just go to Spotify, look for “Live From Nashville” and listen. Worth. It. (And, if you know what “Butt Lights” means, please let me know. I’m a Northerner and I’m pretty sure this is a Southern thing. I think I’m in need of a Southern to Norther dictionary).
And, finally, my favorite pin of the week (something new I’m adding) because it’s the sad but true story of my life (oh, you’re not following me on Pinterest? You should be):