I’m at a blogging conference this week, running a mentoring session, so there’s no recap for the week. But I didn’t want to leave you hanging on Friday and create a void in your life from the usual stellar content I create in this space which is why I’m suggesting you read these blogs because they’re approximately 100 times more awesome than me (except I’m not awesome and they are and even though 100 times zero is zero, you know what I mean because math is confusing):
TexErin in Sydneyland–Erin is one of my two internet twins (does that make us triplets? Again, math is confusing). She writes about music and books and her cat looks just like my cat and I love her and you need to pay her a visit.
The Random Path–Mackenzie is my other Internet twin and she writes about motherhood and recipes and living in Portland and all kinds of stuff.
Alyssa Goes Bang–Alyssa is hella talented and smart and disciplined and ambitious and she is what I wish I had been at 25. She also has a magazine and edits books and does yoga and runs and really, I’m exhausted just writing all of that.
Voyage of the Mee Mee–Amanda is one of the most hilarious people on the interwebs and if you’re not reading her beautifully redesigned blog, you need to change that pronto.
Ali A–I genuinely don’t even know what to say about Ali except she’s hysterical and sarcastic and smart and writes one of my favorite blogs of all time and she’s from Long Island and lives at the beach which of course makes me love her that much more.
Easily Entertained–if you want to read anything about TV or movies or concerts, you need to have Christina’s blog on your radar. She also talks about living in Seattle and her kids (who are adorable) and I think maybe she and Mackenzie should meet because I think they’d get along really well.
Stuff, Things, Etc–I want Kristin to be my daughter’s teacher so badly because she’s an amazingly passionate teacher. She’s also a military wife, dog mom, recipe giver, booknerd, and other kinds of awesome traits that make her blog a definite daily read of mine.
If I didn’t mention you today, don’t hate me. This is something I’ll do monthly because let’s face it, there are so many of you guys who are way better than me and deserve the props.
yes!! i like finding out other blogs to read so thanks for this (even though i read most of them already) 🙂
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…friday things [9-18]
Very kind of you to recommend your friends’ blogs to your readers! 2 of these were blocked at my work (they must be good LOL).
lisacng @ expandng.com recently posted…Yes, let’s talk about my paper planner
PS I think YOU’RE awesome
staaaaaaaaahp, what an amazing shoutout! you know how i feel about you/your blog as well; feeling is totally mutual. and i assure you – you will not be jealous of my beach-living status when it’s 17 degrees outside in a couple months. enjoy the conference!
Ali A recently posted…I’m not an expert on love.  There’s a lot that I don’t…
What a great list! I feel like I can only add a few of these to my reading list at a time (boy do I miss Google Reader!) but I can’t lose with any of them. Have a great time at FinCon!
Revanche recently posted…Craigslist selling: how our crap becomes someone else’s treasure
So many great bloggers you listed out!! But ummmmm I am still reading your posts too, duh!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
Oooo! I’m excited to check some of these out… I’ve been trying to find new reads!!!!
Thanks for the shout out. You get one gold star!
Amanda recently posted…Things I’ve Fallen In Love With Lately
Some of these I read and some I don’t, so I will have to check them out! Thanks for sharing!
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Favorite Beauty Finds
Aww, thank you so much! I already read a few others you mentioned but I’m going to check out the rest right now, especially Mackenzie. 🙂
Christina recently posted…Late Night
omg!! That was such a nice surprise on this bumpy Friday. Thank you for the generous words. Have a great time at the conference!!
alyssa recently posted…Roots to Plant
Amanda is hilarious and I love her. Erin is becoming one of my new favorites too. Checking out the others. Hope you are having a good time at the conference.
Kerry recently posted…Friday Favorites | All the Fall Things
You give me too much credit. If you were a parent in my class right now, you’d be questioning midterm grades lol.
But yeah, so dedicated that I’ve been neglecting to blog 🙂
We should all do posts like this one!
Kristin recently posted…Stuff and Thing 9/17
I’m staring at this comment box filled with giddiness. I’m honored to be on this list. AND. I’m so excited about this list because there are several here that I’m unfamiliar with, so I’m definitely going to check them out. If you like them, I’m going to like them. Duh!
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Friday Favorites Five vol.11
Awww Jana, you are totally making me feel all the feelings right now 🙂 Thank you for mentioning my little ‘ol blog and you know that I totally love your blog and have loved you since Daily Money Shot! Have a good time at Fincon 🙂
Mackenzie recently posted…A Bridge I’d Like to Burn
enjoy your conference! lots of fabulous blogs on this list, off to check out the ones i don’t know!
Kristen recently posted…Literary Ladies Summer Reading Challenge Final Check In
I read some of these and I’ll check out the others!
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
I’ve been reading a few of these regularly, but I’ll definitely have to check out the rest. I love finding great new blogs!
Kristen recently posted…Tasty Tuesday: Steak Penne with Caramelized Onions
Happy to be reading all except one, I will check her out!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…The Culture of Luxury Books