Thursday brain dump. Let’s get to it.
I don’t like my blog header anymore. The designer did a great job and it was exactly what I wanted at the time he did it but the blog is going in a completely different direction than I originally planned and now I need a header to match. But my design skills suck and I don’t have the money to pay for a new one. But I did find out you can upload your own fonts into PicMonkey now so maybe that’ll help me create something decent until I have the money. Or I keep this one. Not sure.
While we’re on the subject of blogging, when I shut down my personal finance blog, Daily Money Shot, I transferred the content over to another site where I blogged until I started this one. I can’t manage two blogs so the other one is dormant. But it has some really good content and I love the design. I don’t know if I should merge the two and then do my pioneer stuff as a series on that site. Everything I have is branded for that blog and it gets confusing. I’m having a blogging identity crisis. Any thoughts?
I want to do some guest posting. If you are going on vacation or need a day off from blogging, let me know. I’ll be happy to help you out if you’d like.
Last blogging thing. I think I want to do a one-off link up. Something along the lines of “describe your perfect day” or “what would you do if money didn’t matter” but with a catchier name. Bloggers, would you participate in that? Non-bloggers, would you like to read something like that?
/blogging thoughts.
Moving on.
At one point last year, I tried to force myself to wake up early in an attempt to be more productive. I’m thinking about doing that again but it’s summer and I don’t know that I care for that nonsense. It’s a tough call.
I like hard boiled eggs but for the life of me, I cannot peel them. I think I do it well 1 out of every 198 times I try. I usually lose part of the egg along with the shell and it ends up looking like this:
Appetizing. I know.
I have Essie Mojito Madness on my fingernails and OPI Cajun Shrimp in my toes. It’s like wearing a summer barbecue. I don’t know why I’m attracted to polish named for food. Maybe if they had Cellulite White or Fat Ass Blue, I’d wear that and instead of wanting to eat myself I’d have more motivation to lose weight.
Speaking of losing weight, you guys know I’ve been working on a couch to 5k program. I thought I’d hate it but I don’t. I mean, I don’t love running but it’s easier on my feet and ankles than my beloved Zumba and now, when I run, I’m all

Why don’t you create a tab on this blog for the money tips? I’d definitely be interested!
Kate recently posted…Confessions of a Fitness Newbie
It’s definitely a tab on the site I’m moving it over to ๐
I am trying to get my shit together on design too. My husband fixed my layout after it went crazy a few weeks ago. I am about to change my background and I lost my buttons when he fixed it and of course I didn’t save that shit so I need to make them again. Luckily I saved the images I just need to recode it so it works right. I dont know what exactly I am doing with my new design but I can’t bring myself to pay someone. I just cant.
I would totally link up with you! Yay! Also, fuck that noise about running two blogs. Just merge them and write what you want. That’s what I do. No shame in my random game!
I can’t peel eggs to save my life.
Nadine recently posted…Songs of Summer
One thing I like about WordPress is that you have to upload the images and even if you change themes or whatever, the images are still stored in the media library. Saved me a lot of headache. The coding bothers me way less than designing them. I’m pretty okay with layout, but header design, icon design, etc are just not for me. I’m terrible at them.
so glad I’m not the only one who can’t peel eggs!
I say upload the design on this one and just create a page for the older posts you want to transfer. Just be sure to BACKUP before making changes. ๐ Trying cooling the eggs off in cold water then roll them on the counter and the shell should come right off.
Kerry recently posted…Lost and Found with a PSA
I always back my stuff up when I move content. I’m terrified of losing anything.
That’s what I do. It never works. I might be defective.
See this is why I love you. I seriously just wrote a blog post titled ‘Why I’m still blogging” and it was basically just a brain dump of who I am and who I want to be as a blogger, the need to redesign, etc… I didn’t post it.
I think you could totally make the two one blog. I love the name and concept of this one but pioneer stuff works as a better sub tab on the other one. I say plan out several blog topics you plan on or would like to write about and then arrange them according to which blog you would write them out and see if that helps you decided. You know, like a seating chart.
I would link-up with you but I am probably taking a break on regular blogging until August. Also, you are always welcomed to guest post but like I said I have been neglecting routine post as of late.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Happy 22nd Birthday Kaleb
I agree with you completely about making this a subheader on Jana Says. It’s totally the direction I’m going, too.
The linkup would probably be end of July/beginning of August. I know things are hard for you because of summer break so no worries if you can’t participate. I forgive you ๐
I would love to have you guest post! I think merging your two blogs makes a lot of sense – dealing with two would make me crazy. Play around with picmonkey for your header, I bet you can make something good! On your hb eggs, that always happens to me when they are too fresh. The older ones are much easier to peel. I will link up with you — clearly it needs to have YOLO in the title (ha!) I sometimes try to wake up earlier in the summers to work out, but only because it’s the only time that it’s not too hot to run.
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout recently posted…Working Mom’s Guilt: Summer Edition (and a solution!)
I run inside on a treadmill in my basement. Maybe in the fall when school starts again I’ll run outside. My husband is the one who gets up early to do it outside and since he’s the one that goes to work, I can’t exactly tell him no.
Yay! I’d love to guest post for you! Let’s work out the details!
You need to bake your eggs instead of boiling them and that BS will happen less. I know this from experience.
I think you should run The Townhouse Pioneer off of Says Jana.
I would participate in that linkup. My friends and I used to call that Thursday Daydreaming and every Thursday we’d share a description of what that day’s perfect day would be. I love it.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Thursday Thoughts
Bake my eggs? How does one do this?
I’m moving this blog over to Jana Says. It’ll work well, I think.
And I’m definitely going to run that linkup. I’ll organize it once everything is moved.
Let’s talk about all the blogging things, first I say merge the two blogs. Keep the one you like and make Townhouse Pioneering a series or a page of it’s own. I found your old blog the other day when I was reading one of Steph’s old blog posts and I thought it was much more you.
I’m rebranding my blog and I’m pretty excited about it. I know some people are not for name changes but I figure life changes and your blog has to change with you.
I’d link up with you for “Day Dreaming”. ๐
Kelli recently posted…My Most Attractive Quality and Sand Angels
I’m so excited for your rebranding! And I’m inclined to agree with you about my other site.
Hooray for linking up! I’m planning it for later in the summer.
boiling the perfect eggs (and peeling them with zero problems):
when water boils, turn off stove and let eggs sit in hot water, covered, for 10mins.
after 10mins, dump out hot water, run all eggs under cold water for 2mins and then fill pot up with cold water and let sit for 3-4mins.
when you peel, the shells will just slide right off.
kathy @ vodka and soda recently posted…humpday confessions [6-11]
I think that might be the problem. I think I might overcook the eggs and it becomes a problem when I peel the shells. Thanks for sharing this!
I stink at boiling eggs. They never peel nicely.
I wouldn’t know how to make blog designs. I also paid someone to do mine.
Amber recently posted…Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Extra Commercial Time
I can do a layout but the header images and stuff are what get me. I don’t have an eye for that stuff at all.
I can’t peel a hard boiled egg either. Anyone who can is doing witchcraft.
HAHAHA!!! Witchcraft. Totally true!
Angi did great work on my blog if you need design help! The link is at the bottom of my blog.
I’m most productive before 10am. By the time noon hits, I’ve usually given up for the day.
Kristin recently posted…Stuff and Things 6/12
I’m good between 10-3. I’m useless before and after. Sometimes even during that time frame if I’m bored.
Hahah. I thought I’m the only one. I suck at egg peeling too.