Today I’m linking up with Life According to Steph and some of her friends for a discussion of what things were like back in my day. Since I always do some sort of anniversary themed post this time of year, I figured I’d talk about how different things were when my husband and I first starting dating.
In two days, my husband and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. While that’s an accomplishment in and of itself, what’s even more amazing is the fact that we have been together for 17 1/2 years. That’s a long fucking time, especially when you consider the fact that we’ll both be 37 this year (for those doing the math, we started dating when we were both 19 and sophomores in college. The year? 1996.)
It amazes me just how much has changed over the last 17-18 years, particularly for dating and relationships. Because back in my day:
- Meeting someone on the brand new internet was not commonplace. It was creepy and weird, and definitely not something you talked about. Instead you met them through friends or at a party or in detention or carrying a watermelon.
- When you wanted to stalk your crush, you had to do it like a normal person–learning his school schedule, attending his sporting event as a “spectator”, calling his house and hanging up, trying to befriend his friends. You didn’t troll his Twitter or Instagram feed.
- Speaking of pictures, if you did something stupid, you didn’t have to worry about pictures of that shit winding up everywhere (contrary to what 80s and 90s teen movies have you believe) and your significant other/crush seeing it. You kept it on lockdown, sharing it when appropriate and maybe not even then.
- Also with pictures, wasn’t one of the best parts of the beginning of a relationship seeing that person’s photo albums? There was just something a lot more intimate about sifting through an oversized and overstuffed photo album rather than a phone.

- You actually had to get to know a person through questions and conversations and first dates were awkward. Really, painfully awkward. Unless you did some really great pre-first date recon (or were friends first), you didn’t know shit about the other person. Facebook has completely ruined that experience.
- When you decided where your relationship was going, you did so through a conversation, not a Facebook status change or profile picture update.
- Long distance relationships were exhausting. Letters and scheduled and timed phone calls (you know, because long distance rates were a bitch), maybe seeing each other once or twice every few months or so. You kids with your Skype and email and gchat don’t know how easy you have it.
- Wedding proposals were not slick, professional produced videos designed to go viral. They were sweet and nice and to the point. And private.
- And lastly, any of these would have done as my boyfriend (for what it’s worth, I would still not turn down Matt Damon):

Love this!
The pre-romance recon was sort of part of the fun. Stalking via social media is way too easy and requires no work or help from friends.
I would have any of those as my boyfriend too. And I’d also still take Matt Damon.
I love when people share moments on social media, but I don’t like when it feels like things are staged for social media. That is one of my Thursday Thoughts this week.
Thanks for linking up! I can’t believe it’s been so long for you guys. Glad we reconnected.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Back in My Day
I know! I can’t believe it’s been that long, either.
Looking forward to your Thursday Thoughts. And also, getting your friends involved in the stalking? Fun AND necessary!
i had a huge crush on this guy named Ed in grade 7 and 8. i would call his house and ask for him but he avoided me like the plague (WHYYYYY?) and then his dad would laugh at me and i’d end our conversation with “ok sir, thanks for talking to me. tell Ed i love him ok? thanks bye”. he must’ve thought i was a psycho!!
Vodka and Soda
kathy@vodka and soda recently posted…back in my day
That story made my day.
Bahaha! People are still psycho today. They just do it behind a computer screen. 🙂
Do you like “so and so” ?
Check yes or no.
Ahhh yes. The internet has changed the ways in which we meet people, stalk them, etc. While I actually met my husband through a dating site, I have not forgotten the old ways of meeting people. Having to stalk them like a true stalker. Hoping that they would recognize you after seeing you by their locker almost every day…or hoping they would say “Whoever this is that keeps hanging up on me just to hear my voice, yes I will go out with you!”
OMG! Those notes! And I definitely locker stalked people.
Haha! I remember boys asking, ‘Do you want to be my girlfriend?’ or ‘Do you want to go around with me?’ I’m not even sure where go around came from. Now a days it’s ‘Are we FB official?’ Hah.
Lynsey @ Eternally Wanderlyn recently posted…Blast from the Past
When my husband joined FB, and I was able to add him as my husband, I told him our marriage was real because now it was FB official.
The stalking and getting to know them was half the fun. Social media takes out all the fun parts. The changing your Facebook status thing kills me, like you aren’t official until the status changes. Haha!
Kerry recently posted…Creamy Corn and Zucchini
Ahhh the days when you could lock up that horrible picture and be 100% sure no one would EVER see it!
Thanks for linking up!
Stephanie recently posted…Back In My Day
Those pictures are why I dread the whole Throwback Thursday trend. Makes me so, so nervous!
Three way calling so your friend can ask if he likes you while you secretly listened!
It is crazy how even our taste in fairy tale boyfriends are the same which means you have some good taste my friend 😉
You celebrating 10 years of marriage makes me so happy. You celebrating 171/2 years of togetherness gets you a standing ovation and a round or two of applause. Celebrate and enjoy. You have earned it.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Every Mom Needs to Know They Matter
Three way calling! How did I forget that one? And thank you <3
I remember all this! And I kinda miss the simpler times. I guess I’m old school.
Christina recently posted…Back In My Day
I am definitely old school and miss all of this.
You’re right! Kids nowadays have no idea what stalking is for real. 🙂
Suze recently posted…Back in My Day Link Up!
Right? Trolling Twitter and FB are not the same as actual stalking 🙂