I think there might be something wrong with me.
I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who doesn’t look at the new year as 365 days filled with opportunity and hope and achievement. Nope, I look at it as 365 days of overwhelming because I truly don’t know what I even want to do anymore. Setting goals used to be so fucking easy. Now? Too hard. So I wind up not setting them and then feel like I’ve failed at life at the end of the year because upon reflection, I feel like I did nothing (even if I did do something. Like last year. I feel like I did nothing to advance my career but then I remembered that I got a job in a brand new field. That’s something, right?). It’s like my perfectionist tendencies get in the way and then I downplay what I did accomplish because it’s just not good enough.
See? I told you something was wrong with me.
I want to make a declaration that this year will be different but I know me. I’ll declare it and then fuck it up. So instead, I’m going to make more of a checklist. I do well with to-dos. And maybe if I approach my goals as a to-do list rather than goals, I’ll actually do them. That would help me continue with the big shift I’ve been making (as in, I AM someone who accomplishes what she says she’ll do). So here’s what I’ve got:
Jana’s 2016 To-Do list
- Finish the damn book already. It’s 2/3 of the way there. I know how to edit. I know where I want it to end. I need to just sit down and write all the words.
- Get back into regular exercising. I used to be someone who worked out regularly. Now I’m not. My mental health needs me to workout. Plus, if I don’t, the 10k the husband and I plan to walk later in the year is going to suck.
- Restart freelancing. I used to freelance for a bunch of websites. Then I went all crazy (literally. It’s when I had my breakdown followed by my major depression episode) and quit everything. I like money. I like writing. I should combine the two again.
- Launch my books project. Yeah, I’ll tell you guys about that when it’s ready. But right now I need to find a good web designer and remember to contact my co-host and get shit off the ground.
- Redesign this here blog of mine. It’s getting old and needs a face lift.
- Leverage social media to help with said side project and freelancing (and full-time job). There is a wealth of information and a number of people out there who can help me. I know how to connect with them and I have the means to do it. I just need to actually do it.
- Complete my reading challenges. Erin’s book challenge. My personal reading challenge. My Goodreads goal (75. I wanted to do 80 or 85 but there are some long ass books on my TBR this year and I refuse to feel pressured not to read them simply to achieve an arbitrary number on Goodreads).
- Travel. On the books already: Phoenix and Boston. Possibilities: Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego. Plus, I want to do more things locally and regionally. And visit with some friends who are not too far away, even if it’s for a day.
- Find a good beige nail polish color. I’ve been struggling with this one for years. Sometimes my nails just look terrible and I don’t want to use a color and draw attention to their atrociousness but I feel incomplete without nail polish on so I figure a nude/beige color will help in such a situation. Any suggestions?
I wanted to set some housekeeping/adulting goals like “do loads of laundry from start to finish on the same day” and “dust regularly” and “get up earlier” and “be craftier” and “give more to charity” and “volunteer more” but then I thought…nah. My house isn’t that dirty and I’m really okay with my bedtime/wake up time and I’m going with my charitable giving and volunteering and I’m a pretty high functioning adult so I left all that out. Why try to be something I’m not?
Also not on the list? A specific weight loss goal. Weight loss is a funny thing and while I’m working on it, I feel that if I say “I’m going to lose 40 pounds this year”, that’s just setting myself up to fail because what if I don’t? What if I only lose 35? Will that 5 pound difference negate all my hard work? In my head, it probably will. So I’m just going to say that my weight loss is a work in progress and I’ll take what I can get each week.
That’s it. That’s my list. Here’s hoping I can check them all off (sorry. I WILL check them all off)!
Did you set goals for the year? Do you have a word of the year? Any tricks for accomplishing your goals?
I like your book/writing goals. The hardest thing in the world is sometimes forcing yourself to do something you already know you can do.
Resolutions are ongoing. As long as you keep going, you’ll see progress. Here’s to checking them all off! Writing them down is probably the first step to success, right?
Happy and healthy and wealthy and kind 2016! Maybe it’s my age-60 this June- I don’t have any goals per say. I want a happy life for myself and my loved ones and constantly light and angel everyone ! After walking our dogs in 11 degree weather, my heart breaks for those without homes. I am very happy and proud that our 4 chickens are college graduates in 4 years or less. I am ecstatic about Lola staying with me starting this Friday. What a privilege!
I am a lucky duck. Goddess speed in 2016! Love. Steph’s. Momma
Your goals are my “challenges.” Challenges seem like great ideas until I start and then they feel like too much work and I bail. No idea why that is. I’m trying another one later this month, but I’m trying to be realistic about expectations. I like your to-do list. I think possibly goals are too big and therefore become overwhelming. Maybe try just super mini goals, like literally day by day until you master that…then week by week? Just a thought! Best of luck this year. BTW san diego is a maybe?
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…2016 Goals: A Rebuilding Year
i make my list, focus on just one to cross off each month and put the rest away until the following month. i don’t like a big list all up in my grill – that’s too overwhelming and i’m one to say “fuck this” and forget about it. so that’s how i accomplish my list of goals – just one at a time. if i feel randy, i’ll do two a month!
beige colour polish – “Hangover” by Cheeky Monkey. So pretty!
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…on 2016 goals and shit
I can totally relate to feeling a bit overwhelmed at the beginning of the year with not knowing what I even want to do. I want to work on figuring that out this year!! Good luck with all your goals! I know you got this!
Nadine recently posted…Shenanigans in Gatlinburg
Yearly goals overwhelm me. I’m better off breaking them down by season.
I’m overwhelmed in general right now so I feel like I don’t have my shit together in any way or know what direction I’m going in.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Get your hot crab dip here
I predict you coming to Phoenix as one of THE highlights of my year!!! My word of the year last year was perspective. It really helped me to see life in a new way. This year my word is surrender because of some life issues completely out of my control.
Good luck on your goals. I am so excited to see you soar this year.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…The writing shall commence
Sometimes I feel like that on a month-to-month basis. I make a small list of goals for each month, but sometimes I just feel like I have nothing I want to do in the next 30 days… and then I feel like I’m being ridiculous because 30 days is a significant passage of time and surely there must be SOMETHING I can strive for in that time?! Sigh.
Your top goal for 2016 is mine too. JUST DO IT. Draft 1! Doesn’t have to be perfect! JUST EFFING DO IT. Solidarity, sister.
You’re so smart to not set goals that won’t make you happy. For some people—and probably myself included—I could probably do 95% of a goal, but not hitting that last 5% would make me feel like the whole other 95% didn’t count, and that’s not fair to me. Good for you for not setting yourself up for that kind of conflict.
Good luck with this GREAT list!
alyssa recently posted…Sunday Sweats 53: YTT Week 6 + NYE Midnight Run + My First Spin Class
I have a couple of reading challenges to complete this year too, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to complete them all. I’m determined to complete Erin’s though! I can’t wait to hear all about the books project you have in the works!
Ashley @ The Wandering Weekenders recently posted…An Afternoon At The Country Music Hall of Fame
I posted my goals for the year over on the message boards. Not really certain if I am going to post them on the blog or not. One thing I do to help myself out is “cheat”.
I list as one of my goals something that is already planned and in the works – like taking Pop Tart to MT to see where I grew up and (finally) meet her Gabby (my step-mom). That is already in the works for her spring break in April. I know it’s going to happen at this point, but I’ll list it as one of my goals so that if nothing else, I’ve got that one covered.
erin shanendoah recently posted…Finding a New Love
Good luck with your goals. I never set a weight goal either. I do try to stick with jogging daily and I leave it at that.
My word of the year is “hungry.”
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
I haven’t created a list yet but I know getting back to working out daily will be on my list. It makes me happier and totally effects my stress level. Yeah for all your book goals!
Kerry recently posted…Surprise I’m Alive
I’ve become truly terrible at goal-setting. Hell, 18ish years ago (because I’m old), I was a college graduate with a Sociology degree working as a caseworker for incarcerated youth, and I was TEACHING them how to set goals, how to plan the steps needed to achieve them. Now, I don’t do it at all. But, I like how you’ve twisted the thinking because I’m all about lists, checklists, to-do lists. And, of course, because we are twinsies, I can relate to so many of these, and I am intrigued about the others. Good luck! And, if I can do any little thing to help, let me know.
Erin @ TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…First Humpday of 2016
Regular exercising is also at the top of my list this 2016. Hopefully, I can have the time and effort to do it too!
Ron recently posted…5 Cheap and Easy To Follow Tips To Make Your House Smell Great
I can totally relate! I’m a perfectionist as well, and when I don’t reach a goal I’ve set it drives me crazy. I love the idea of making a to-do list instead of a goal list.
Kristi @ Femme Frugality recently posted…New Year’s Resolutions: Rein In Your Spending
It does make me laugh that we flip one page in a calendar and everyone goes ballistic with goals and resolutions… why can’t we strive to be better people (in any sense) at ANY time? It has to be January 1?! But at the same time I also think about the past year and how lackluster it was (not bad, just not great per se) and how I don’t want that to happen again a year from now when I reflect on 2016. So I guess I’m a hypocrite. Best of luck to you with your goals; I have the utmost faith you’ll meet ’em. (Oh, and I LOVE Mademoiselle by Essie – it’s the perfect nude pink color that I get EVERY single time I get a manicure.)
Ali A recently posted…Rant of the Day // New Year Edition
Let me know when you’re in Phoenix if you want to meet up!
I think it’s perfectly normal — especially for perfectionists/depressives — to feel overwhelmed at a blank slate. Especially one with 365 days in it.
I avoid resolutions and have more general goals. It keeps me from getting too down on myself when I don’t hit the marks I want, or if my work is less than perfect. Which is pretty much always is.
Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…How we found $766 in our budget
I haven’t been on FOREVER so I think I may have missed out on the fact that you have been writing a book. I like that you are 2/3 of the way through! That is amazing! I wonder if you can open a new document and write the end? Then fill in the middle? I don’t know, maybe that is weird but I used to do that when I was stuck while writing papers in school.
One thing I missed is someone saying “fuck” so openly and freely. Everyone is so uptight and I always feel like a damn sailor.
I love the idea of a to do list rather than some grand resolution.
And as far as weight loss goes… I truly believe that every pound counts – so not putting a specific amount on it sounds like a GREAT idea!
Amanda recently posted…The First One of 2016
I’m still in the midst of setting goals for 2016 too. Part of me is dragging my feet because I’m not 100% sure which goals I want to focus on. There is so much I want to accomplish. I’ve been adrift for awhile now and need to get focused. I’m not setting a weight loss goal but getting healthy is one of my top priorities for this year. It’s been a goal for years now, and I’ve never had much success. I also haven’t given it my full effort either. I’m excited to learn more about your book and book project and happy to help with design aspect, but no pressure! 🙂
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Celebrating The New Year with a Cold
good luck with all your goals – i hope you check them all off, and i think saying ‘i will’ will help! i hope 🙂 if you find the perfect beige nail polish, do share, as i’m the same – my nails are gross and i want a plain simple colour to paint them all the time that doesn’t draw attention to their grossness.
kristen recently posted…My Favourite (Budgeting) Travel App
Sometimes a simple shift in thinking is all it takes to make a major change, so I hope looking at your overall goals as a “To Do” list will help you achieve them this year!
This year I’m trying something new with my husband. At the beginning of each month, we’ll sit down and talk about what we’d like to accomplish that month. I then compile a list and stick it on the fridge. We’re forced to look at it every day, and that seems to be helping both of us stay focused. Most of the goals aren’t major things, but it’s allowing me to break down some of my bigger yearly goals and helping us both be a little more aware of things like exercise, spending, and eating habits. I know we’re only a week in, but we both like this method so far.
On another note, I’m really intrigued by your book project!
Kristen recently posted…Tasty Tuesday: The Top 15 Divulge and Indulge Favorites From 2015