Remember last week when I ranted about needing to protect my sanity because of the chronic shit 45 puts this country through? I figured that maybe some of you guys are going through something similar and so, for this month’s edition of Add It To My List, I’m giving you my recommendations for when the news is too much and you need an escape.
Seriously. Listen to these even if you’re not a podcast junkie.
- Homecoming. I might have mentioned this before (in fact, I’ve probably mentioned all of these before) but this one is fucking spectacular. It’s got a celebrity cast (no joke. Catherine Keener and David Schwimmer and Amy Sedaris and more), the writing is incredible and, for season 2, there’s even a book to go along with each of the 6 episodes. It’s a dual escape!
- Conversations with People Who Hate Me. Hosted by Dylan Marron, these are the civil conversations we need to be having with people who disagree with us. There’s only 4 episodes so far so you’re not too far behind.
- All the Books! Need more books in your life? Want to know all about new releases? Then you need this podcast. Liberty and Rebecca are book enthusiasts to the zillionth degree and they’re entertaining as hell. Also, Liberty has a spinoff podcast called All the Backlist! that’s about older books. It’s a good one, too.
- Alice Isn’t Dead. Listen before it’s a book and a TV show! Seriously. It’s weird and crazy and surreal and satire and hard to follow sometimes but it’s quite excellent.
I’ve left off all my true crime podcasts (there’s a lot. A LOT) because maybe you’re not in a good place to listen to murder and stuff like that but if you want some recommendations for that genre, let me know
Who doesn’t like to look at pictures? These accounts provide some of my favorites.
- Happy Tails Resort. It’s a boarding facility in Norfolk and they have a pool and watching all the dogs swim is basically the highlight of my days
- Introvert Doodles. Marzi is smart and funny and she really really gets me and the introvert life (even if I am more of an ambivert). I want her coloring book!
- Quincy. He’s a dog. A Bichon, specifically, and he used to be insanely popular when Vine was a thing. Now I follow them on IG. You should, too.
- Katie Ryan. Well, it’s more for her kid (Ava) but the kid is fucking hilarious. Please, please watch some of the videos. This kid is a like a next-generation Kate McKinnon, I swear.
I also follow lots of publishing houses and authors so let me know if you’d like some of those. It’s how I learn about many of the books I read.
TV Shows
Going with some old friends this time around.
- Roseanne. My favorite sitcom of all-time and I can watch every episode forever and ever.
- The Golden Girls. If you don’t love them, you have no soul.
- The Wonder Years. Fundamental viewing for this 80s kid
- That 70s Show. It’s so stupidly funny but I can’t not laugh all the time.
This was the most difficult to narrow down because of the playlists that Erin and I have but I tried to pick songs that have never been represented and aren’t exclusively from the hard rock category.
- The Anthem by Good Charlotte
- Cry Tough by Poison
- Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard
- Ain’t It Heavy by Melissa Etheridge
What would you add to my list?
That 70’s Show is very funny ! Any station that does not cover breaking news when tRump is speaking. That new song by the Chainsmokers and Coldplay. Seinfeld as long as George
Doesn’t get on my last nerve.
Instagram- I love seeing everyone’s family pictures , furry kids, milestones ❣️
Love, Steph’s Momma
I’ve lost count on the number of times I’ve seen Golden Girls. My roommate sophomore year bought them on DVD, just before summer, and we lived together over summer too, supposedly we were going to summer classes but we just stayed in watching GG on repeat. Passed the class though.
Great song choices!
I love that little girl’s (mom’s) instagram! She’s freaking hysterical.
Now I obviously need to check out that dog one!
Audrey recently posted…Ramblings of Sorts
Conversations with People Who Hate Me sounds really interesting. i don’t really listen to podcasts and i certainly don’t need another way to add books to my list, but both of those bookish ones sound so good. downloaded them both. speaking of podcasts, did you guys ever like announce you weren’t doing any more armchair librarians, and i missed it? sorry if i did. i enjoyed your podcast and kept meaning to say something.
So I literally just went & downloaded every podcast (except not all the Books one because hello FOREVER) & cant wait to start listening!!!!
Now headed to check out the IG feeds.
You just took control over my life for awhile with all this stuff to listen to 😉
I need new podcasts, thank you!
I loved Roseanne, except for the final season. I did not like it at all, so I’m mixed about the upcoming revival as I am mixed about all revived shows. The Golden Girls are a national treasure and I will have words with anyone who disagrees. 😀 I am not a podcast person. For whatever reason, they make me uncomfortable. Like, do I just sit and listen or do I do something else at the same time? It’s how I feel about audiobooks too. And I can’t wrap my head around either, even though I can sit and read a book or watch TV. It doesn’t make sense but that’s how my brain works!
I actually had to put out a request for some lighter reads with all the crap going on. I couldn’t do anything heavy and even my go-to mystery/thrillers were too much. So if you have any recommendations there – I am open to suggestions!
I feel like I definitely need an escape because of everything that’s been going on in Houston lately and the news is just getting to much. There’s nothing quite like Yellowcard to get me feeling a little bit better!
Conversations With People We Hate sounds awesome. And OK, I’m running to look up Homecoming now!
*Who Hate Me. Not sure why my mind took that one in a completely different direction…
My podcast list is looking a lot like my Goodreads list — I keep adding to it and subscribing to everything but never get around to listening to any of them. Things have gotta change on that note.
Great song list! And I agree with the TV shows.
Good Charlotte is one of my absolute favorites!!!! I could watch episodes of Golden Girls over and over again without ever tiring. I haven’t listened to any podcasts in awhile, might have to check some of these out!
I’m loving Conversations with People Who Hate Me! I want to rewatch The Wonder Years! I watched it as a kid and a few more times as a teen. It used to be on tv at like midnight in college and all my boyfriend’s guy friends would gather around the tv at the end of a party to watch together. Haha! Ocean Avenue brings back memories!