How on earth has this been happening for seven years? I just…WHAT? My brain will not allow me to understand and process that for seven years, you all have been meeting with me and Steph on the second Tuesday of the month to share and talk books. I don’t know what else to say except thank you. And as a thank you for sticking by us, or even recently joining us, we’re giving away some gift cards to and other goodies, which you can enter to win after you read all about the books I finished last month.
It was not my fastest reading month. I’m OK with that, though. They happen. Life happens. Books take forever to read, even if you don’t want them to. Which was the case this month. I only finished five, which is low for me but it’s fine. One I actually didn’t count towards my Goodreads because I skimmed more than read and it felt like cheating. But also fine.

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I love Andy Weir’s books. Mark Watney is one of my favorite characters ever, even before Matt Damon brought him to life. And I am waiting on the movie for Artemis (like, it better happen). And although I liked this one, it was not my favorite of his. It was too science-heavy for me and the not-cursing cursing got on my fucking nerves. But Rocky is adorable (or I picture him to be adorable) and the relationship between him and Ryland is fantastic. It’s a typical Andy Weir book but it fell differently for me than his others. Oh, yeah. I got it from Netgalley but read it like 6 months after it was published.
The Seven Day Switch by Kelly Harms. I found this book very triggering as far as the Mommy Wars go (I am adamantly opposed to that shit) and I really struggled my way through it. Not to mention the fact that Celeste is fucking asshole and I wanted to strangle her the whole time. Wendy wasn’t great, either, but Celeste made me angrier than I have time for. I actually found the book hard to read at times because I got so annoyed and enraged. That said, it’s probably a cute, fluffy book for someone who isn’t me.
Get Good With Money by Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche. This is the one I didn’t count because I skimmed. This book is absolutely excellent if you’re trying to figure out how to handle the whole money thing. She breaks it down into simple steps that aren’t rude, condescending, or mean and are intended to actually help people become, as she calls it, “financially whole”. However, if you have a better understanding of money, you might not want to read this as it’s pretty basic. Although a refresher is never bad for anyone.
Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy. Holy fuck. Some books don’t need to be 400 pages to punch you in the heart and this is one of them. I don’t really know how to describe what this book will do to you when you read it, but I cried when I finished. I think that says enough. However, if you are triggered by domestic violence, you might want to think twice about this one (and also Maid on Netflix. You should read that book, though).
Broke in America by Joanne Samuel Goldblum and Colleen Shaddux. This is a solid overview of the systemic and root causes of poverty in this country, as well as how various aspects of poverty (defined as a lack of ability to afford basic necessities like food, water, housing, transportation, health care, hygiene, and power/utilities ) affect different people and communities. What sets this book apart is that the authors also highlight programs that are working to combat poverty and actions steps anyone can take to help fight against it as well. Hint: it starts by fixing the systems, not the people.
Currently reading: As Good As Dead by Holly Jackson.
OK now, as promised, here’s the raffle. And below that is your chance to link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit some other bloggers and mark November 9 for our next get-together.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Congratulations to you and Steph on this amazing link up!
I also have months where I’ll read alot less than others – September was a very slow reading month for me. Work was so busy, I’m amazed I even read 2 books.
The Seven Day Switch sounds interesting – reminds me of a book by Jane Green called Life Swap.
Congrats on 7 years! It’s so impressive that you’ve kept it going for so long.
Once Their Were Wolves is definitely going on my tbr!
Confuzzled Bev recently posted…What i read in September 2021
7 years, wow! I’m reading Voices From The Pandemic.
Dara recently posted…10 Q&As About Dressing Up
Congrats on 7 years!
I have been waiting and waiting for the audiobook for Project Hail Mary for about 75 years now.
Congrats on 7 years! Sorry it was a slow reading month, but it does happen!
Once There Were Wolves was shattering. Brutal. But so so so good.
Congrats on 7 years – that’s really incredible!
I’m quite seriously considering skipping that Kelly Harms – though I really liked Amy Byler, I didn’t love her other one I read and then I’ve heard such blah things about this one and there’s only so much time in life right?!
YAY 7 years – thank you for this space each month to be a bookworm!!!
I absolutely loved Once There Were Wolves. I can’t stop thinking about it. I also loved Project Hail Mary although it was too science-heavy for me. I was more interested in the Rocky/ Ryland relationship for sure. I’ll read any books by Andy Weir.
Carolann recently posted…Recent Reads
Happy 7 years to you and Steph! I would love a personal finance book that is neither entry-level nor “you’re a millionaire now what?” level. Broke in America sounds great (well, you know, the book sounds great) because I am all for books that have action items among the pages of despair.
While I hate the mom wars I thought the 7 Day Switch was a bit comical because (I HOPE!) it all seemed just a bit too over the top– like extreme mom wars. Who even has time for that?!
I was not a fan of Kelly Harms’ writing style in her book a few years ago (the momspringa one?). Add in the “mommy” parts and it was just too much. So I just know it’s not for me.
Happy Anniversary!! Mommy wars are total bullshit – thanks for the heads-up and I’ll certainly avoid that book. There’s more than enough to make me ragey lately. Enjoy your month!
Becki recently posted…Show Us Your Books – September 2021
Happy anniversary! Nothing now
Congrats on 7 years! I am currently reading Cold Cold Heart by Tami Hoag.
I am reading Haunted Kansas best time of the year for true ghost stories. Loving it.
I haven’t started any new books currently. Thank you
reading The Secret by Rhonda
I started reading a Discovery of Witches
Happy seventh anniversary! That’s a huge accomplishment. I wish five books were a slow month for me, lol. But it’s been a slow reading month for me as well. I DNF my book because it was too cheesy & cringy for me despite the rave reviews, and I rarely do that because I hate not finishing books!
Happy 7 year anniversary! That is so exciting and such a big accomplishment! 🙂 I agree with you about The Seven Day Switch. I didn’t like how it pitted the women against each other but I did love the ending.
Amy D. recently posted…Books Read in September 2021