Happy day after world book lovers day! We didn’t plan it, but sometimes it’s nice when things work out that way.
My reading was a bit slower this month compared to last month. That’s something I used to get upset over but I’ve stopped doing that. Reading is supposed to be fun, not a pressure-filled activity, and if I only read 5 books in a month, why should I think that’s not enough? It is enough. One book would be enough.
I’m starting to sound like Dayenu (my fellow Jews know what I mean) so I’m going to stop now and move on to my recap:

Morningside Heights by Joshua Henkin. If you are triggered by books about Alzheimer’s, don’t read this one because it’s basically the focus of the story and everything that happens, happens in the context of it. However, despite the heavy nature of the book, it’s quirky at times but also emotional and sad and heartbreaking. It’s a family drama that also feels like it’s just about one person, and if you’d prefer to read something light and fun, pass on this. It is not that.
Buses Are a Comin’: Memoir of a Freedom Rider by Charles Person. This book is exactly what the title says. The memoir from a man who was on the very first freedom ride. It is excellent, it is a must-read, and I cannot recommend it enough. The writing isn’t perfect, but it is worth it.
Hide In Place by Emilya Naymark. A perfectly fine, acceptable thriller. It feels like it could have been a little more developed in places, and it would make a good TV show given the nature of the varying plot points, but as far as a book goes, it was a decent way to pass the time.
Hell of a Book by Jason Mott. I don’t know a good way to describe this book. At its core, it’s about being Black in America. On its surface, it’s about publishing and money and sex and relationships and family and it’s all set during an author’s book tour (and concurrent emotional breakdown) with the news of a shooting constantly playing in the background. I liked it a lot, but it was weird at times.
Hell in the Heartland: Murder, Meth, and the Case of Two Missing Girls by Jax Miller. I saw this book at Barnes and Noble and remembered listening to a podcast episode about the case so I got the book from the library. It’s a fascinating case and the author definitely got way too absorbed in it (think Michelle McNamara) and she definitely overwriters at times BUT. I’m glad I read it. There are so many facets to what happened and while there are answers, there are so many more questions. That said, if you pick this up and find you can’t handle her writing (I almost DNF but kept going because the case is so interesting), let me know and I’ll recommend some podcast episodes instead.
TL; DR: Buses Are a Comin’ is my must-read for the month. If you like true crime, you’ll like Hell in the Heartland and the others are dependent entirely upon your taste and mood.
Currently reading: The Unseen World by Liz Moore.
Now it’s your turn! Link up and show us your books! Don’t forget to visit the on-vacation Steph and some other bloggers on the list for some excellent recommendations. And mark September 14 for the next one (it’s 5 weeks instead of 4).
Hide in Place sounds like quite a thriller and I see it is book number 1 in a series. I only read 2 books last month but I know what you mean – reading is for pleasure – when pressure is added it takes away alot of the joy!
Hide in Place and Hell in Heartland sound interesting. I need to get back into listening to podcasts. I got on listening sprees with them, and then stop for months before I even remember they’re a thing. Weird. I know.
Nadine recently posted…Books – August 2021
I’m going to have to read Buses Are A Comin’!
How did I miss World Book Lovers day?
“Only” 5 books but these sound like deep books which always take me longer.
I didn’t know you were Jewish (I am too), but I do agree that however many you read are enough!
Dara recently posted…10 Q&As About Life Long Learning
I have in the past viewed how many books I read like it was some sort of weird competition with no winner or prizes. 🙂 But since my reading mojo died, I celebrate a page read and pop champagne for an entire book completed! Buses are a Comin’ sounds really good, adding it to my TBR. I’m hoping with five whole weeks to read something before the next link-up that I might conquer TWO books, not that it’s a competition or anything. 🙂
Five books in a month is wonderful! I try not to worry too much about the number either, but it happens sometimes. LOL I have not read any of these so I appreciate the shares.
Buses Are A Comin’ sounds interesting.
OOh buses are a comin’ sounds like a good one. I havent read any of these.
OH i saw the buses are a comin’ in your instagram stories and instantly added it to my TBR
I’ve stopped putting pressure on myself to read so much too and just enjoy it as it comes.
Buses Are a Comin’ is definitely going on my TBR. I don’t know much about the Freedom Riders at all and I need to change that.
Do not feel guilty!
Definitely some varied choices! Hell in the Heartland sounds interesting, but also frustrating (based on books I’ve read with addiction stories/statistics in the past). Thanks for sharing and enjoy your month 🙂
Becki recently posted…Show Us Your Books – July 2021
Lately I’ve had months where I don’t even read one. *sigh* I’m very happy when I just get one good book read. Lol
Buses Are A Comin’ sounds like a great read!
Audrey recently posted…Infant Days: The Epilogue
Trying to cherry pick some of the linkup posts and this reminded me to request Buses are a comin’ from the library
Haven’t even heard of Buses Are A Comin but must check it out!!