This is a political rant. If that’s not your thing, I totally understand. And sorry for the intensity on a Monday. I recognize that it’s a bit much.
I know I’ve been awfully quiet around here the last few months. I could go into the reasons for it but really, they’re not important. With all the shit that’s swirling around thanks to the Orange Regime, I’d have almost nothing nice to say about anything, ever. I try to maintain a sense of humor when I can but quite frankly, it’s getting harder and harder to do.
Because I swear to god, if things keep going the way they have been, I’m pretty sure we’re a month away from tattooing numbers on people’s arms.
I don’t say that lightly, either.
For those who don’t know, I’m Jewish.
I grew up learning, in VERY GRAPHIC DETAIL, about the horrors inflicted on Jews at the concentration camps. I won’t and can’t even relay some of the stories to you guys. It’s too horrific. It’s one of the reasons I generally do not read books set in World War II. Anything written against the backdrop of the Holocaust is not entertainment to me. I don’t care how “inspirational” or whatever it might be, I’m not doing it.
I grew up learning, in VERY GRAPHIC DETAIL, about the raging anti-Semitism (yes, WordPress, it’s a real fucking word) in Russia (the USSR back then) and around the world. It never made any sense to me how people could hate just because they’re told to and it never made sense to me to harm and oppress people because they’re different.
It still doesn’t.
If I listed for you the ignorant comments made to me because people have never taken the time to learn about Judaism, your head would explode. In fact, just recently, a stranger told me I’m a unicorn (yup, that’s the word she used) because I’m Jewish. I get that she was trying to be funny and nice but NO. Don’t fucking say things like that. Do you know why I’m so hard to find? BECAUSE SOMEONE HAD 6 MILLION OF US MURDERED. That’s why.
If I seem angry, I am. Because how can I not be when I see history repeating itself in my own backyard? The travel ban, the separation policy, the KKK having free reign in our government and in our media, party over country, our “leader” forming alliances with dictators and shitting on our allies and calling for military parades in his honor, state-run TV and newspapers spreading his vicious hate policies and lies like they’re gospel, it’s the rise of Nazism all over again. And more and more people becoming so exhausted from the daily outrage caused by this administration that it’s hard not to become numb.
But now is not the time to be numb.
In 2016, when this fucking asshole was running for president, I remember people sharing posts about the warning signs of fascism. Well, guess what, folks? IT’S FUCKING HERE. It’s impossible to ignore now. And it has to go.
We, as a country, are better than this. The fact that hate has been allowed to rise up in this manner, that children are being ripped from their parents and punished for their parents’ choices (and OMG, is that another topic ripe for a rant), that domestic violence victims will not be granted asylum, that gay people can be denied a motherfucking cake…WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING? How have we gotten here?
I’ll tell you.
It’s the rotten stinking turd sitting in the White House and everyone around him who doesn’t tell him he stinks. It’s everyone who tells him he, in fact, smells like a delightful bouquet of flowers.
Like it or not, the man occupying that seat sets a tone for the country and the one he’s set is anger and racism and misogyny and hatred and lies and scapegoating. And anyone who feels even a fraction of that now feels empowered to say and do whatever they want, regardless of how repugnant it may be. Because that’s what the president does.
It’s their justification.
It’s time to vote these hateful, spiteful motherfuckers out of office. If you want, you can even say like Roger Dorn in Major League (you know, “Strike this motherfucker out!”). Give it some emphasis.
Strip their powers, tarnish their egos, and for the love of whatever you believe in, stop giving hate a platform. Removing them from office puts them back into private life and while they might have some influence, it’s nothing compared to what they can do when they cast a vote in an elected position.
So, please. Vote.
We need to make this administration a horrible footnote in our country’s history (I mean, even more than it’s doing for itself). Send a message that the separation policy is bullshit, their justifications are bullshit, and people are more important than party.
I guess if I’m going to say anything positive it’s that eventually, the Nazis were defeated. Right did defeat wrong, morality did defeat the immoral, and I cannot wait to see 45 go down in fucking flames.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Vote!
Unbelievable what is happening here.
Positive energy and love and healing and peace and lights and angels to all.
Vote! Vote!Vote!
Love, Steph’s Momma
It’s best not to have a war and lose 6 million people to hatred. I say we get the fuck rid these Nazi before they even get their day in court. (I can’t wrap my head around all the damage they’ve already done.)
Completely agree with everything you said. Those who know and saw what happened during the Holocaust have got to be nothing short of traumatized right now.
Audrey recently posted…Book Challenge by Erin 9.0 Selections
As an American citizen, I’m still allowed to vote. But, I haven’t. I’ve fallen to the “I live here, so is it really my place to vote?” Or “ does my one vote really matter?” Also, admittedly, laziness. I hadn’t looked into how to get absentee ballots.
That changes this week. I’m going to get online and figure out how/where to apply for absentee ballots. I have said all along that I will never give up my American citizenship. With that, I have a moral and ethically responsibility to vote.
All of this. I can’t handle the hate. These past 18 months have gotten me riled up and I’ve actually written letters and/or attempted Resistbot (still not sure I’m doing it correctly) that pre-2016 me wouldn’t have done.
1) Yes. I can’t write or even read that much about what is going on lately because it’s ALL SHIT ALL THE TIME. And I am super struggling with the idea of how to fight that hate without falling to hate and despair myself. But I have upped my contact with representatives about 1000% because it was literally zero before this administration, and best believe I will be voting whenever I can.
2) “Do you know why I’m so hard to find? BECAUSE SOMEONE HAD 6 MILLION OF US MURDERED. That’s why.”
That’s one of the most memorable and hard-hitting sentences I’ve ever read. Like, obviously I *know* about the Holocaust but seeing it put that way was a new slap in the face of that reality (and I mean that in a great way).
Him, everyone around him, everyone who didn’t stand up to him, and everyone who supported him.
SMD recently posted…It’s easier to step up onto the ledge if you have people behind you to catch you
Oh Jana. YES to everything. I am exhausted. I am numb. And I’m so damn tired and confused. How are people so hateful? To care so little? I hate how he and his ilk have exploited people’s stupid fears and are creating a world that I thought was in our past. I wasn’t naive enough to think was racism/hate had disappeared but it wasn’t celebrated. To see people okay with kids being separated from parents and put in cages. To see women’s rights being eroded and minority groups oppressed just depresses the hell out of me. Vote them out and make sure everyone remembers their silence and their place in the WRONG side of history.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…Onion Rings with Spicy Jalapeno Bacon Dip
Something I noticed after the election is that because I unfollowed/de-friended every shithead who supported Tr*mp & his abomination of a cabinet, I started to live in a fantasy world. I signed online and saw likeminded people who were intelligent, compassionate, accepting & knew right from wrong. Because this is all I’ve really seen for years, I forget HOW MANY PEOPLE agree with this man’s policies and abhorrent actions. I forget how many people still support this administration and its racist, FALSE, incompetent and downright TERRIFYING stances & policies. And then I get really, really fucking depressed.
Co-signing every little bit of this post, Jana. Well said. I am so fed up with this sh*t.