Here are a few things I love right now:
- Good Girls. Have you watched this? It’s darkly funny, full of female badassery, has Christina Hendricks and Retta and the guy who played Matt Saracen on FNL, and it’s on NBC so you don’t need Netflix or Amazon or anything special to find it.
- Boom Chicka Pop. Can’t stop, won’t stop eating it. The butter and cheddar cheese are my favorites.
- Pilot Mr. Grip pens. You know how a good pen is life changing? That’s what these are. Plus they’re refillable to props to not having to toss an empty pen.
- Hulu. I’ve recently learned that one of my all-time favorite shows, SouthLAnd is available on Hulu and I love that they took the plunge and added it.
- Thug Notes. One of only like 4 things I enjoy about Facebook. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a show hosted by Sparky Sweets, PhD discussing classic literature and it is glorious. And I just learned there’s a book so you know what my next book purchase will be.
- Death, Sex, and Money. It’s a podcast that covers the topics in the title and if any of those interest you, I highly recommend checking this one out. For me, it’s a nice balance to true crime and books.
- Libby. Since my library app is broken and the people in charge have no interest in fixing it, I’ve starting using eBooks more and Libby helps enable that. It’s a books app that’s exclusively for eBooks and, unlike other apps, is very specific about available copies, where you are on the waiting list, and how long your expected wait is. And you can put the books directly in the app on your phone.
- Vacation planning. Since my daughter’s cheer team didn’t qualify to go to Disney this year, the money saved can go towards a real vacation and planning vacations is almost as fun as actually going.
- The rats scattering. It’s no secret around here how much I hate, loathe, and despise our current administration but watching these fuckers run scared because they know their time is limited fills me with glee.
- This transformation picture of Lizzy. Left is on day one, right is the other night. One of these days I’ll get around to writing about what it’s like with a puppy mill survivor but for now, please just enjoy how fucking cute she is.
What are you loving right now?
I love Good Girls. The first 10 minutes had me hooked – especially Ruby’s daughter’s monologue about the man during her school presentation. I love that it’s female focused too.
Kati Rose recently posted…13 Underrated Comedies of the 2000s
I’ve heard about the Death, Sex, and Money podcast! I am going to have to subscribe!!
Lizzy is so freaking adorable. She looks so happy too! Sometimes the vacation planning is actually more fan than the vacation to me. 😀 I should check out Good Girls. And the rats cannot scatter fast enough for me.
Tanya @ A Mindful Migration recently posted…March Bookshelf: I Got No Catchy Title Month
Lizzy is the cutest!!! So sweet! I love Boom Chicka Pop too. It is a real problem and if not careful, I can eat an entire bag in one sitting.
Nadine recently posted…Friday Favorites
Oh my gosh, LIZZY! I fully enjoy how dang cute she is! Wowzer!! What a good girl!
I love planning for a vacation!! Yay!!
Audrey recently posted…Our Ohio Bucket List
We just got Hulu because it added on for cheap with our Spotify & I’m impressed at all the old shows on there.
Rebecca Jo recently posted…The weekend we ran into complications….
The approach of spring (e.g., the rhubarb starting to come up).
The sight of our vegetable starts going like gangbusters (can’t put them out until the end of May).
The longer days (we were driving home from the theater last night at 10:45 p.m. and there was still light in the sky).
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