And now we begin the basic of all basic posts…
I know that technically fall starts in a few weeks but since school is back in session (yay!), it’s fall in my book.
I didn’t used to love fall. As a kid, summer was the best for all the reasons you’d think–Sleep-away camp, no school, sleeping late when I wasn’t as camp, swimming all the time, reading all day long…fun, kid stuff. Also, back then, the heat didn’t bother me quite like it does now and I didn’t mind wearing shorts, either.
But now, as an adult, I much prefer the autumn months for so many reasons.
- Cooler weather. Look, I am all for embracing whatever it is you look like and wearing whatever you want but for me, I like to be covered up. Hoodies and yoga pants for this gal.
- Soups and casseroles and stews. A girl can only eat so many hot dogs and barbecued chicken before she hates them. Bring on the soups! Bring on the cheesy casseroles! I’m ready for a menu change.
- The colors. I adore fall colors. Summer ones are nice but the deep purples and reds and yellows of fall make me feel all cozy.
- Staying indoors is preferable. I am of the indoorsy kind (with some exceptions like the beach). Cooler weather means it’s acceptable and guilt free to binge watch Netflix on a Saturday instead of being outside, communing with nature and other people.
- Football. Not to watch, of course. But when the husband is watching it, I get hours of uninterrupted reading, cooking, and baking time. It’s relaxing and makes me feel productive.
- NO MOSQUITOES!! Die, you insufferable pests!
- Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday. No fall, no Thanksgiving.
- Turning off the AC and opening the windows. There is nothing like the feeling of fresh air circulating through your home and does anyone else sleep better when the windows are open? Also, no AC means lower electric bills and who doesn’t love saving a little money?
- More routine. Yes, the unstructuredness of summer is nice but I function better with a schedule. I have less anxiety, more productivity, and it’s all around easier to manage.
- Fall TV!! True, many of the shows I watch exist in 10 episode bursts but fall means some of them are giving me new episodes and there’s new one to try, too. Plus this fall has The Muppets so it’s basically the greatest fall of all time.
The windows our and clean, fresh air poring in is the best! Enjoy all you love about fall!
Love, Steph’s Momma
It really is the best, especially when you couple it with a fall scented candle or dinner cooking in the crockpot!
Oh man we are totally on the same wavelength with fall! I can’t wait to break out the crockpot and makes some stews which just seemed to hot or too heavy for summer. And fall TV FTW!
Tonya@Budget and the Beach recently posted…August Review/September Goals
I just want it all to get here already!!! No patience left for this hot weather.
Fall has always been my favorite holiday, even when I was a kid! Cooler weather and all the food 🙂
Mackenzie recently posted…A Meaningful Life
I think I should finish my coffee before typing. I meant Fall is my favorite season, not holiday. Oy…
Mackenzie recently posted…A Meaningful Life
Yes to ALL of these!! Especially the cooler weather and TV!
Amanda recently posted…Easy BreASy
Fall is my favorite time!!!! I am ready for cooler weather, football, pretty colors, pumpkin coffees, and TV!!!!!!!!!! I am so ready for my shows to come back. I miss all my tv friends. Oh and fall scents, give me all the fall scents.
Nadine recently posted…Weekend Shenanigans
OMG I had totally forgotten about The Muppets starting this Fall!! I love everything about Fall, it’s my favorite season ever and I don’t even care how basic that makes me. 🙂
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Tulsa Recap + Giveaway Winner!
i also love the fall but the fall means winter is right around the corner and that is one cruel bitch.
bring on soup and stew season!!
kathy @ more coffee, less talky recently posted…the one where i was totally wrong
I love being able to wear dresses with leggings & boots! And bring back Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate at Starbucks (I don’t get the craze with Pumpkin Spice Lattes). I also love fall colors and seeing the leaves change. So beautiful! It’s up there with seeing the cherry blossoms in full bloom. Bring on fall! Wish it wasn’t so dark, that’s all. I also hate changing my clock.
I think I’m the only weirdo who likes when it gets dark early. Daylight savings is confusing AF.
I am looking forward to turning my oven on again so Tyson can make delicious dinners. Who wants to turn the oven on when it’s 105?
Kelli recently posted…Sea La Vie – 8/28
I started to sweat just reading that sentence.
I agree with all of these! Fall is my absolute favorite time of year I cannot wait for the cooler weather, comfy clothes, and all of the baking!
I am glad to know I’m not the only one who finds fall clothes much more comfortable!
Yay, The Muppets!
I also like fall. I love pumpkin flavored things.
Amber recently posted…10 Things About You (In A Bag!)
I love the smell of pumpkin, not so much the taste but I love all the spiced apple stuff!
hahaha @ football. that is so true! i don’t watch it, and we obviously never do things on sundays because my husband is watching it.. so much reading time!
kristen recently posted…Autumn Goals
It’s the one benefit to football!
STOP TRYING TO MAKE FALL HAPPEN! Ha – I actually happen to LOVE the Fall for all the reasons you mentioned (uh, and my birthday is in October) but I’m a huge summer/beach/being tan fan and I’m sad that summer is quickly slipping through my fingers. So it’s not that I don’t want to get here; I’m just not ready to be in boots and sweaters just yet. I endure a horrendous commute for that beach in my backyard!
Ali A recently posted…#ROTD: Â Invisalign
Haha! You know, my husband’s birthday is in October and it’s totally not on the list. #terriblewife
YES! Fall is my favorite too. After having one of the hottest summers ever, I’m so ready for the cooler temps. It’s been sprinkling for the past few days and my mood is instantly happier, which is backwards, but not for PNW people. Haha! My productivity goes through the roof too. When it’s hot, I just want to lie around and read or watch tv. When I’m not sweating to death I actually get up and start tackling my to do list. I literally just took down the portable ACs and put comforters back on beds a few hours ago. 🙂
Christina recently posted…Cheers & Jeers
Fall is my absolute favorite because you don’t sweat as much, boots, and all the colors. I do love to bake so it being cool enough to turn on the oven again is pretty nice. All the reading and binge Netflix sessions are pretty nice too! 😉
Kerry recently posted…Birthday Hangover
The lack of sweat! YES!!
If I’m honest, I’m pretty sure hoodies and sweatshirts are my favorite articles of clothing. I eat cheesy casseroles year round. If I’m wrong, I don’t want to be right. Thanksgiving is my saddest day of the year living in Australia. Nothing compares to Thanksgiving back home.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Actress to play me in a movie
Hoodies are the best. The. Best.
November without Thanksgiving would destroy my soul. You should do it anyway, Australia or not. You live with their deadly creatures. They can eat delicious food.
I’ve tried some alternatives. One year, Neil made turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce all for me. Another year, we went to a restaurant that was hosting a Thanksgiving event. This year, I intend to go to one with a group that are former students from my university that have a connection with a chef at a pub here that is from NY (so, he knows what USA Thanksgiving should be). It’s just never the same, you know? Part of it is the family time…the football games…autumn.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…Stupid Pinterest Link Up
So true. Wtf did we do before the Internet and Google for crying out loud?
Although I do enjoy hoodies and yoga wear as my uniform, I cringe at the thought of another lovely winter that’s fast approaching.
I loooove fresh air and opening windows. That, I enjoy. 🙂
Lindsay recently posted…Weekend Recap
I dread winter. I should do a post on all the things I hate about winter. Since you’re in Canada, I’m sure you hate it even more.
it’s my favorite season, hands down! and yes, death to all mosquitos!
elle recently posted…August Beauty Faves Plus Ipsy
Mosquitoes serve no purpose. I would be totally fine in a world where they didn’t exist.
I prefer being outside in the fall. Everything has a glow, and I’ve appreciated this cooler type of sunshine since I was in elementary school.
Of course, everyone knows that fall wasn’t really a thing until Starbucks invented it, right?
Kristin recently posted…Not me
Starbucks invented everything!!!
I’m much happier outside in the fall as well for many reasons including being able to stay outside longer without feeling like I’m going to melt.
Most of these make my list too – open windows, more clothes/comfort in clothes, reading while husbands are doing fall-related activities (mummery for me on Sundays), colors, menu change. I like being outside a lot but prefer it in the fall over the summer – no sweltering/mosquitos and more clothes.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Just the facts, ma’am. The birthday facts.
Fall is my favorite! It’s funny because we don’t really have a fall in AZ but I still like to pretend. I appreciate cooler weather ( 80 instead of 100), pumpkin bread, scary movies in preparation for my favorite holiday HALLOWEEN and my two favorite tv shows, AHS and Walking Dead.
Athena recently posted…Don’t Let Anyone Define You
You can pretend all you want even if 80 is still hot. Pumpkin bread! All the yums!
A few years ago I would have never believed I’d look forward to the end of summer so much. But as I get older I’m just tired of sweating to death all the time, feeling sticky and gross. Summer is great for the freedom and the beach and all that, but fall is just so damn beautiful. And so flavorful. And there are so many more things you can do when you don’t melt or freeze the second you leave the house. Cool fall breezes are my lifeblood. Cheers to fall!
alyssa recently posted…Big Day
Fall is my favorite time of year as well. When I was younger, I loved winter (mostly due to Christmas and the always exciting snow days). Now that I’m an adult and have to drive to work in shitty weather, I don’t love winter quite as much.
I’m definitely a “covered up” kind of person. I would never consider myself “modest,” but I feel most confident and attractive in sweaters and boots.
I’m also an indoorsy person, but I love that I can actually go outside in the fall without worrying about tons of bugs or feeling like I’ll die of heat exhaustion.
Oh, and I laughed at #5 because that’s my life. Eric can literally spend an entire Saturday watching every college football game on TV, and I’m like, “Yay! Now I can read/write/watch something he’d hate on Netflix in peace!”
I’ll admit that I have to care about football at least a little, though, since I play Fantasy Football. I don’t know much about football, so I usually lose my matchups (okay, and I also forget to set my lineup about 30% of the time) … But it’s actually kind of fun. I like that I’m learning about something he cares so much about.
Kristen recently posted…Monthly Goals: August Results