This is the last interview in the bookworm series. I know. It’s sad. But it had to come to an end at some point to quote the most 90s bar song that ever was even though the quote isn’t theirs originally, every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end, this is actually not too sad of an ending since I have a new feature starting next Tuesday. It’s called Judging Covers. It involves my husband. I assure you you’ll like it. It won’t be an every week thing, like the interviews, maybe just once or twice a month.
But today’s interview. It’s with my friend Miranda who blogs in a whole bunch of places (seriously. You can check out her resume on her personal site. She wrote a book, too!). I’ve met her and spent time with her a number of times and she’s really fun and great and I’m glad you guys will have a chance to get to know her a little bit. So, without further ado, let’s talk books with Miranda:
Jana: Why do you enjoy reading?
Miranda: I love the feeling of escape. I can leave the “real” world behind and go somewhere new and exciting. Plus, I often feel as though I’m meeting new people and making friends with the characters. It’s always interesting to see myself in a character.
Jana: How do you decide what to read?
Miranda: I decide based on mood. There are even times I’ll read something I hate, just because I’m in the mood for something stupid, or I’m frustrated.
Jana: Who are some of your favorite authors and/or genres?
Miranda: I love the sci-fi/fantasy genre. I love the unreality and the fact that complex worlds can emerge from imagination. I especially enjoy Isaac Asimov and Joe Abercrombie. I’m also fond of Jane Austen and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Jana: What’s your favorite book or a book you always recommend?
Miranda: I can’t choose just one! And I often recommend based on the person’s preferences. The latest recommendation I made was to my son. I encouraged him to read Dune. So far he really likes it.
Jana: Do you watch movie adaptations of books? What do you think of them?
Miranda: It’s fun to watch movie adaptations. I like to compare differences. However, I stopped trying to see them as the same thing ages ago. Books will never translate perfectly to movies, and I separate the two media. I think a movie adaptation can be good, even if it isn’t true to the source material. I might compare the differences, but I don’t get hung up on them.
Jana: Ebooks, paper books, audiobooks, or a combination? Why?
Miranda: Combination of ebooks and paper books. However, I’m leaning more toward ebooks these days for new additions to my collection. It takes up less space, and I love that I can switch to something else if I want. Plus, my Kindle can come with me everywhere. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, I can access an entire library. I never do audiobooks, though. For some reason, the reading aloud annoys me. It slows me down. I just don’t enjoy it. 

Jana: Do you use the library or buy books?
Miranda: I keep a current library card, and often “try” new things at the library before deciding whether to buy it. I’ve also subscribed to Kindle Unlimited, so that offers some options that I don’t have to pay for individually. However, if I like something well enough, I’ll usually buy the Kindle version to keep.
Jana: Does it offend you when people call you a bookworm or book nerd? Why or why not?
Miranda: No one’s called me that to my face. But I don’t think it would offend me — because that’s what I am!
Jana: How do you find time to read?
Miranda: I make the time to read. I love reading, and it’s an important part of my daily routine. If I have to choose between watching a movie and reading, I’ll choose reading almost every time. There are times that I just neglect everything and read, if the book is really interesting.
Jana: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to people who say they don’t enjoy reading or don’t have time to read?
Miranda: There’s something for everyone. From graphic novels to short stories to finding a genre you like, look for something to read. My ex-husband doesn’t like reading as a rule, but he enjoys reading about sports, so we always got the newspaper so he could read that. Figure out what you’re interested in, and start there. 

Reading for escape can be so awesome, I do that in the winter time. 🙂
Kelli recently posted…Times They Are A Changin’
My husband isn’t much of a reader either. Sometimes it sucks that I can’t discuss books with him but I’m also not into some things he enjoys. I like how she says that meeting new characters is like making a new friend! Love that!
Karen recently posted…#TWSS // A Carrie Bradshaw Quote
It really is a true escape and I also love it for that.
I’ll miss the bookworm series but look forward to Judging Covers! Mostly because I like judging things in a snarky way and hope it will involve a little of that.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Living just enough, just enough for the city
Ohhhh can’t wait to see what your new series is about!!!!
I read based on mood as well. Right now I am not feeling my book but I am too far in to want to do anything about changing it because I do want to read it.
Nadine recently posted…Before We Were Strangers
I agree that if you got into a movie adaptation of a book as just another movie, you can enjoy it more than comparing it word by word to the book. Though, it’s easier said than done ;).
lisacng @ recently posted…Best & worst of vacation
LOVED her interview, and her reasons for loving reading. Nice to “meet” her 🙂
elle recently posted…The Biggest Social Media Mistake You’re Making (And How to Fix It)
Aw, I’m sad the interview series is ending but looking forward to the next one! Also, having a cup of tea with Satan…so funny!
Gwen recently posted…Batting My Lashes
Reading is such an escape. I don’t understand people who don’t read.
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