So this week’s interview is a day late instead of a day early but if anyone can understand a glitch in a schedule it’s this week’s interviewee, my good friend of many, many years, Jenniemarie who blogs about faith, parenthood, and whatever else is on her mind at Another Housewife. Fun fact: I’ve known her for roughly 7 years and we’ve never met in person. But that should change in June and I cannot wait.
Anyway, you came here for the books not the rest of my blabbering. So here you go:
Jana: Why do you enjoy reading?
Jenniemarie: I started reading as an escape from my dysfunctional life as soon as I started school. Reading allows my mind to get lost in another world or gain knowledge my world then and now may not have otherwise discovered.
Jana: How do you decide what to read?
Jenniemarie: Every which way I can. Friends, blogs, etc. Although recently my favorite books have come from our libraries display of suggested reads. Whoever is in charge of selecting those books is my hero.
Jana: Who are some of your favorite authors and/or genres?
Jenniemarie: I like to consider myself an eclectic reader but I do have an insane addiction to memoirs and favor non-fiction. I will read anything Lysa Terkkeurst writes and I am currently a Jen Hatmaker stalker. 

Jana: What’s your favorite book or a book you always recommend?
Jenniemarie: I am currently on the launch team for Jen Hatmaker’s new book For The Love coming out in August so I have been recommending that like crazy BUT I have read it several times over and I will be handing it out to all of my friends regardless of my obligation. My favorite marriage book of all time is For Women Only and my favorite recent fiction reads are The Girl on the Train and Eleanor and Park.
Jana: Do you watch movie adaptations of books? What do you think of them?
Jenniemarie: If I really enjoyed the book I will watch the movie. I want to see how the directors interpretation differs from mine. I never have a high expectation of the movie because the book is always, always better. Now that my daughter is 13 we pass YA books between each other. I love being able to talk about the book and then watch the movie and discuss the differences.
Jana: Ebooks, paper books, audiobooks, or a combination? Why?
Jenniemarie: Paper books. I love books. I love the smell, the feel and the physicality of holding the book I am reading. That and I am challenged by technology and do not own anything more sophisticated than an iPhone and a 6 year old HP Laptop.
Jana: Do you use the library or buy books?
Jenniemarie: I abuse our library. My daughter and I are giddy about our library being less than a mile away from our new house! My bank account is the only thing that holds me back from buying all the books. I tend to buy books I know I will highlight the heck out of and/or need to teach my class.
Jana: Does it offend you when people call you a bookworm or book nerd? Why or why not?
Jenniemarie: No. It’s a badge of honor. I see it as a compliment and smile.
Jana: How do you find time to read?
Jenniemarie: I make it a priority. I read 9 books in June while working a part-time job with three kids home all day on Summer Break and packing a ginormous house we have lived in for 6 years. I always, always have a book with me.
Jana: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to people who say they don’t enjoy reading or don’t have time to read?
Jenniemarie: I would say keep trying. I bet they just haven’t found the right genre/author for them. Challenge yourself to a chapter a day. If a book is good enough you will soon be reading more than that chapter. I think some people just enjoy reading more than others, like runners. It’s okay. I guess.
I also always have a book with me. I panic if I don’t. It feels the same as if I forgot my wallet.
Fellow library abuser here!
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…Yo quiero taco cup
I have been known to turn around if I drive away without a book. Books are like my security blanket. Ha!
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Bucked Off My High Horse
Yayyy another paper book lover, I feel like such a weirdo when I tell people I don’t even own an e-reader.
Kelli recently posted…Walking Down Memory Lane
Weirdos unite! People freak out all the time when they find out I don’t own any electronic gadgets aside from my laptap and iPhone.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Bucked Off My High Horse
I LOVE the library! For Women Only is so good, I haven’t finished it yet but what I have read I have really enjoyed! I also love real books, I will sometimes read ebooks if it’s easier to get the book that way, but I prefer paper books! Nice to “meet” you Jenniemarie! 🙂
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Happy Anniversary to My Love!
Nice to “meet” you too. Shaunti Feldhahn the author of For Women Only spoke at our church last Sunday! I read the book 10 years ago and it was like a gut punch of truth I needed to read.
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Bucked Off My High Horse
badge of honor – love it! i’ll need to check out for women only.
kristen recently posted…Rome Favourites; what we enjoyed doing & eating
Thanks! There is a whole series (For Men, parents, teens – Only) too!
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Bucked Off My High Horse
I have had Eleanor and Park on my to read list forever now and I really need to get on that! I will have to look in to For Women Only.
Nadine recently posted…Confessions – Chicks Dig Scars
Eleanor and Park deserves to be bumped up on that list 😉
Jenniemarie @ Another Housewife recently posted…Bucked Off My High Horse
I love how the reader adoration is shared with Jennmarie and her daughter. What a great hobby to share together…and a great influence her love of reading has had on her daughter.
Erin of TexErin-in-SydneyLand recently posted…No honeymoon, still married
I was just at the library today. I love it!
Amber recently posted…Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Back To School Gifts?!
I actually don’t use the library that much mainly because I don’t have time. It sucks because I really loved it when I did have time – even worked at one during a college break.
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