And the series continues! Today’s interview is with Kristen from See You in a Porridge. If you want, you can read my interview with myself and with Steph from Life According to Steph when you’re done with Kristen’s. A full archive will be available shortly.
Hi Jana Says readers! I’m Kristen and I blog about expat life, cats, running, and all sorts of random stuff at See You In A Porridge. I also talk a lot about books because they are my oldest friend and one true love (ahem, sorry husband). I was so happy to participate in Jana’s series because who doesn’t love to talk about books?!
Jana: Why do you enjoy reading?
Kristen: Such a hard question! I love books, always have. I even wrote a letter to books (Jana’s note: her letter to books is amazing. Definitely take the time to read it). It’s so hard to narrow it down though – I love reading because I can escape to a different world, be a different person, experience new things. I don’t dislike my life, far from it, but I love that I can live several different lives just by reading.
Jana: How do you decide what to read?
Kristen: Now that I use goodreads regularly, I just hop on my ‘to read’ list and pick a book. Normally I have an idea of what I want to read next and it’s already waiting for me, other times I fish around until something jumps out at me. Before goodreads, I would wander the library or amazon until I found something. I rely heavily on recommendations, especially from bloggers who love reading as much as I do!
Jana: Who are some of your favorite authors and/or genres?
Kristen: I don’t really have a favourite author, I love Jane Austen but I couldn’t read her books every day for the rest of my life. I like variety. I love a little romance in whatever I’m reading, and I don’t mean the harlequin kind (though I’m not opposed to that either). I like YA, historical fiction, classics, and fantasy, to name a few. I just like a good story with a character I can relate to. I like to feel when I read. Whether I laugh, cry or get angry, I just want to feel.
Jana: What’s your favorite book or a book you always recommend?
Kristen: Pride & Prejudice is my favourite book of all time, though I wouldn’t always recommend it. I do recommend The Book Thief to anyone who will listen though.
Jana: The Book Thief is an excellent choice.
Jana: Do you watch movie adaptations of books? What do you think of them?
Kristen: Yes. Most of the time. If I enjoyed the book, I’ll watch the movie. I always try to read the book first, if I’m aware of it of course. It’s almost always better. Though, typically the movie leaves something out and I feel like I know something that the rest of the audience doesn’t know, and I don’t mind that feeling.
Jana: Ebooks, paper books, audiobooks, or a combination? Why?
Kristen: All three! I love audiobooks. I started listening to them when my work commute was 2+ hours every day. Now I listen to them when I drive or run. I love my kindle because I can hold so many books at once and it’s great for travelling and whatnot. I don’t want to fill my house with books I didn’t love, so I like that I can ‘try before I buy’ or ‘buy the book that takes up zero space before I buy the paperback and it takes up room on my bookshelf’. But nothing beats a real book, in my opinion. I’m almost always in ‘the middle’ of a real book, an ebook and an audiobook.
Jana: Do you use the library or buy books?
Kristen: I use the library mostly because I don’t want to regret buying a book. I use other sources as well, but generally I get most of my books for free or cheap (such as Netgalley or subscriptions like Kindle Unlimited or Oyster). If I love a book, I’ll buy it. If I’m 99% sure I will love a book (based on the author or other recommendations) I’ll buy it. If it’s cheap or has a pretty cover, chances are I’ll buy it.
Jana: Does it offend you when people call you a bookworm or book nerd? Why or why not?
Kristen: It used to, when I was younger. No-one else liked to read and they made fun of me. I would hide in the library at recess and lunch. But it doesn’t bother me anymore. There are plenty of things other people do that I don’t enjoy and would never do, and I don’t judge them for it. I know some people view it as a negative thing, like I’m lame for reading so much or wanting to stay in on a Friday night when they want to go out. But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten better at ignoring what other people think and making myself happy. Reading makes me happy.
Jana: How do you find time to read?
Kristen: I make time. Reading is important to me; it makes me happy and keeps me sane. Just like people say you have time to exercise, you have time to read or watch TV or sew. If you want to do something, you can and will make time for it. That being said, I choose reading over other activities. I don’t really watch TV. I don’t go out; I don’t have a lot of hobbies. I don’t mind though, I do what makes me happy. I always have a book in my bag, I read at lunch and I read in the bath. If I’m sitting still and not otherwise occupied, I have a book in my hand.
Jana: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to people who say they don’t enjoy reading or don’t have time to read?
Kristen: If people don’t enjoy reading, I believe they haven’t found the right book. You don’t have to read what everyone else is reading. As for time, everyone has the time; it’s just about making the time. Everyone has 5 minutes, everyone has an activity they can swap out for reading, everyone goes to the bathroom and you can read in there. Listen to audiobooks on your drive, while you run or while you clean. Read for 5 minutes before bed. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. If you really want to read, you will find the time. If you really don’t, there is nothing wrong with that
i have the book thief in the queue.
i don’t care who makes fun of me when i’m into a book. i once left a jumping club to go home and read Interview with a Vampire. I remember telling my friend at 11pm “i’m going home” and when she asked why and i told her “i really want to know what happens in Interview with a Vampire”, she looked at me like i had 3 heads LOL
kathy @ real talk recently posted…how to give shitty customer service…and lose me as a customer forever
HAHAHAHA! I love that story.
thanks so much for having me Jana 🙂 this was such a fun thing to answer!!
Kristen recently posted…My ‘oh shit, Europe is less than 3 weeks away and my jeans still don’t fit’ post.
Thanks for participating! I loved your answers!
Fine, I am putting Book Thief on the list to read. What would we do without Goodreads to keep track of our list? And ummm….I didn’t know you liked Jane Austen . JK 🙂 I love this series, Jana!
Nadine recently posted…Memorial Day Weekend Shenanigans
Goodreads is the best thing to happen to my reading list ever. And definitely add The Book Thief!
Yay Kristen!! 🙂 I need to read The Book Thief, I have heard it’s amazing from so many people! I totally agree that reading is a wonderful escape!
Julia @ Grace Makes New recently posted…Weekend Recap: Memorial Day Weekend
It really is an amazing book. It’s long so it looks intimidating but it really isn’t. Worth the read.
loved it and love her. currently listening to a book as i type this! recently posted…My Fave ULTA Collection Deals–Love Your Hair Event
I really want to try an audiobook but I’m afraid I’ll wind up tuning it out and miss the story.
I love all of her answers, but specifically the answer about authors/genres. I love a mix and bounce around a lot too. That described it really well.
SMD @ Life According to Steph recently posted…TWTW – Memorial Day
Yes! I loved that answer, too.
aw thanks you guys! glad you agree.
Kristen recently posted…(practice) packing for Europe: 25 items = 50+ outfits
I love reading. I mainly get books from the library because I’ve run out of space for any books in the house. Oops.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
Hahaha. That’s exactly why I get books from the library. I’m confident my family would be annoyed if our furniture was simply stacks of books.
Okay I guess I really need to read The Book Thief…
Also, I love that our answers for the last two are basically the same haha. Loved your answers! And Jana, I love this series!
Yes! You need to read it!
Aw, thanks 🙂 I’m looking forward to continuing it!
Such great answers. I haven’t read the Book Thief I’ll have to add it to my list.
Kerry recently posted…Memorial Day Weekend
I agree with everything you said, Kristen :). Gotta make time for reading and if you don’t want to, that’s ok. Gosh, I never thought about “what if I don’t like the book” after I bought it. I see buying a book as by-passing the waiting (and waiting and waiting) I’d have to do if put on a library hold list. I see buying a book as a convenience, not as an investment in something. Interesting…
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